The Sky is Falling - Leftist Scare Tactics


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012
1) 1939 - Dept. of the Interior says “oil supplies to last only 13 years”

2) 1944 - Feds predict 21 out of 41 commodities will be exhausted by 2000, including tin, nickel, zinc & lead

3) 1968 – Lib hero Paul Ehrlich forecasts 65 million Americans will die of starvation between 1980-1989

4) 1970 – Earth Day, also Ehrlich: “In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct”

5) 1970 – Earth Day, Professor Kenneth E.F. Watt: “The world will be eleven degrees colder by the year 2000”

6) 1974 – Time Magazine article is titled “Another Ice Age”

7) 1974 – US Geological Survey announces “US has only a 10-year supply of natural gas“

More recently, the global warming WHOPPERS are far too numerous to list. Much more likely to be proven predictions:

1) Enviro/socialists will keep peddling their snake oil to young students and media morons.

2) These crooks will bilk trillions from taxpayers by inventing crisis after crisis.
You could only find 7? Lame.

Well, I could have used any of the 7000 or so about global warming (or more recently called climate change --- ever wonder why the lefties have gone to a much softer label?? I think that is called "walking it back". You know whenever a politician gets caught with his/her pants down after making ignorant baseless claims.) since 1980 --- the enviro-scare joke came on strong about the same time.
Well, I could have used any of the 7000 or so about global warming (or more recently called climate change --- ever wonder why the lefties have gone to a much softer label?? I think that is called "walking it back". You know whenever a politician gets caught with his/her pants down after making ignorant baseless claims.) since 1980 --- the enviro-scare joke came on strong about the same time.

You're right you did mention global warming. So 8 things. The left has only used scare tactics 8 times. Good to know.
The Left is comparing the 44 Billion cut to the collapse of the Canary Islands. Yup. hey, at least most of us don't live near the Atlantic Ocean! if they go, and the islands collapse, u guys have 6 hours to drive to higher ground !!!
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Military cuts shpuld be made to cut as few jobs as possible- cut use of fuel and ammo to the bone.The teacher, cop, and firemen cuts, and those to programs for young and unfortunate are a bad idea. How bout a gd jobs bill.
Let's see the list of idiotic RW predictions? Much longer and with NO basis in fact. Global Warming is now coming back, like gun control. The reason they left was a HUGE tidalwave of RW BS propaganda and lies. Dems just aren't such uncivilized loudmouth a-holes- just right. TIME is not leftist, morons.
These leftists are seldom, if ever, correct about anything. Yet, they scream from the rooftops how they are smarter than everyone else. Unfortunately, their track record proves.. well... not so much.
franco you truly are an idiot :)

They had to change it to "Climate Change" because they couldn't prove there was warming.....

But we have nothing to fear, Obama said that upon his election history would note that it was at that precise moment the seas stop rising....
These leftists are seldom, if ever, correct about anything. Yet, they scream from the rooftops how they are smarter than everyone else. Unfortunately, their track record proves.. well... not so much.

You could just as well switch "leftists" with "righties"

I could switch it with "Druid Philosophers" or "Sea Urchins", but that'd be equally silly.
Sure, dupe- thanks for the stupidest wars ever, the depression, and the worst BS propaganda machine since the USSR or the Nazis. All the congressional Pubs are off too, dupe.
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franco you truly are an idiot :)

They had to change it to "Climate Change" because they couldn't prove there was warming.....

But we have nothing to fear, Obama said that upon his election history would note that it was at that precise moment the seas stop rising....

BS. You're the only people in the world who don't believe in it. Thanks for the memorized talking point, Prof. Rushbeckdupe.
These leftists are seldom, if ever, correct about anything. Yet, they scream from the rooftops how they are smarter than everyone else. Unfortunately, their track record proves.. well... not so much.

You could just as well switch "leftists" with "righties"

No shit! Both the right and left rely on fear to get their movements moving. Look at all the various "war on _________________" (fill in the blank)! we saw the last election cycle. The latest scare is "the government confiscating guns", which is making a ton of dough for the gun industry (isn't that interesting). :eusa_whistle:
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(smile) you post like a robot kid...never anything to add, never anything that makes any sense.

You must be about what, 19?

franco you truly are an idiot :)

They had to change it to "Climate Change" because they couldn't prove there was warming.....

But we have nothing to fear, Obama said that upon his election history would note that it was at that precise moment the seas stop rising....

BS. You're the only people in the world who don't believe in it. Thanks for the memorized talking point, Prof. Rushbeckdupe.

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