The Sky is Falling - Leftist Scare Tactics

how come king bambi didn't mention that if the sequester were to go thru, wal mart would run out of adult diapers and 24 Million Americans would be scrambling to buy diapers and plastic trash bags? (never mind the 9 million parents scrambling to find a Babysitter !!!)
Military cuts shpuld be made to cut as few jobs as possible- cut use of fuel and ammo to the bone.The teacher, cop, and firemen cuts, and those to programs for young and unfortunate are a bad idea. How bout a gd jobs bill.

The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, cops or firemen, moron.
You know, I only remember that stupid TIME issue about global cooling, but you dupes go on about it FOREVER. Like Rush and those E-mails among some obscure East Anglian "scientists"- Proof Global Warming is a hoax. Horse patoot. Or some min. wage ACORN workers making up names to get paid means they stole the election. Etc etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!
LOL, you seem to be very taken with yourself....nobody else is...I really hope your progeny is more intelligent than you are.

You are however emotionally stunted, hence your proclivity for name calling.

You'll find I'm disparaging your info, dupes. NOT calling you an emotionally scarred 19 year old, or the general lazy bum taker etc Pub psychobabble. lol
EVERY time you type you look mose asinine.

East Anglia was the go to group for "Climate Change".

You know, I only remember that stupid TIME issue about global cooling, but you dupes go on about it FOREVER. Like Rush and those E-mails among some obscure East Anglian "scientists"- Proof Global Warming is a hoax. Horse patoot. Or some min. wage ACORN workers making up names to get paid means they stole the election. Etc etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!
Military cuts shpuld be made to cut as few jobs as possible- cut use of fuel and ammo to the bone.The teacher, cop, and firemen cuts, and those to programs for young and unfortunate are a bad idea. How bout a gd jobs bill.

The federal government doesn't pay for teachers, cops or firemen, moron.

You never heard of federal aid to states and locales, shyttehead? Why do think they went to hell after the stimulus ran out?
You know, I only remember that stupid TIME issue about global cooling, but you dupes go on about it FOREVER. Like Rush and those E-mails among some obscure East Anglian "scientists"- Proof Global Warming is a hoax. Horse patoot. Or some min. wage ACORN workers making up names to get paid means they stole the election. Etc etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!

Yeah and now you idiots call it climate change. Couldn't ya get it right the first time?
EVERY time you type you look mose asinine.

East Anglia was the go to group for "Climate Change".

You know, I only remember that stupid TIME issue about global cooling, but you dupes go on about it FOREVER. Like Rush and those E-mails among some obscure East Anglian "scientists"- Proof Global Warming is a hoax. Horse patoot. Or some min. wage ACORN workers making up names to get paid means they stole the election. Etc etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!

If you want to look like a joke in polite society, keep listening to the Pub Propaganda Machine. I summered in East Anglia at my grandfather's farm and Gunces Manor LOL- learned to speak english and drive. It's an obscure university and you're full of bs as always. Change the channel.
These leftists are seldom, if ever, correct about anything. Yet, they scream from the rooftops how they are smarter than everyone else. Unfortunately, their track record proves.. well... not so much.

You mean like the election. Yeah those leftists were sure way off with that one. Brilliant insight though.
I truly feel sorry for you, you are completely ignorant of the truth.

EVERY time you type you look mose asinine.

East Anglia was the go to group for "Climate Change".

You know, I only remember that stupid TIME issue about global cooling, but you dupes go on about it FOREVER. Like Rush and those E-mails among some obscure East Anglian "scientists"- Proof Global Warming is a hoax. Horse patoot. Or some min. wage ACORN workers making up names to get paid means they stole the election. Etc etc etc etc. Pub dupes!!

If you want to look like a joke in polite society, keep listening to the Pub Propaganda Machine. I summered in East Anglia at my grandfather's farm and Gunces Manor LOL- learned to speak english and drive. It's an obscure university and you're full of bs as always. Change the channel.
Weak pops, I just showed you Al Gore and the EPA are calling it "Climate Change".

You are a liar and an ill educated idiot, we all see it.

You're a total dupe. See, that's calling your info BS. You're the name caller LOL
You ain't my first rodeo pops...don't feel bad.

I eat people like you for lunch.
People call it climate change to keep you loudmouth dupes off of them DUH LOL. You're a disgrace. Again, those E-mails prove NOTHING but what a great imagination Pubs have, and how isolated the dupes a real paper.
Your words pops, your words.

I showed you that Al Gore AND the EPA call it "Climate Change".

I own you old man, go play somewhere else in your Depends ;)

Everyone in the world calls it global warming but Pub dupes and cowards in the LSM.
I'm going to bed gramps.

You lick your wounds and try again tomorrow.

Here 's game, I watch the game others play and then I bitch slaqp them with it because I can play it better than they can.

I am patient, persisten, and I always win?

Nope, but at least I am able to admit when I lose, you have lost try and man up.


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