The Wisdom of God.


Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2021
I've heard people talking about how God didn’t answer the prayers of the parents of the nine million children who die each year. However, I believe that such thinking could be said to be shortsighted. For instance, let's look at the case of little five year old Jimmy who fell prey to some terrible disease that caused him to bite the dust. And now you want to know why God didn’t answer his parents’ prayers for his recovery. Well, little did you know what God knew.

What God knew was that little Jimmy would have grown up to have a little farm on which he would have raised geese. God knew that one Sunday one of his geese--the really mean one--would get loose. And as it so happens, a Sunday School bus carrying thirty-four children would be passing by Jimmy’s farm. The bus’s air conditioner isn’t working, and, being an especially hot day, the driver would have her side-window wide open. When the bus stops at an intersection in front of grown-up Jimmy’s farm, the goose would see the bus as some kind of a threat to her newly hatched goslings, and as the bus is gaining speed after leaving the intersection, the goose would fly into the open window and go at the driver. The driver would inadvertently hit the gas pedal, and before you can say WTF--or more appropriately in this case, OMG--the bus would smash into a bridge abutment, burst into flames, and kill twenty-seven of the children, and terribly disfigure the rest of them.
The future grown up Jimmy would hear the crash and then run to the scene. Having been thrown right through the windshield, the goose and driver are lying in the ditch, both dead. Jimmy recognizes his goose, and, smelling a lawsuit, or worse, grabs the goose and runs farther down the road and throws it into the water-filled ditch. He finds a rock and places it on the dead goose’s body. Suddenly the final scene in the movie “Deliverance” pops into his head, and he quickly finds another, way bigger rock and puts it on the dead goose under the water. Then he runs back to his house and calls the police about the wreck.

Anyway, just because you can’t see the bigger picture doesn’t mean God can’t. The life of young Jimmy versus the lives of thirty-four Christians fourteen years later. And Jimmy wasn’t even a Christian! For God, it was a no-brainer; Jimmy had to go. As an aside, just before the bus tragedy that would have happened, that same goose would have gotten loose before the church bus incident and flog an innocent kitten to death (I said it was mean). It so happens that that kitten would have grown up to kill the rat that carried the disease that devastated the whole community . . . including Christian children!! But God, being all-knowing, allowed for Jimmy’s demise, which prevented the goose, which prevented the bus accident, and the kitten lived to kill the rat, which prevented the disease. So . . .
You are correct about that. Here is an example:
Had Saul obeyed God and killed Agag, Haman wouldn't have been born. But he was. And his life was focused on obliterating the Jews. Since Saul screwed up, it was then up to Ester to save her race.

For a time, Satan's domain is earth. He goes to and fro, killing 9 children here, 6 children there. A little cancer here, a violent car wreck there. His time is limited though. He has a reckoning coming. But for now, this is Satan's kingdom, and he is in power. And that is why bad things happen to good people.

But because Christ has already paid for our sins, those children's last breath here, was their first breath in Paradise.
And for the adults, who have accepted the gift of propitiation offered by Christ, then absent from the body means present with the Lord.
You are correct about that. Here is an example:
Had Saul obeyed God and killed Agag, Haman wouldn't have been born. But he was. And his life was focused on obliterating the Jews. Since Saul screwed up, it was then up to Ester to save her race.

For a time, Satan's domain is earth. He goes to and fro, killing 9 children here, 6 children there. A little cancer here, a violent car wreck there. His time is limited though. He has a reckoning coming. But for now, this is Satan's kingdom, and he is in power. And that is why bad things happen to good people.

But because Christ has already paid for our sins, those children's last breath here, was their first breath in Paradise.
And for the adults, who have accepted the gift of propitiation offered by Christ, then absent from the body means present with the Lord.
Yeah but, the evidence shows that, when push came to shove, somebody was pushed out of here, and it wasn't Satan.
You are correct about that. Here is an example:
Had Saul obeyed God and killed Agag, Haman wouldn't have been born. But he was. And his life was focused on obliterating the Jews. Since Saul screwed up, it was then up to Ester to save her race.

For a time, Satan's domain is earth. He goes to and fro, killing 9 children here, 6 children there. A little cancer here, a violent car wreck there. His time is limited though. He has a reckoning coming. But for now, this is Satan's kingdom, and he is in power. And that is why bad things happen to good people.

