The sleeper case that could bust open the IRS scandals


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
Not only does the Obama Administration discriminate against Tea Party / Conservative groups, there is a policy of putting Israel advocacy groups through a special review process as well.

As noted below, a case filed in 2010 may be the sleeper case which enables real discovery into the IRS efforts to destroy data. Given the litigation filed in 2010, the IRS was required to put a litigation hold on all related documents. Instead, they fired the email back up company. Perhaps we'll now be able to find out who "done" it.

What makes the Z-Street case unique and potentially extremely damaging is that its lawsuit was filed in August 2010. That filing placed the IRS under legal obligation to preserve records. The Wall Street Journal’s Review and Outlook column explains:

Under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and legal precedent, once the suit was filed the IRS was required to preserve all evidence relevant to the viewpoint-discrimination charge. That means that no matter what dog ate Lois Lerner's hard drive or what the IRS habit was of recycling the tapes used to back up its email records of taxpayer information, it had a legal duty not to destroy the evidence in ongoing litigation.

In private white-collar cases, companies facing a lawsuit routinely operate under what is known as a "litigation hold," instructing employees to affirmatively retain all documents related to the potential litigation. A failure to do that and any resulting document loss amounts to what is called "willful spoliation," or deliberate destruction of evidence if any of the destroyed documents were potentially relevant to the litigation.

At the IRS, that requirement applied to all correspondence regarding Z Street, as well as to information related to the vetting of conservative groups whose applications for tax-exempt status were delayed during an election season. Instead, and incredibly, the IRS cancelled its contract with email-archiving firm Sonasoft shortly after Ms. Lerner's computer "crash" in June 2011.

In the federal District of Columbia circuit where Z Street's case is now pending, the operating legal obligation is that "negligent or reckless spoliation of evidence is an independent and actionable tort." In a 2011 case a D.C. district court also noted that "Once a party reasonably anticipates litigation, it must suspend its routine document retention/destruction policy and put in place a 'litigation hold' to ensure the preservation of relevant documents."

The government's duty is equally pressing. "When the United States comes into court as a party in a civil suit, it is subject to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure as any other litigant," the Court of Federal Claims ruled in 2007. The responsibility to preserve evidence should have been a topic of conversation between the IRS chief counsel's office and the Justice Department lawyers assigned to handle the Z Street case.

Blog: The sleeper case that could bust open the IRS scandals
Of course it does. Obama is too much of a control freak who is a better policy analyst than his policy analysts and a better speech writer than his speech writers, etc.

But there's more to it than that. The Democrat party is now the party of Big Government. The permanent bureaucracy exists to protect itself, not the country; and without being directly instructed, will attack anyone who is a threat to the continued growth of the government. It will also use its resources to support the Dems and their big government agenda.
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Of course it does. Obama is too much of a control freak who is a better policy analyst than his policy analysts and a better speech writer than his speech writers, etc.

But there 's more to it than that. The Democrat party is now the party of Big Government. The permanent bureaucracy exists to protect itself, not the country; and without being directly instructed, will attack anyone who is a threat to the continued growth of the government. It will also use its resources to support the Dems and their big government agenda.

A control freak who is a savvy enough lawyer and politician--even though I think he hates politics--to know how to dodge all the land mines in these things. He can depend on a surrogate leftwing media to pretty well avoid any in depth investigation on something that could make him look bad and that leaves just 'big bad' Fox News to point to as the bully who hates Obama and goes out of their way to make him look bad.

And when you have a voter base as dumbed down as most of Obama's base is, they don't even notice how many times he says "I didn't know", "Nobody informed me", "I wasn't in that loop", "Somebody else made that decision", etc. etc. And they don't notice how many times he expresses 'concern' or 'outrage' and he will absolutely get to the bottom of that, followed by months and months or years of non action and non investigation, followed by a statement of no evidence of wrong doing along with a shrug and accusation of the conservative media and the racist Republicans of creating phony scandals when none exist.

We've seen that pattern so often now we all could pretty much write the story in advance. But he continues to get away with it.
You need to begin a sentence by capitalizing the first word of the sentence, given that you are so concerned with grammar.

In simple to understand English, Hillary claims that Obama is incompetent and irresponsible. She certainly knows him better than anyone on this site.

Using the IRS in the manner that Obama has, is but one of many examples indicative of someone described as incompetent and irresponsible.

Obama is slowly losing allies, the press and opinion polls. How much longer can he keep this house of cards standing?
You need to begin a sentence by capitalizing the first word of the sentence, given that you are so concerned with grammar.

In simple to understand English, Hillary claims that Obama is incompetent and irresponsible. She certainly knows him better than anyone on this site.

Using the IRS in the manner that Obama has, is but one of many examples indicative of someone described as incompetent and irresponsible.

Obama is slowly losing allies, the press and opinion polls. How much longer can he keep this house of cards standing?

He just needs to keep it standing through the next election and even though his surrogate media is only willing to maintain so much loyalty in the face of sinking public opinion polls, they certainly show no interest in doing their jobs re any serious investigation to expose his 'sins'.
You need to begin a sentence by capitalizing the first word of the sentence, given that you are so concerned with grammar.

In simple to understand English, Hillary claims that Obama is incompetent and irresponsible. She certainly knows him better than anyone on this site.

Using the IRS in the manner that Obama has, is but one of many examples indicative of someone described as incompetent and irresponsible.

Obama is slowly losing allies, the press and opinion polls. How much longer can he keep this house of cards standing?

I could care less about correct grammar from the posters themselves, but when the article lends itself to ignorance all credibility is lost.
You need to begin a sentence by capitalizing the first word of the sentence, given that you are so concerned with grammar.

In simple to understand English, Hillary claims that Obama is incompetent and irresponsible. She certainly knows him better than anyone on this site.

Using the IRS in the manner that Obama has, is but one of many examples indicative of someone described as incompetent and irresponsible.

Obama is slowly losing allies, the press and opinion polls. How much longer can he keep this house of cards standing?

You left out indented paragraphs..
You need to begin a sentence by capitalizing the first word of the sentence, given that you are so concerned with grammar.

In simple to understand English, Hillary claims that Obama is incompetent and irresponsible. She certainly knows him better than anyone on this site.

Using the IRS in the manner that Obama has, is but one of many examples indicative of someone described as incompetent and irresponsible.

Obama is slowly losing allies, the press and opinion polls. How much longer can he keep this house of cards standing?

I could care less about correct grammar from the posters themselves, but when the article lends itself to ignorance all credibility is lost.

Yes, it does make ones credibility as a writer suffer..
You need to begin a sentence by capitalizing the first word of the sentence, given that you are so concerned with grammar.

In simple to understand English, Hillary claims that Obama is incompetent and irresponsible. She certainly knows him better than anyone on this site.

Using the IRS in the manner that Obama has, is but one of many examples indicative of someone described as incompetent and irresponsible.

Obama is slowly losing allies, the press and opinion polls. How much longer can he keep this house of cards standing?

I could care less about correct grammar from the posters themselves, but when the article lends itself to ignorance all credibility is lost.

Yes, it does make ones credibility as a writer suffer..


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