There Is A Real Problem...


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!
7. The tell-tale that the belief is a sign of mental illness is provided by Global Warming leaders who actually admit the scam……yet the sickos cling to it still.

Once in a while environmentalists reveal their true agenda. “Ottmar Edenhofer, lead author of the IPCC's fourth summary report released in 2007, speaking in 2010 advised: "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.

Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world's wealth." Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

At the very least we need a telethon to help the poor deluded souls who refuse to jettison their derangement.
7. The tell-tale that the belief is a sign of mental illness is provided by Global Warming leaders who actually admit the scam……yet the sickos cling to it still.

Once in a while environmentalists reveal their true agenda. “Ottmar Edenhofer, lead author of the IPCC's fourth summary report released in 2007, speaking in 2010 advised: "One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.

Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world's wealth." Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

At the very least we need a telethon to help the poor deluded souls who refuse to jettison their derangement.
Instead, climate change policy is about how we redistribute de facto the world's wealth."

That's all it is. The Paris Accord taught anyone with a brain that's what it's about.
Last edited:
8. "Christine Stewart, Canada's former Minister of the Environment said: "No matter if the science is all phony, there are collateral environmental benefits. ... Climate change (provides) the greatest chance to bring about justice and equality in the world."

Tim Wirth, former U.S. Undersecretary of State for Global Affairs and the person most responsible for setting up the Kyoto Protocol said: "We've got to ride the global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic policy and environmental policy."
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?'s not about science......

....just that current elite's justice?????
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!
My $0.02:
  • Climate changes. It always has and always will. In the past, NYC was under 100s of feet of ice. That has changed.
  • Glaciers around the world are generally retreating, pointing to a global temperature rise.
  • The rising temperatures may be natural or man-made but it doesn't matter, the effects will be the same.
  • Anything we do to mitigate rising temperatures will have the same success, regardless of the cause.
  • If we make reasonable efforts to make the world energy use more efficient and rising temperatures are real, we may mitigate its' worst effects, if rising temperatures are not real, we have made the world a richer place.
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!
My $0.02:
  • Climate changes. It always has and always will. In the past, NYC was under 100s of feet of ice. That has changed.
  • Glaciers around the world are generally retreating, pointing to a global temperature rise.
  • The rising temperatures may be natural or man-made but it doesn't matter, the effects will be the same.
  • Anything we do to mitigate rising temperatures will have the same success, regardless of the cause.
  • If we make reasonable efforts to make the world energy use more efficient and rising temperatures are real, we may mitigate its' worst effects, if rising temperatures are not real, we have made the world a richer place.
what is it you are proposing exactly? Did ice melt on its own in the past? If so, why do you think we cause ice to melt?

And if you believe we cause ice to melt, how?
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’"

or liberal?
or not conservative?

or not christian?

So after all these years denying you are a fascist who wants to round up and eliminate all liberals.....

you finally admit you are a FASCIST who wants to ROUND UP and ELIMINATE all liberals.

The first step is admitting it.....

good for you, little girl...

now go seek help before they declare you a CONSERVIAC and you are mandatorily confined.
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’"

or liberal?
or not conservative?

or not christian?

So after all these years denying you are a fascist who wants to round up and eliminate all liberals.....

you finally admit you are a FASCIST who wants to ROUND UP and ELIMINATE all liberals.

The first step is admitting it.....

good for you, little girl...

now go seek help before they delcare you a CONSERVIAC and you are mandatorily confined.
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!
My $0.02:
  • Climate changes. It always has and always will. In the past, NYC was under 100s of feet of ice. That has changed.
  • Glaciers around the world are generally retreating, pointing to a global temperature rise.
  • The rising temperatures may be natural or man-made but it doesn't matter, the effects will be the same.
  • Anything we do to mitigate rising temperatures will have the same success, regardless of the cause.
  • If we make reasonable efforts to make the world energy use more efficient and rising temperatures are real, we may mitigate its' worst effects, if rising temperatures are not real, we have made the world a richer place.
what is it you are proposing exactly? Did ice melt on its own in the past? If so, why do you think we cause ice to melt?

And if you believe we cause ice to melt, how?

I can melt ice with my's one of my superpowers….it takes a few minutes.
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’"

or liberal?
or not conservative?

or not christian?

So after all these years denying you are a fascist who wants to round up and eliminate all liberals.....

you finally admit you are a FASCIST who wants to ROUND UP and ELIMINATE all liberals.

