We All Know Biden Is Not in Charge; So, Who Is Really Running the Country? The Answer Will Shock You

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Townhall.com ^ | October 9, 2021 | Wayne Allyn Root

I've given dozens of speeches across America in the past month -- in front of conservative crowds, business leaders, patriots and Christians. I've told all of them my opinion that resident Joe Biden is a brain-dead zombie puppet, incapable of knowing the difference between his wife and sister. I'm certain his wife Jill feeds him baby food in the White House basement -- in a mask.

He should be in a 24/7 care nursing home, not the presidency.

He should be wearing a sign around his neck saying, "Hi, I'm Joe. If I get lost, please call my mommy Jill to come get me at 800-WHITE-HOUSE."

Biden is not running America. Check out poor Joe's press conferences. As soon as his empty mind starts to wander, or the press asks him any question more difficult than, "What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?" someone cuts off his microphone. Who? Who makes that decision? Who gives that order?

Find that guy or group. Because they are clearly more powerful than the president of the United States. That guy or group is running our country.

Joe doesn't know what he's saying. He doesn't know what he's signing. He's a puppet. He's a wooden dummy.

But the real question is: Who is the ventriloquist?

This is clearly a communist takeover of the United States. Who is carrying it out? Who is the real power behind the throne? Who is speaking and moving the lips when Biden's mouth opens?

Here is my answer. I believe these are the three evil groups running the show.

No. 1: Former President Barack 0bama is back for his third term, to finish the job he started -- the destruction of America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and the great American middle class.

No. 2: But make no mistake, 0bama isn't the boss, either. Evil billionaire George Soros is giving 0bama his marching orders. In the end, money talks. Soros has all the money in the world, along with a burning passion to destroy America. Obama takes his marching orders from Soros. 0bama is Soros' little b---.

Then we come to the real power behind the throne. The boss of bosses. The capo di tutti. China and the Chinese Communist Party. Everyone is taking orders from China and the CCP. China bribes all the politicians in America and around the world with billions in offshore bank accounts. China owns Biden and his family. China owns virtually the entire leadership of the Democratic Party -- and quite a few establishment RINO Republicans, too.

It's easy to see China is the top dog. You'd have to be blind, deaf or really dumb to not see that. Everything happening in Biden's first 10 months in office just happens to weaken and divide America while benefiting China:

Open borders -- Biden is inviting millions of poverty-stricken, diseased refugees into our country; COVID-19 lockdowns; mask mandates; vaccine mandates; massive inflation; the highest energy prices in years; massive job losses (see Friday's jobs report disaster); the idiotic, disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan; massive welfare payments to Americans for not working; bankrupting America with obscene spending plans; raising the debt ceiling; proposed tax rates higher than communist China; using the FBI, Justice Department, mainstream media and social media to dispense propaganda and oppress, ban and censor opposing viewpoints; rooting patriots and warriors out of the military and replacing them with brainwashed communists and transgender people; defunding the police; brainwashing our children with critical race theory; and using the FBI to arrest and intimidate parents speaking out at local school board meetings.

We are being hit from a thousand directions. It's all about weakening and destroying America while giving the advantage to China and the CCP.

And it's all right out of the communist playbook -- a combination of the Cloward-Piven strategy I learned at Columbia University (alongside my classmate Obama) and "Rules for Radicals," written by Saul Alinsky and dedicated to Lucifer (the devil).

I explain this evil conspiracy in detail in my new national No. 1 bestseller, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book."

But what matters now is how we respond. I believe the only answer is to fight fire with fire. No more playing nice. No more turning the other cheek.

In my new book, I make the case for why we must model Martin Luther King Jr. It's time for protests, boycotts, strikes, intimidation and civil disobedience. No more Silent Majority. We must become the LOUD, in-your-face majority. We must become battle-hardened warriors.

We are fighting a conspiracy involving three of the most powerful evil entities in America's history -- Obama, Soros and the Chinese Communist Party. We must fight like our lives and freedom depend on it ...

Because they do.


WHO CARES?... Apparently no one that is a patriot and willing to give up their life, their freedom and whatever small fortune they may have acquired



Instead of Russia, who would have thought it would be China when said 60+ years ago!
China is not the end all. Sorry they simply get their orders from others too. The moment the banksters threaten to cut off their funds they do whatever they are told too. Look deeper.
In my new book, I make the case for why we must model Martin Luther King Jr. It's time for protests, boycotts, strikes, intimidation and civil disobedience. No more Silent Majority. We must become the LOUD, in-your-face majority. We must become battle-hardened warriors.
ok, so what would be our target issue Purge?

yeah, even China can't escape those f*ckers.....~S~
Yup, and that ole whore of Babylon setting on seven hills.

Some of that can be seen manifesting in the flesh too. Such desperation to be involved in having power in communist China they seem to have no problem burning down the west to get their dirty little feet in there and besides those pesky Protestants, Baptist and those "evil evangelicals" are a pain in the Vatican and the bankers azz.

The Vatican also owns nice stakes in big pharma too.
commie popeness.PNG
Yup, and that ole whore of Babylon setting on seven hills.

