The Weapon of the Courts


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
As I posted earlier today, the 2020 election is far from being determined. The media can propagandize all they want by calling Biden "President -elect". They can hold press photo-ops of him naming people to cabinet positions, and posturing all they want, but none of that brings him one inch closer to being POTUS.

If, however, God forbid, that Biden were to become president. and even if Democrats were to come up with majorities in both house of Congress, they still would not have a control grip on US politics. Remember that the US Supreme Court has a Republican majority, with or without the RINO Roberts.

If Democrats gained control of the legislative and executive branches, everything they tried to do could be shot to pieces, by the judicial branch. Just as Democrats did for years, for every executive order or bill passed they don't like, Republicans could go judge shopping, find just the right judge, and file a lawsuit. With the SCOTUS in a Republican majority, Republicans could be generally confident of stopping most things Democrats might come up with.

Sure, the SCOTUS didn't rule in Republicans' favor in the Texas lawsuit, but that isn't likely to prevail over time, as shown by other cases where the big court did rule in Trump's favor (ex. Muslim countries ban, favor to religious groups on Cuomo church restrictions, ) The SCOTUS still has Republican majority, and those justices still are conservatives.
As I posted earlier today, the 2020 election is far from being determined. The media can propagandize all they want by calling Biden "President -elect". They can hold press photo-ops of him naming people to cabinet positions, and posturing all they want, but none of that brings him one inch closer to being POTUS.

If, however, God forbid, that Biden were to become president. and even if Democrats were to come up with majorities in both house of Congress, they still would not have a control grip on US politics. Remember that the US Supreme Court has a Republican majority, with or without the RINO Roberts.

If Democrats gained control of the legislative and executive branches, everything they tried to do could be shot to pieces, by the judicial branch. Just as Democrats did for years, for every executive order or bill passed they don't like, Republicans could go judge shopping, find just the right judge, and file a lawsuit. With the SCOTUS in a Republican majority, Republicans could be generally confident of stopping most things Democrats might come up with.

Sure, the SCOTUS didn't rule in Republicans' favor in the Texas lawsuit, but that isn't likely to prevail over time, as shown by other cases where the big court did rule in Trump's favor (ex. Muslim countries ban, favor to religious groups on Cuomo church restrictions, ) The SCOTUS still has Republican majority, and those justices still are conservatives.

There was a reason our founding fathers made Supreme Court Justices lifelong appointments. They are beholden, dependent, in political debt to no one, certainly not to a political party or some President who will be irrelevant after a few years.
There was a reason our founding fathers made Supreme Court Justices lifelong appointments. They are beholden, dependent, in political debt to no one, certainly not to a political party or some President who will be irrelevant after a few years.
Additionally, adults who are put in positions of great importance will usually understand, appreciate and grow into the position.

Trump is the obvious, painful exception, but most adults at that level have the intelligence and temperament to act accordingly.
What the SCOTUS did was not to show that it is a republican court.

It showed that the people Trump put on that bench will do their job and judge cases based on merit, not partisan politics.
Pretty sure they would have loved to overturn the election but they didn't have anything to work with.
As I posted earlier today, the 2020 election is far from being determined. The media can propagandize all they want by calling Biden "President -elect". They can hold press photo-ops of him naming people to cabinet positions, and posturing all they want, but none of that brings him one inch closer to being POTUS.

If, however, God forbid, that Biden were to become president. and even if Democrats were to come up with majorities in both house of Congress, they still would not have a control grip on US politics. Remember that the US Supreme Court has a Republican majority, with or without the RINO Roberts.

If Democrats gained control of the legislative and executive branches, everything they tried to do could be shot to pieces, by the judicial branch. Just as Democrats did for years, for every executive order or bill passed they don't like, Republicans could go judge shopping, find just the right judge, and file a lawsuit. With the SCOTUS in a Republican majority, Republicans could be generally confident of stopping most things Democrats might come up with.