The first step is admitting it.....

good for you, little girl...

now go seek help before they declare you a CONSERVIAC and you are mandatorily confined.

"So after all these years denying you are a fascist who wants to round up and eliminate all liberals....."

So you're back for a lesson?

Not a moment too soon.

First.....I can't be a Fascist.....those are collectivist. I, an individualist.

Jot this down:

OK, OK....let's go back to basics:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

" Franklin Roosevelt had pictured a place where citizens were joined in a collective enterprise ... Reagan pictured a more individualistic America where everyone would flourish once freed from the shackles of the state, and so the watchwords became self-reliance and small government."
The Liberal Crackup

Get it now???? far as "...round up and eliminate all liberals."
I'd be happy to put 'em in zoos and museums as a cautionary tale.


Get packed.
what is it you are proposing exactly? Did ice melt on its own in the past? If so, why do you think we cause ice to melt?

And if you believe we cause ice to melt, how?
I don't know if we are causing ice to melt and frankly I don't care. I only care that it is melting. There have been floods for billions of years that we didn't cause, doesn't mean we should ignore them and not build dikes, dams, levees, etc.

I'd favor:
  • more efficient transportation
  • more nuclear power
  • stop fossil fuel subsidies
  • end federal insurance for buildings in flood zones
  • support research in any and all technologies that may help
  • force utilities to buy back power generated by consumers
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!
My $0.02:
  • Climate changes. It always has and always will. In the past, NYC was under 100s of feet of ice. That has changed.
  • Glaciers around the world are generally retreating, pointing to a global temperature rise.
  • The rising temperatures may be natural or man-made but it doesn't matter, the effects will be the same.
  • Anything we do to mitigate rising temperatures will have the same success, regardless of the cause.
  • If we make reasonable efforts to make the world energy use more efficient and rising temperatures are real, we may mitigate its' worst effects, if rising temperatures are not real, we have made the world a richer place.
what is it you are proposing exactly? Did ice melt on its own in the past? If so, why do you think we cause ice to melt?

And if you believe we cause ice to melt, how?

I can melt ice with my's one of my superpowers….it takes a few minutes.
what is your kryptonite?
what is it you are proposing exactly? Did ice melt on its own in the past? If so, why do you think we cause ice to melt?

And if you believe we cause ice to melt, how?
I don't know if we are causing ice to melt and frankly I don't care. I only care that it is melting. There have been floods for billions of years that we didn't cause, doesn't mean we should ignore them and not build dikes, dams, levees, etc.

I'd favor:
  • more efficient transportation
  • more nuclear power
  • stop fossil fuel subsidies
  • end federal insurance for buildings in flood zones
  • support research in any and all technologies that may help
  • force utilities to buy back power generated by consumers
you care that it's melting? why? it's been melting since the world was covered in it. we exist now, and you're concerned it's melting? you want us dead under ice? you're certainly very confused. Not sure why ice is so important in your life. BTW, it isn't melting in the arctic or antarctic.
....but it isn't the climate.

1.When dealing with individuals for whom reality is merely a suggestion, there is always the question of….dare I say…..mental illness.
If such is determined to be the case, well…..sometimes mandatory confinement is appropriate.
Hence….the application of the term ‘Greeniac.’

2. No matter how often data and experience disproves the fraudulent science of environmentalism, we find a sizable portion of the electorate clings to view that global warming is real, and that efforts such as no longer eating hamburger will alleviate the impending crisis. Reminding these….victims….that real science is base on experimentation is to no avail.

3. The individuals in question have developed the ability to ignore facts that obviate their …delusions. “Environmentalists and their political allies attribute the recent increase in deadly forest fires to global warming. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Forest Service, forest fires reached their peak in the 1930s and have declined by 80% since then. Environmentalists hide the earlier data and make their case for the effects of global warming by showing the public and policymakers data from 1980 that shows an increase in forest fires.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

4. “Climate scientists claim that rising sea levels are caused by man-made global warming. Historical data from the tide gauge in Lower Manhattan shows that sea levels have been rising from about the time when Abraham Lincoln was president to now. … sea levels have been rising for about 20,000 years. …. anthropologists believe that when the sea level was very low people were able to walk from Siberia to North America.” Ibid.