Some of that can be seen manifesting in the flesh too. Such desperation to be involved in having power in communist China they seem to have no problem burning down the west to get their dirty little feet in there and besides those pesky Protestants, Baptist and those "evil evangelicals" are a pain in the Vatican and the bankers azz.

The Vatican also owns nice stakes in big pharma too.
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The seven hills are in Jerusalem, idiot.. Babylon never had any relationship with Rome.
Townhall.com ^ | October 9, 2021 | Wayne Allyn Root

I've given dozens of speeches across America in the past month -- in front of conservative crowds, business leaders, patriots and Christians. I've told all of them my opinion that resident Joe Biden is a brain-dead zombie puppet, incapable of knowing the difference between his wife and sister. I'm certain his wife Jill feeds him baby food in the White House basement -- in a mask.

He should be in a 24/7 care nursing home, not the presidency.

He should be wearing a sign around his neck saying, "Hi, I'm Joe. If I get lost, please call my mommy Jill to come get me at 800-WHITE-HOUSE."

Biden is not running America. Check out poor Joe's press conferences. As soon as his empty mind starts to wander, or the press asks him any question more difficult than, "What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?" someone cuts off his microphone. Who? Who makes that decision? Who gives that order?

Find that guy or group. Because they are clearly more powerful than the president of the United States. That guy or group is running our country.

Joe doesn't know what he's saying. He doesn't know what he's signing. He's a puppet. He's a wooden dummy.

But the real question is: Who is the ventriloquist?

This is clearly a communist takeover of the United States. Who is carrying it out? Who is the real power behind the throne? Who is speaking and moving the lips when Biden's mouth opens?

Here is my answer. I believe these are the three evil groups running the show.

No. 1: Former President Barack 0bama is back for his third term, to finish the job he started -- the destruction of America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and the great American middle class.

No. 2: But make no mistake, 0bama isn't the boss, either. Evil billionaire George Soros is giving 0bama his marching orders. In the end, money talks. Soros has all the money in the world, along with a burning passion to destroy America. Obama takes his marching orders from Soros. 0bama is Soros' little b---.

Then we come to the real power behind the throne. The boss of bosses. The capo di tutti. China and the Chinese Communist Party. Everyone is taking orders from China and the CCP. China bribes all the politicians in America and around the world with billions in offshore bank accounts. China owns Biden and his family. China owns virtually the entire leadership of the Democratic Party -- and quite a few establishment RINO Republicans, too.

It's easy to see China is the top dog. You'd have to be blind, deaf or really dumb to not see that. Everything happening in Biden's first 10 months in office just happens to weaken and divide America while benefiting China:

Open borders -- Biden is inviting millions of poverty-stricken, diseased refugees into our country; COVID-19 lockdowns; mask mandates; vaccine mandates; massive inflation; the highest energy prices in years; massive job losses (see Friday's jobs report disaster); the idiotic, disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan; massive welfare payments to Americans for not working; bankrupting America with obscene spending plans; raising the debt ceiling; proposed tax rates higher than communist China; using the FBI, Justice Department, mainstream media and social media to dispense propaganda and oppress, ban and censor opposing viewpoints; rooting patriots and warriors out of the military and replacing them with brainwashed communists and transgender people; defunding the police; brainwashing our children with critical race theory; and using the FBI to arrest and intimidate parents speaking out at local school board meetings.

We are being hit from a thousand directions. It's all about weakening and destroying America while giving the advantage to China and the CCP.

And it's all right out of the communist playbook -- a combination of the Cloward-Piven strategy I learned at Columbia University (alongside my classmate Obama) and "Rules for Radicals," written by Saul Alinsky and dedicated to Lucifer (the devil).

I explain this evil conspiracy in detail in my new national No. 1 bestseller, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book."

But what matters now is how we respond. I believe the only answer is to fight fire with fire. No more playing nice. No more turning the other cheek.

In my new book, I make the case for why we must model Martin Luther King Jr. It's time for protests, boycotts, strikes, intimidation and civil disobedience. No more Silent Majority. We must become the LOUD, in-your-face majority. We must become battle-hardened warriors.

We are fighting a conspiracy involving three of the most powerful evil entities in America's history -- Obama, Soros and the Chinese Communist Party. We must fight like our lives and freedom depend on it ...

Because they do.


WHO CARES?... Apparently no one that is a patriot and willing to give up their life, their freedom and whatever small fortune they may have acquired



Instead of Russia, who would have thought it would be China when said 60+ years ago!

President Biden--yes YOUR PRESIDENT BIDEN-- is still in charge

Yup, and that ole whore of Babylon setting on seven hills.

Some of that can be seen manifesting in the flesh too. Such desperation to be involved in having power in communist China they seem to have no problem burning down the west to get their dirty little feet in there and besides those pesky Protestants, Baptist and those "evil evangelicals" are a pain in the Vatican and the bankers azz.

The Vatican also owns nice stakes in big pharma too.
View attachment 549514
I should not have left out the Mormons as they have a roll in that same desire and are heavily invested too.

List (not complete) of those Obama fired above.

