The Sudden Concern about Corruption

The biggest lie is the garbage we hear from the Trump administration.

Trump has cuddled up with, advocated for and does business with some of the most corrupt governments on earth. He did not suspend business with MBS for example, but his excuse for the Ukraine is corruption? He advocated for letting Putin back in the G7, but he's protecting America against corruption in the Ukraine?

How many different ways can one say bullshit?

Фігня - that's Ukrainian for bullshit.
How is this any different from your beloved black Messiah?
We need another wall.
Dividing the country in half.
People like IM2 and Hillary Boot Huggers on one side, Trump supporters and Right wingers on the other.
In 6 months when all the vermin on the Hillary side start climbing the wall to get back to the sane side, stop them by any means necessary. Darwin will do the rest.
In 5 years we'll once again have a more perfect Union

Your lack of objectivity is just nauseating.

The biggest lie is the garbage we hear from the Trump administration.

Trump has cuddled up with, advocated for and does business with some of the most corrupt governments on earth. He did not suspend business with MBS for example, but his excuse for the Ukraine is corruption? He advocated for letting Putin back in the G7, but he's protecting America against corruption in the Ukraine?

How many different ways can one say bullshit?

Фігня - that's Ukrainian for bullshit.

Aren't you a little curious how someone like Hunter Biden ended up with a 60K per month gig in a industry he knew nothing about?

No. Are you concerned with the Chinese trademark Ivanka Trump got after her father had dinner with President Xi?

I would be if she was found with a crack pipe in her car before they gave it to her.
Ukraine doesn't even rank in the top 50 of corrupt countries. (Its 60th) It is well below, Afghanistan, Iraq, Mexico and Russia to name a few. Only the cultists believe the bovine feces that it's about corruption.
Do you have evidence of an American politician peddling influence to any of those other countries?

Trump Tower Moscow ring any bells? Oh, and you have no evidence of Biden doing such a thing. Just more Trump projection...he learned it from Putin. Accuse others of what you are doing.
The biggest lie is the garbage we hear from the Trump administration.

Trump has cuddled up with, advocated for and does business with some of the most corrupt governments on earth. He did not suspend business with MBS for example, but his excuse for the Ukraine is corruption? He advocated for letting Putin back in the G7, but he's protecting America against corruption in the Ukraine?

How many different ways can one say bullshit?

Фігня - that's Ukrainian for bullshit.
Every government ever has had corruption in some form. I think our last greatest best President, Dwight Eisenhower, warned of us of this. The military industrial complex. Now both military and industry are neck and neck trying to co-opt democracy. I see this now with for instance, giving POQIS (people of questionable immigration status) sanctuary from fair and ethical immigration laws, without our consent. Its obvious when local or state governments sell out their own constituents and make them suffer and sleep in the street for a cheap vote. Word up to all you assholes: We notice.
I’m voting for Don again in 2020. I hope he declares open season on dim scum. Too bad Nancy can’t run.

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