5. “Hot weather is often claimed to be a result of man-made climate change. Heller presents data showing the number of days in Waverly, Ohio, above 90 degrees. In 1895, there were 73 days above 90 degrees. In 1936, there were 82 days above 90 degrees. Since the 1930s, there has been a downward trend in the number of days above 90 degrees. If climatologists hide data from earlier years and started at 1955, they show an increase in the number of above 90-degree days from eight or nine to 30 or 40. Thus, to deceive us into thinking the climate is getting hotter, environmentalists have selected a starting date that fits their agenda.” Ibid.

6. This aberrant behavior that we see in committed greeniacs is not unknown.

“Perseveration is the contextually inappropriate and unintentional repetition of a response or behavioral unit. In schizophrenia, perseveration may take a variety of forms. These can be conceptualized as varying manifestations of an underlying neurocognitive deficit.
Perseveration in Schizophrenia - Oxford Journals › schizophreniabulletin › article-pdf

An immediate intervention is required!!!
My $0.02:
  • Climate changes. It always has and always will. In the past, NYC was under 100s of feet of ice. That has changed.
  • Glaciers around the world are generally retreating, pointing to a global temperature rise.
  • The rising temperatures may be natural or man-made but it doesn't matter, the effects will be the same.
  • Anything we do to mitigate rising temperatures will have the same success, regardless of the cause.
  • If we make reasonable efforts to make the world energy use more efficient and rising temperatures are real, we may mitigate its' worst effects, if rising temperatures are not real, we have made the world a richer place.
what is it you are proposing exactly? Did ice melt on its own in the past? If so, why do you think we cause ice to melt?

And if you believe we cause ice to melt, how?

I can melt ice with my's one of my superpowers….it takes a few minutes.
what is your kryptonite?

I could tell you....but then I'd have to kill you.
you care that it's melting? why? it's been melting since the world was covered in it. we exist now, and you're concerned it's melting? you want us dead under ice? you're certainly very confused. Not sure why ice is so important in your life. BTW, it isn't melting in the arctic or antarctic.
I care that sea levels may change. Mankind will certainly survive whatever flooding comes but men may die in the millions. Aside from the humanitarian issue, I don't want Floridians to migrate to my state before we can build a wall. On the other hand I may get some beachfront property. Winners and losers.
you care that it's melting? why? it's been melting since the world was covered in it. we exist now, and you're concerned it's melting? you want us dead under ice? you're certainly very confused. Not sure why ice is so important in your life. BTW, it isn't melting in the arctic or antarctic.
I care that sea levels may change. Mankind will certainly survive whatever flooding comes but men may die in the millions. Aside from the humanitarian issue, I don't want Floridians to migrate to my state before we can build a wall. On the other hand I may get some beachfront property. Winners and losers.
you care that it's melting? why? it's been melting since the world was covered in it. we exist now, and you're concerned it's melting? you want us dead under ice? you're certainly very confused. Not sure why ice is so important in your life. BTW, it isn't melting in the arctic or antarctic.
I care that sea levels may change. Mankind will certainly survive whatever flooding comes but men may die in the millions. Aside from the humanitarian issue, I don't want Floridians to migrate to my state before we can build a wall. On the other hand I may get some beachfront property. Winners and losers.

Speaking of losers....

Thank heaven you didn't post this hand-wringing post thrice!
you care that it's melting? why? it's been melting since the world was covered in it. we exist now, and you're concerned it's melting? you want us dead under ice? you're certainly very confused. Not sure why ice is so important in your life. BTW, it isn't melting in the arctic or antarctic.
I care that sea levels may change. Mankind will certainly survive whatever flooding comes but men may die in the millions. Aside from the humanitarian issue, I don't want Floridians to migrate to my state before we can build a wall. On the other hand I may get some beachfront property. Winners and losers.

Speaking of losers....

Thank heaven you didn't post this hand-wringing post thrice!
You, of all people, have no standing to complain about someone posting the same thing more than once. At least I did my duplication by accident.
9. “Not all scientists are dishonest and not all news reporters are leftists with an agenda. But one wonders at the deafening silence where there's clear, unambiguous evidence.

For example, if ocean levels have been rising for some 20,000 years, why do scientists allow environmentalists to get away with the claim that it's a result of man-made global warming?

Why aren't there any reporters to highlight leftist statements such as those by Edenhofer, Stewart and others who want to ride global warming as a means to defeat capitalism and usher in socialism and communism?

I would prefer to think that the silence of so many scientists represent their fears as opposed to their going along with the environmental extremist agenda.”
Scientists: Dishonest or Afraid?

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