Sure, the SCOTUS didn't rule in Republicans' favor in the Texas lawsuit, but that isn't likely to prevail over time, as shown by other cases where the big court did rule in Trump's favor (ex. Muslim countries ban, favor to religious groups on Cuomo church restrictions, ) The SCOTUS still has Republican majority, and those justices still are conservatives.
Amazing how you think that SCOTUS would/should vote in a partisan way. That's how banana republics operate. :lol:
As I posted earlier today, the 2020 election is far from being determined. The media can propagandize all they want by calling Biden "President -elect". They can hold press photo-ops of him naming people to cabinet positions, and posturing all they want, but none of that brings him one inch closer to being POTUS.

If, however, God forbid, that Biden were to become president. and even if Democrats were to come up with majorities in both house of Congress, they still would not have a control grip on US politics. Remember that the US Supreme Court has a Republican majority, with or without the RINO Roberts.

If Democrats gained control of the legislative and executive branches, everything they tried to do could be shot to pieces, by the judicial branch. Just as Democrats did for years, for every executive order or bill passed they don't like, Republicans could go judge shopping, find just the right judge, and file a lawsuit. With the SCOTUS in a Republican majority, Republicans could be generally confident of stopping most things Democrats might come up with.

Sure, the SCOTUS didn't rule in Republicans' favor in the Texas lawsuit, but that isn't likely to prevail over time, as shown by other cases where the big court did rule in Trump's favor (ex. Muslim countries ban, favor to religious groups on Cuomo church restrictions, ) The SCOTUS still has Republican majority, and those justices still are conservatives.
The democrats are the minority party and have to cheat to get elected
Amazing how you think that SCOTUS would/should vote in a partisan way. That's how banana republics operate. :lol:
I know the courts made political decisions and were not interested in preventing or correcting voter fraud by the democrats
Not lower court bozos who get elected so have to rule in a partisan way, I'm talking about appointed judges, like at the SCOTUS.
As I posted earlier today, the 2020 election is far from being determined. The media can propagandize all they want by calling Biden "President -elect". They can hold press photo-ops of him naming people to cabinet positions, and posturing all they want, but none of that brings him one inch closer to being POTUS.

If, however, God forbid, that Biden were to become president. and even if Democrats were to come up with majorities in both house of Congress, they still would not have a control grip on US politics. Remember that the US Supreme Court has a Republican majority, with or without the RINO Roberts.

If Democrats gained control of the legislative and executive branches, everything they tried to do could be shot to pieces, by the judicial branch. Just as Democrats did for years, for every executive order or bill passed they don't like, Republicans could go judge shopping, find just the right judge, and file a lawsuit. With the SCOTUS in a Republican majority, Republicans could be generally confident of stopping most things Democrats might come up with.

Sure, the SCOTUS didn't rule in Republicans' favor in the Texas lawsuit, but that isn't likely to prevail over time, as shown by other cases where the big court did rule in Trump's favor (ex. Muslim countries ban, favor to religious groups on Cuomo church restrictions, ) The SCOTUS still has Republican majority, and those justices still are conservatives.
I only agree that the democrats need a working majority in Congress.
I've just never seen anything like this. This level and degree of denial.

Even a conservative court won't rule in favor of an alternate universe fantasy.

This is a real problem. This alternate universe stuff is real and dangerous.

Trump was beaten, soundly. That is reality.
I've just never seen anything like this. This level and degree of denial.

Biden was beaten, soundly. That is reality. Trump set record for most votes (real ones) ever received in a presidential election (74 Million), but that doesn't include all the votes he got that were switched by fraud machines all across the country + all the votes that were taken away from him by ballots being thrown out (while Republican poll watchers weren't allowed to observe-which invalidates the whole election, just that alone) So adding in all the taken away votes, Trump very likely had over a 100 million votes.

Biden, who couldn't fill a parking lot during the campaign, subtracting out all his fabricated "votes", probably got no more than about 20 million real votes (and most of those from his & Harris' campaign staffers and illegal aliens).

Despite heavy insulation from the facts, by the liberal media, Democrats know the election was massively, fraudulent, and totally invalid, and that Trump won by a landslide. Biden knows it too. If any of the lying, cheating, thieves had an ounce of decency and soul, they would admit the truth. They are proving that they cannot be trusted. Not on anything.

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