There Goes the Stimulus Check! Goodbye!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine.
#1 He won the election, you pathetic loser.
#2 Link to your bullshit. Link to Biden saying this.
He didnt. Its assumption.
He said he wants to regulate "assault weapons" and shit under the national firearms act. Currently, items under that require tax money to register. So people assume it will be the same amount.
I do not believe any president can create a new tax, that is the sole province of Congress. And even if Congress tried to tax guns, the courts would strike that down as unconstitutional. Any politician who votes to tax gun ownership will be voted out of office in every state or district that isn't solidly blue. And they know that. So, relax cuz that ain't gonna happen.
I do not believe any president can create a new tax, that is the sole province of Congress. And even if Congress tried to tax guns, the courts would strike that down as unconstitutional. Any politician who votes to tax gun ownership will be voted out of office in every state or district that isn't solidly blue. And they know that. So, relax cuz that ain't gonna happen.
They already tax machine guns and such.
If the Dems get the Senate, dont think they would pull no shit like this.
And dont put too much faith in the activists known as the "Supreme" Court.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

SCOTUS will strike it down and should declare Biden illegitimate as well
Is "stupidest" a word? If so, this is one of the stupidest threads ever posted here.

The President DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER to impose a tax on gun ownership. NEITHER DOES CONGRESS.

Read the fucking Constitution.
Is "stupidest" a word? If so, this is one of the stupidest threads ever posted here.

The President DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER to impose a tax on gun ownership. NEITHER DOES CONGRESS.

Read the fucking Constitution.
I agree but they already do on some guns.
Well a huge tax of registering them.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (

As I've said. Those that voted for this sorry sack of shit will be regretting it and it won't take long. The entire country will be sick of the Biden/Harris shit show.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (
Be underground. In all things. With trust in each each other at level after level. Like the inner city "hoods". Use bartering and bartering after more of the same which the rural areas can do easily. The Progs will not catch you and when they do it will not be nice.
I do not believe any president can create a new tax, that is the sole province of Congress. And even if Congress tried to tax guns, the courts would strike that down as unconstitutional. Any politician who votes to tax gun ownership will be voted out of office in every state or district that isn't solidly blue. And they know that. So, relax cuz that ain't gonna happen.
They already tax machine guns and such.
If the Dems get the Senate, dont think they would pull no shit like this.
And dont put too much faith in the activists known as the "Supreme" Court.

It sounds like Biden wants to expand that NFA law, which I doubt very much he can legally do by Executive Action. He probably wants the Congress to do it for him, but IMHO that ain't happening even if the Dems get the Senate and abolish the filibuster. And I would be quite surprised if the current SCOTUS would allow such an EA; and even if Congress did pass such legislation, I believe the SCOTUS would strike down at [arts of it as unconstitutional. However, these are strange times we live in and you can't really be too sure of anything any more.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine. Then there is other taxes that will be imposed for mandatory engraving and some other requirements. I didn't keep listening to the whole array of taxes Biden was talking about, because I was beginning to feel sick watching him.

So if somebody has just 3 guns (1 handgun, 1 rifle, 1 shotgun) and at least 1 magazine for each, that would = $1200 in tax, we're gonna have to pay, just to do what the Constitution gives us the right to do. Wow! Just think if we had to pay out all that money to exercise free speech, or freedom of religion.

Surely, Biden must know the economic class implications of this confiscation masquerading as a "tax". He must know that rich gun owners won't sweat it one bit. Small change to them. But for poor gun owners, this is a wallop to the bank account, and many won't be able to pay it at all, and will have to hand over their guns to Biden's storm troopers coming around to confiscate them.

So much for the Democrat notion that they are the saviors of the poor, and taxers of the rich.

And so much for a chance to improve the economy, when millions of people will have hundreds of $$$ LESS to spend - that money going to the government, instead of
into the economy. And what will that money go to ? Welfare for illegal aliens ?

I don't really know who will be POTUS on January 21, but it should never be forgotten how Biden went after the poor, willing to grab their last $$ in the bank, while bragging that he is their friend. But then those of us who perceive more than just mainstream leftist OMISSION media, know about Biden's shady dealings, like those involving China, which the left media kept hidden until after the election.

