Think trump is gonna get the libertarian vote?

Libertarians will naturally favor Trump over any Democrat but a lot of them will vote for their own obscure guy that doesn't have a chance. They should understand that by voting for a third-party person, the chance of electing a rights confiscating Democrat also increases. MAGA
Presidential candidate Donald Trump was booed and heckled by many in a raucous audience at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night, a marked change from the adulation he receives at rallies from his fervently loyal supporters.

Libertarians, who believe in limited government and individual freedom, blame Trump, a Republican, for rushing through the creation of a COVID-19 vaccine when he was president and for not doing more to stop public health restrictions on the unvaccinated during the pandemic.

When Trump took to the stage in Washington, there were loud boos and jeers. A smaller section of the crowd, Trump supporters, cheered him.

Shortly before he appeared, one Libertarian Party member shouted:"Donald Trump should have taken a bullet!"

Damn I thought Libertarians were a part of MAWA.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump was booed and heckled by many in a raucous audience at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night, a marked change from the adulation he receives at rallies from his fervently loyal supporters.

Libertarians, who believe in limited government and individual freedom, blame Trump, a Republican, for rushing through the creation of a COVID-19 vaccine when he was president and for not doing more to stop public health restrictions on the unvaccinated during the pandemic.

When Trump took to the stage in Washington, there were loud boos and jeers. A smaller section of the crowd, Trump supporters, cheered him.

Shortly before he appeared, one Libertarian Party member shouted:"Donald Trump should have taken a bullet!"

Damn I thought Libertarians were a part of MAWA.
All 5 of them disagreed and heckled.. You can do better than this.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump was booed and heckled by many in a raucous audience at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night, a marked change from the adulation he receives at rallies from his fervently loyal supporters.

Libertarians, who believe in limited government and individual freedom, blame Trump, a Republican, for rushing through the creation of a COVID-19 vaccine when he was president and for not doing more to stop public health restrictions on the unvaccinated during the pandemic.

When Trump took to the stage in Washington, there were loud boos and jeers. A smaller section of the crowd, Trump supporters, cheered him.

Shortly before he appeared, one Libertarian Party member shouted:"Donald Trump should have taken a bullet!"

Damn I thought Libertarians were a part of MAWA.

At least all he got was booed by those clowns. If it had been Biden, he would have gotten tarred and feathered.
Presidential candidate Donald Trump was booed and heckled by many in a raucous audience at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night, a marked change from the adulation he receives at rallies from his fervently loyal supporters.

Libertarians, who believe in limited government and individual freedom, blame Trump, a Republican, for rushing through the creation of a COVID-19 vaccine when he was president and for not doing more to stop public health restrictions on the unvaccinated during the pandemic.

When Trump took to the stage in Washington, there were loud boos and jeers. A smaller section of the crowd, Trump supporters, cheered him.

Shortly before he appeared, one Libertarian Party member shouted:"Donald Trump should have taken a bullet!"

Damn I thought Libertarians were a part of MAWA.
So much better on video.

I haven't observed you disparaging these voters before, but you've only been here a year and change, so I have to take your word.
I've always been an Independent and don't drink the kool-aid of any political party.
Trump was booed during his entire speech.

The Libertarians did not appreciate Trump trying to rig their convention. He managed to piss them off, bigly.

Trump had a swarm of DC Young Republicans show up early and occupy all the Libertarian delegates' reserved seats. Then, when the assholes were asked to move, they refused.

Trying to take over the LP nominating convention? That's beyond the pale. The epitome of arrogance.

A total dick move.

Serious mistake.

That shit might work for Trump when he front loads a bodega with his operatives, but it doesn't work at a Libertarian nominating convention.

The Libertarians surrounded the assholes and held up signs so they couldn't see.

When Trump took the stage, the Libertarians booed him non-stop. So then he tried his usual pandering lies and promised he would put a Libertarian in his cabinet and in key government positions.

They didn't fall for that shit the way weak-minded Republicans do.

I'm not a big fan of Liberatarians, but I have always said the one thing I respect about them if they do NOT cave on their principles, unlike weak-minded Republicans do.

Trump doubled the federal deficit, before Covid, and added $8 trillion to the debt. That he thought he could get the Libertarian vote is hilarious.

Watch it for yourself and stop believing the MSM... he had some heckler's of course he is on enemy territory... but he also received a lot of cheers and applause... and again... Lets see crooked gutless Joe do that....

Watch it for yourself and stop believing the MSM... he had some heckler's of course he is on enemy territory... but he also received a lot of cheers and applause... and again... Lets see crooked gutless Joe do that....

I did a spit take when Trump said, "Don't allow the worst President in the history of our country to come back and do the final destruction of America."

Wow. Trump just told everyone not to vote for him. :eek:


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