There is a lot of talking that the shots given as a vaccine harm humans, so listen up

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
Check it out. I have the earlier shots and also the latest vaccine and if you want to know why, it is due to what my doctor told me. And he is more than a MD, he is also a DO where Doctors get additional training.

I watched all of the video. I am pleased to report it is not about trying for you to get shots.
What it does is remind me, and hopefully you, that with no shots, you can get seriously ill. With shots, you might have discomfort. Illnesses are not solitary. They include family, friends who visit and perhaps others you do not see. If you get infected, how can you guarantee you will not spread your illness.
This woman is called Physics girl and she is very engaging and educated and spreads knowledge as if it was butter on toast. If you have never saw her videos, you might want to check her out.

Also, I believe you will feel better off for watching this video.

Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
Check it out. I have the earlier shots and also the latest vaccine and if you want to know why, it is due to what my doctor told me. And he is more than a MD, he is also a DO where Doctors get additional training.

I watched all of the video. I am pleased to report it is not about trying for you to get shots.
What it does is remind me, and hopefully you, that with no shots, you can get seriously ill. With shots, you might have discomfort. Illnesses are not solitary. They include family, friends who visit and perhaps others you do not see. If you get infected, how can you guarantee you will not spread your illness.
This woman is called Physics girl and she is very engaging and educated and spreads knowledge as if it was butter on toast. If you have never saw her videos, you might want to check her out.

Also, I believe you will feel better off for watching this video.

The vaccine has helped way more people than it has hurt.
You do not have a clue on statistically signifcant aaltsis as opposed to observational analytics
Many people use observational analyis to determine the earth is flat. I am guessing that you believe the earth is flat.
People who have a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason and common sense come up with butt stupid coclusions. If the shoe fits wear it. The shoe does fit you.

The Covid shots are far from a magic bullet. They are NOT vaccines, they can cause a variety of problems and many if not most of those "vaccinated" get Covid sometimes 2 or 3 times. No thank you.
Frankly the story they are not vaccines turns out to be wrong. I asked my doctor that very question and he said they are vaccines.

Physics Girl is married to a man who seems not ill. So we do not know if she got shots or not.

How will your conscience bear it should you come down with CV along with its mutations and your family gets seriously ill?
The vaccine has helped way more people than it has hurt.
You do not have a clue on statistically signifcant aaltsis as opposed to observational analytics
Many people use observational analyis to determine the earth is flat. I am guessing that you believe the earth is flat.
People who have a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason and common sense come up with butt stupid coclusions. If the shoe fits wear it. The shoe does fit you.

After you read what I said, you want to now attack me or chide me? Why didn't you read what I really said and not what you assume I said?

Theyre still trying to kill us. and you guys are helping them!! Well. If that is what y'all want to do...go for it.

I am not telling anybody to get the shots. I simply would want for you all who do not get them to consider your family, friends and even strangers who show up. Do you seriously want them to get sick from you? I also state I got all of the shots and have wonderful health.
Frankly the story they are not vaccines turns out to be wrong. I asked my doctor that very question and he said they are vaccines.

Physics Girl is married to a man who seems not ill. So we do not know if she got shots or not.

How will your conscience bear it should you come down with CV along with its mutations and your family gets seriously ill?
The Covid vaccine efficacy is far below what was reported in the trials and by the NIH, CDC etc. Yes they are lying with statistics. I have many friends who are both vaxxed and unvaxxed. My "polling data" has the vaxxed with a much higher infection rate than the unvaxxed and some have had very adverse reactions such as blood clots, profound weakness that lasts for weeks and mental problems. I am very happy with my decision and remain Covid free. My wife has been fully vaxxed and boosted (per job requirements) and she has had it but did NOT transmit it to me. Go figure!
The Covid vaccine efficacy is far below what was reported in the trials and by the NIH, CDC etc. Yes they are lying with statistics. I have many friends who are both vaxxed and unvaxxed. My "polling data" has the vaxxed with a much higher infection rate than the unvaxxed and some have had very adverse reactions such as blood clots, profound weakness that lasts for weeks and mental problems. I am very happy with my decision and remain Covid free. My wife has been fully vaxxed and boosted (per job requirements) and she has had it but did NOT transmit it to me. Go figure!
I would say that Covid does not affect all of us equally. In my case I have not had so much as the sniffles.
Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
Check it out. I have the earlier shots and also the latest vaccine and if you want to know why, it is due to what my doctor told me. And he is more than a MD, he is also a DO where Doctors get additional training.

I watched all of the video. I am pleased to report it is not about trying for you to get shots.
What it does is remind me, and hopefully you, that with no shots, you can get seriously ill. With shots, you might have discomfort. Illnesses are not solitary. They include family, friends who visit and perhaps others you do not see. If you get infected, how can you guarantee you will not spread your illness.
This woman is called Physics girl and she is very engaging and educated and spreads knowledge as if it was butter on toast. If you have never saw her videos, you might want to check her out.

Also, I believe you will feel better off for watching this video.

No. YOU listen up. Those shots killed my husband. You can brag all you want about feeling fine. So did he..until he died not long after and he was in pretty good health. Tell me that again in 10 years when you begin to sicken and before you die because that is about how long it will take for that bio weapon to kick in. :fu:

by the way...I am 100% NON VAXXED and I feel fine as well, except for the normal wear and tear of age. Oh, and no, I don't give one shit about SUPPOSEDLY exposing others with my unvaxxedness.
Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
You clearly are unaware of all the literature and evidence that the Corona virus was manipulated and turned into a bio- weapon .
If you then think that the Killer Shots are safe and not a toxin you deserve whatever bad luck that might come your way .
I am not telling anybody to get the shots. I simply would want for you all who do not get them to consider your family, friends and even strangers who show up. Do you seriously want them to get sick from you? I also state I got all of the shots and have wonderful health.
They don't prevent transmission.
Here is a link to Smarter Every Day that talks of a female who came down with "long covid".
Check it out. I have the earlier shots and also the latest vaccine and if you want to know why, it is due to what my doctor told me. And he is more than a MD, he is also a DO where Doctors get additional training.

I watched all of the video. I am pleased to report it is not about trying for you to get shots.
What it does is remind me, and hopefully you, that with no shots, you can get seriously ill. With shots, you might have discomfort. Illnesses are not solitary. They include family, friends who visit and perhaps others you do not see. If you get infected, how can you guarantee you will not spread your illness.
This woman is called Physics girl and she is very engaging and educated and spreads knowledge as if it was butter on toast. If you have never saw her videos, you might want to check her out.

Also, I believe you will feel better off for watching this video.

big deal he is a DO.....i saw one when i first moved to vegas and he gave me an EKG and never said anything....he was to faraway,so i went to a closer doctor..... so my new doctor saw the results of that EKG and sent me to a cardiologist......he couldnt believe he didnt say anything.....the cardiologist couldnt believe he didnt say anything either......big deal a DO.....
Is the Pfizer vaccine not allowed in the US?

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent is no longer authorized for use in the United States.


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