But because Christ has already paid for our sins, those children's last breath here, was their first breath in Paradise.
And for the adults, who have accepted the gift of propitiation offered by Christ, then absent from the body means present with the Lord.
Yeah but, the evidence shows that, when push came to shove, somebody was pushed out of here, and it wasn't Satan.

Are you talking about Christ being shoved out of here? Before the earth was formed, Christ agreed to pay our debts and give us a pure record of entry to Heaven. Not only did he not get shoved out, but he finished his task, and then came back to prove that He was whom He said He was. There were tons of false claiming messiahs, but none of them defeated death and came back. Just one. That is why Christians would not denounce Jesus and were hung on crosses as far as the eye could see. Because they knew this one was for real. And what He said was true.
He didn't get shoved out, He was victorious.

Lucifer, or Satan as we call him, was the #3 man in Heaven. And he was gorgeous. But he became prideful and conceited, and decided to overthrow God. Jesus said:
Luke 10:18 So He told them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning ...

That's who got shoved.
God is 100% just. And Adam handed over the title to this earth and everything in it, to Satan, and left the area with his wife. God has to honor what Adam did or He would be found to be unjust and therefore, flawed. He is not flawed. And Since He and Christ knew what was going to happen here, and they devised a plan to end around Satan.
The punishment for sin is death. But nobody said whose death it had to be, so Jesus took our place. Being sin free gives us access to our Father again. (To repent means to return to the highest level, as in penthouse.) It is where we are expected to live as a child of the Most High.

When Christ showed up here on earth a demon turned a corner and almost ran into Him. This was the demon's reaction:
"Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”
There is an appointed time. It is upon us. The appointed time will culminate when Christ, and all of those of us whom he redeemed, return to prevent man from destroying all life on earth.
All those who have nukes will be using them. And the nations have begun choosing sides already.
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You are correct about that. Here is an example:
Had Saul obeyed God and killed Agag, Haman wouldn't have been born. But he was. And his life was focused on obliterating the Jews. Since Saul screwed up, it was then up to Ester to save her race.

For a time, Satan's domain is earth. He goes to and fro, killing 9 children here, 6 children there. A little cancer here, a violent car wreck there. His time is limited though. He has a reckoning coming. But for now, this is Satan's kingdom, and he is in power. And that is why bad things happen to good people.

But because Christ has already paid for our sins, those children's last breath here, was their first breath in Paradise.
And for the adults, who have accepted the gift of propitiation offered by Christ, then absent from the body means present with the Lord.
Yeah but, the evidence shows that, when push came to shove, somebody was pushed out of here, and it wasn't Satan.

Are you talking about Christ being shoved out of here? Before the earth was formed, Christ agreed to pay our debts and give us a pure record of entry to Heaven. Not only did he not get shoved out, but he finished his task, and then came back to prove that He was whom He said He was. There were tons of false claiming messiahs, but none of them defeated death and came back. Just one. That is why Christians would not denounce Jesus and were hung on crosses as far as the eye could see. Because they knew this one was for real. And what He said was true.
He didn't get shoved out, He was victorious.

Lucifer, or Satan as we call him, was the #3 man in Heaven. And he was gorgeous. But he became prideful and conceited, and decided to overthrow God. Jesus said:
Luke 10:18 So He told them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning ...
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That's who got shoved.
God is 100% just. And Adam handed over the title to this earth and everything in it, to Satan, and left the area with his wife. God has to honor what Adam did or He would be found to be unjust and therefore, flawed. He is not flawed. And Since He and Christ knew what was going to happen here, and they devised a plan to end around Satan.
The punishment for sin is death. But nobody said whose death it had to be, so Jesus took our place. Being sin free gives us access to our Father again. (To repent means to return to the highest level, as in penthouse.) It is where we are expected to live as a child of the Most High.

When Christ showed up here on earth a demon turned a corner and almost ran into Him. This was the demon's reaction:
"Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”
There is an appointed time. It is upon us. The appointed time will culminate when Christ, and all of those of us whom he redeemed, return to prevent man from destroying all life on earth.
All those who have nukes will be using them. And the nations have begun choosing sides already.
And what is the punishment for creators who create sinful creatures and then puts the blame on the creatures? Apparently, this creator had parts of itself that it was truly unaware of that came out in its offspring.

It really sounds to me like the creator lacked the care and concern required to keep serpents out of the garden where its children live and play. The serpent was brilliant and crafty enough to enter the garden under the creator's watch, and yet this creator blames its creation for being hoodwinked by the same being. Eventually you'll come to hold this creator to the same standards that you believe it holds you to, and you'll find it wanting.

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