The West Wants to Replace Zelensky with a Ukraine Leader who Will Negotiate.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

It's no longer a secret. Zelensky better stay in his hiding place unless he is ready for his bullet.

Western officials are discussing the potential removal of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky from power, the head of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Sergey Naryshkin, claimed on Monday. The spy chief outlined there are numerous reasons why Zelensky is seen as undesirable, the most significant being his lack of flexibility regarding the interests of the West.
The little rodent should've been reduced to a grease slick on the asphalt a long time ago.

But he's been a major player in the laundering of our tax dollars back to the MIC and certain invested congress critters, while average Americans struggle to decide whether to put food on their tables for their families or to put gas in their cars to get to work...


It's no longer a secret. Zelensky better stay in his hiding place unless he is ready for his bullet.
There have been several attempts on him, all failing.
It is not up to anybody in the west to replace him, certainly not at the recommendation of Russia's top spy, comrade Donald.
You and Russia's top spy can kiss my ass and Zelensky's ass also. He has negotiated in good faith, his position is well known and valid. To cease all hostilities, Russia need only withdraw all Russian forces off Ukrainian soil and withdraw all Russian artillery from firing range of Ukrainian territory and break off all attacks and go home. Ukraine owes Russia nothing.
Why should Zalinski negotiate at all? His fucking country got attacked and invaded for no fucking reason, his citizens killed, his infrastructure blown to pieces. Fuck that. If I was him I'd say no negotiations. Period. All fucking Russians out of my country or dead. Make a choice.
The 2014 Ukraine coup in pictures...

''Note the faces, clothing and weapons of the revolutionary fighters — almost all look like ordinary people, protecting themselves with sporting gear, bicycle helmets, make-shift shields, gas masks, and crude home-made weapons. Apparently as soon as the fighting stopped, the fighters created neat blockades from paving stones, cleaned up the remaining garbage from the fighting, and restored order to the city. Women served sandwiches and coffee. There was no looting of the presidential headquarters nor the Parliament building.''




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To cease all hostilities, Russia need only withdraw all Russian forces off Ukrainian soil and withdraw all Russian artillery from firing range of Ukrainian territory and break off all attacks and go home. Ukraine owes Russia nothing.
So simplistic .
Russia is primarily fighting USless backed by NATO . Ukeys are just expendable proxies .

Russia has had enough of NATO encroachment , US bio labs in Ukraine and a Nuclear Development Programme steered by the US .

Now NATO and the US will largely do what they are ordered to by Moscow because Ukraine effectively no longer exists and has no remaining fighting strength .

Obviously the Mad Midget will soon depart, but Kyiv will get nothing from Moscow and the US will be privately ignored -- it has no input value and can achieve nothing on the battleground .
Zaluzhny or Jo Bloggs ? It does not really matter because it will just be a body sitting in a chair with nothing to contribute .
There was a Peace deal in March 2022, but the WEF decided to fight to the last young Ukrainian male

There needs to be an accounting for this at The Hague
I understand that President Z. will soon be in the States to meet President Biden.

Let's all hope that President Z. is given all the necessary effective weapons in order to help those patriotic Ukrainian young men who have stayed in the country to repel the cruel and heartless invaders.

It would be really nice if Congress invited him to speak to them again.

In this world today, President Z. is one of the few leaders who deserve genuine respect. (I cannot think of any others at this moment.)
Zelensky is an American agent acting on behalf of the United States and in the interests of the United States.
The interests of the native population are not taken into account.

You see that cheerful lady? That's Kristalina Georgieva, Managing Director of the IMF. The hoarse stooge has just hung another $900 million(!) loan around Ukrainians' necks. Let me remind you that the IMF gives money for a reason:
1) At interest,
2) For good behavior.
What exactly Kristalina demanded from Ukraine is unknown, but it is obvious that the clown agreed to these conditions. And what cooperation of countries with the IMF leads to you can see the example of Russia in the 90's or Argentina in the 20's. Have a good mood and good health, Ukrainians.
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