Quote from link:
-Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely:The White House protects their own.That's why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, Benghazi and Obamacare.He's intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.

-Retired Army Major General Patrick Brady: There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him.
-Retired Army Lt. General William G. Jerry Boykin:Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause.

-Retired Navy Captain Joseph John:I believe there are more than 137 officers who have been forced out or given bad evaluation reports so they will never make Flag (officer), because of their failure to comply to certain views.

A Pentagon official who asked to remain nameless because they were not authorized to speak on the matter said even young officers, down through the ranks have been told not to talk about Obama or the politics of the White House. They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job just keep your mouth shut. Now this trend appears to be accelerating.

General Vallely's comment:
Absolutely every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they got in power. I am surprised this communist traitor with his feet up on our furniture in the white house hasn't done this until now!
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I think Biden is in charge, he and his executive staff. I don't think he's senile; he sure doesn't sound like he is.

That's just partisan ageism.
Townhall.com ^ | October 9, 2021 | Wayne Allyn Root

I've given dozens of speeches across America in the past month -- in front of conservative crowds, business leaders, patriots and Christians. I've told all of them my opinion that resident Joe Biden is a brain-dead zombie puppet, incapable of knowing the difference between his wife and sister. I'm certain his wife Jill feeds him baby food in the White House basement -- in a mask.

He should be in a 24/7 care nursing home, not the presidency.

He should be wearing a sign around his neck saying, "Hi, I'm Joe. If I get lost, please call my mommy Jill to come get me at 800-WHITE-HOUSE."

Biden is not running America. Check out poor Joe's press conferences. As soon as his empty mind starts to wander, or the press asks him any question more difficult than, "What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?" someone cuts off his microphone. Who? Who makes that decision? Who gives that order?

Find that guy or group. Because they are clearly more powerful than the president of the United States. That guy or group is running our country.

Joe doesn't know what he's saying. He doesn't know what he's signing. He's a puppet. He's a wooden dummy.

But the real question is: Who is the ventriloquist?

This is clearly a communist takeover of the United States. Who is carrying it out? Who is the real power behind the throne? Who is speaking and moving the lips when Biden's mouth opens?

Here is my answer. I believe these are the three evil groups running the show.

No. 1: Former President Barack 0bama is back for his third term, to finish the job he started -- the destruction of America, American exceptionalism, capitalism and the great American middle class.

No. 2: But make no mistake, 0bama isn't the boss, either. Evil billionaire George Soros is giving 0bama his marching orders. In the end, money talks. Soros has all the money in the world, along with a burning passion to destroy America. Obama takes his marching orders from Soros. 0bama is Soros' little b---.

Then we come to the real power behind the throne. The boss of bosses. The capo di tutti. China and the Chinese Communist Party. Everyone is taking orders from China and the CCP. China bribes all the politicians in America and around the world with billions in offshore bank accounts. China owns Biden and his family. China owns virtually the entire leadership of the Democratic Party -- and quite a few establishment RINO Republicans, too.

It's easy to see China is the top dog. You'd have to be blind, deaf or really dumb to not see that. Everything happening in Biden's first 10 months in office just happens to weaken and divide America while benefiting China:

Open borders -- Biden is inviting millions of poverty-stricken, diseased refugees into our country; COVID-19 lockdowns; mask mandates; vaccine mandates; massive inflation; the highest energy prices in years; massive job losses (see Friday's jobs report disaster); the idiotic, disgraceful withdrawal from Afghanistan; massive welfare payments to Americans for not working; bankrupting America with obscene spending plans; raising the debt ceiling; proposed tax rates higher than communist China; using the FBI, Justice Department, mainstream media and social media to dispense propaganda and oppress, ban and censor opposing viewpoints; rooting patriots and warriors out of the military and replacing them with brainwashed communists and transgender people; defunding the police; brainwashing our children with critical race theory; and using the FBI to arrest and intimidate parents speaking out at local school board meetings.

We are being hit from a thousand directions. It's all about weakening and destroying America while giving the advantage to China and the CCP.

And it's all right out of the communist playbook -- a combination of the Cloward-Piven strategy I learned at Columbia University (alongside my classmate Obama) and "Rules for Radicals," written by Saul Alinsky and dedicated to Lucifer (the devil).

I explain this evil conspiracy in detail in my new national No. 1 bestseller, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book."

But what matters now is how we respond. I believe the only answer is to fight fire with fire. No more playing nice. No more turning the other cheek.

In my new book, I make the case for why we must model Martin Luther King Jr. It's time for protests, boycotts, strikes, intimidation and civil disobedience. No more Silent Majority. We must become the LOUD, in-your-face majority. We must become battle-hardened warriors.

We are fighting a conspiracy involving three of the most powerful evil entities in America's history -- Obama, Soros and the Chinese Communist Party. We must fight like our lives and freedom depend on it ...

Because they do.


WHO CARES?... Apparently no one that is a patriot and willing to give up their life, their freedom and whatever small fortune they may have acquired



Instead of Russia, who would have thought it would be China when said 60+ years ago!
The whole Democratic Party is Soros' bitch.

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