New Poll Showing the Effect Biden Scandal Would Have Had on the Election Is Infuriating (

SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals (
Allowing Briben to take over the reigns of power in this nation, will be of catastrophic consequences. Hopefully the Patriots won't stand for this nation being taken over by a tyrant who will use tyrannical means to govern the nation, otherwise just like his BOSS Obama had previously attempted to do. Obama empowering the numbscull by using the old adage of "keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer was a flawed thinking or was it for the likes of an Obama ??
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine.
#1 He won the election, you pathetic loser.
#2 Link to your bullshit. Link to Biden saying this.

Biden's plan is a detriment to law abiding gun owners and a shot in the arm to those who have no need for laws.

Alongside a raft of more common-sense measures (and a confusing aside about “smart gun technology”), its centerpiece is a ban on the manufacture and sale of what are known as “assault weapons,” with a proposal to bring their regulation under the National Firearms Act. This 1934 law currently applies to “machine guns” (i.e. fully automatic firearms), silencers and short-barreled rifles, but Biden’s plan would extend it to apply to what he characterizes as “assault weapons,” meaning semiautomatic rifles, pistols and shotguns with interchangeable magazines that fire intermediate cartridges (the most notorious of which is the AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle) as well as “high capacity magazines” (generally understood under the 1994 bill to be those that can hold more than 10 bullets). Individuals who already own these items would be required to participate in a federal buyback program or register each of their qualifying firearms and magazines under the NFA — which comes with a $200 price tag (on top of extra fees incurred during the registration process).

That basically means that my little Colt Government Model .380 is now considered an "assault weapon".



If you ever needed anything to prove to you how ignorant, stupid and even dangerous Biden is, he considers THAT an "assault weapon".

I will not participate in any "buy back" program, nor will I pay any tax on any firearm I own. I will resist any and all gun control measures if those measures (and this is so often the case) fail to address the problems of illegal firearms in the hands of criminals. Until those problems are addressed in a meaningful manner, further restrictions on law abiding folks like myself will only put us at greater risk if we're ever confronted by one of the people Biden's plan is going to ignore.

This is $7,500. I was going to drive down to Colonial Photo in Orlando today and do some shopping. Instead, I'll be driving up to Shooter's in Jacksonville to do my shopping. Biden's insane plans won't affect anyone until after the Geezer's in office, so best to act now...


Here's a good article on which discusses Biden's plan, the good and the bad:


And there just ain't much good...
I do not believe any president can create a new tax, that is the sole province of Congress. And even if Congress tried to tax guns, the courts would strike that down as unconstitutional. Any politician who votes to tax gun ownership will be voted out of office in every state or district that isn't solidly blue. And they know that. So, relax cuz that ain't gonna happen.
They already tax machine guns and such.
If the Dems get the Senate, dont think they would pull no shit like this.
And dont put too much faith in the activists known as the "Supreme" Court.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
I do not believe any president can create a new tax, that is the sole province of Congress. And even if Congress tried to tax guns, the courts would strike that down as unconstitutional. Any politician who votes to tax gun ownership will be voted out of office in every state or district that isn't solidly blue. And they know that. So, relax cuz that ain't gonna happen.
They already tax machine guns and such.
If the Dems get the Senate, dont think they would pull no shit like this.
And dont put too much faith in the activists known as the "Supreme" Court.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
This time around I will watch them stuff your begging kids up your asses if prices for things go up.
I do not believe any president can create a new tax, that is the sole province of Congress. And even if Congress tried to tax guns, the courts would strike that down as unconstitutional. Any politician who votes to tax gun ownership will be voted out of office in every state or district that isn't solidly blue. And they know that. So, relax cuz that ain't gonna happen.
They already tax machine guns and such.
If the Dems get the Senate, dont think they would pull no shit like this.
And dont put too much faith in the activists known as the "Supreme" Court.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
This time around I will watch them stuff your begging kids up your asses if prices for things go up.
Only illegals don't care about express law.
So Biden says (if he wins the election) he will tax gun owners $200 per gun they own, and $200 per magazine.
#1 He won the election, you pathetic loser.
#2 Link to your bullshit. Link to Biden saying this.

Why do they just keep lying? Are they really so dumb that they actually believe the lies?

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