The REAL Intention of the EV Car Finally Revealed


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Just as I have been predicting here, when the Left, the Climate Nuts, the Environmentalists and government tell you that EVs are the thing of the future and before anyone even decides whether they want them that this is all you will get being FORCED into them despite GLARING gaps between the reality, the affordability or the practicality of the technology vs. what would actually work and be needed for the "good of the planet," NEVER believe them because when they shout left, like a sleight-of-hand trickster, look instead where they are NOT pointing!

Just as with healthcare, the REAL point to banning analog cellphones in 1996 wasn't better service but because all digital let them TRACK you, the REAL point to government takeover of healthcare was to control your life, and now as I have been trying to tell people, the REAL intention to all electric/electronic cars is to run your LIVING.

Ford has just announced that they have developed technology for EVs so that if you don't make your car payments, the car will automatically repossess itself and drive away! Now why would Ford invest in such a thing? Who else other than the government and industry would WANT such a feature?!

And of course, if they can do that, they can upload software into your EV to not start, quit running, turn you in, maybe even lock the doors and hijack you back to authorities if they so choose!

Maybe you skipped out on alimoney, failed to pay your taxes, are suspected of a crime, are on the lam from authorities, beat your wife or just went too fast on the highway! It can and WILL be most anything. In effect, the real point to government taking away ICE cars (and they will take away aftermarket parts to keep them running at some point in order to FORCE stragglers into switching to an EV) because the real aim here is to run your life and you will no longer own cars but rent them. But only for so long as you keep making your payments or they decide to take away your driving privileges for, well, any reason at all they choose or deem justified. ITMT, just imagine the million million things that can and will go wrong as they fumble through the technology using you are their guinea pig?

This is your future. Or at least a peek at the beginning of it. Just as I've been telling you.
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Ford has just announced that they have developed technology for EVs so that if you don't make your car payments, the car will automatically repossess itself and drive away!
good lord Tube o_O


That's not about EVs so much as self-driving vehicles. And considering the amount of electronics even in gas-powered vehicles now, I don't think it matters whether you buy ICE or EV. You could be tracked, the vehicle could be remotely shut down/kept from starting, etc.

Wrong. No one is going to invest the technology into a car that they plan on phasing out in a decade. It COULD be done, but are you going to return your current ICE car for a massive upgrade? Self-driving and full transceiver computer programmable control are things which must be DESIGNED into the car at the factory. EVs don't age well so older models will quickly cycle out of the used market and before anyone buys an ICE car with all that crap in it, they will just keep buying older used ICE cars which can easily be around for 40-50 years.
Oh but Ford says they have no plans to implement it.......and if you believeTHAT, have i got a vaccine for you!

They say they have no immediate plans FOR NOW. Meaning that once perfected, they hope to farm out the technology and collect royalties off of it allowing a hundred other companies to adapt it to their particular interests.

Just think: we used to be annoyed because our car dinged if your seat belt wasn't on. Now you will have the locks locking you out, irritating messages flashing on your dashboard and rude noises coming across your speakers.
It would not be hard to put a tracking device in a car at the dealership. So the car would be easier to repo if you stopped paying for it. This is just using the technology to save the repo-man a trip.
Don't buy ford products. You know...i knew there was a reason Obama killed the used car industry a decade ago. These people...the left...always thinking of their dirty deeds 10 to 20 years in the future. Same for making cars that owners cannot work on themselves.

Appliances are out today that you can't even change the damn light bulb in them unless you find a technician to do it. GEProfiles stoves and frigs are like that. I'm sure more are too. They are making these things of poorer quality all the time and we pay more and more for garbage. And there's not a damn thing we can do about it. Quality is a thing of the past. DiY is dying. IT's gonna hurt but we need to stop funding these people.

Poor quality products, low quality workmanship. no one has pride in their product because what's the damn point of that. We all know it's shit.
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It would not be hard to put a tracking device in a car at the dealership. So the car would be easier to repo if you stopped paying for it. This is just using the technology to save the repo-man a trip.

Yes but tracking is just the tip of the iceberg. Believe it or not, they are already tracking or able to track most anyone, if not from the GPS in your phone, they have cameras set up everywhere, on roads, buildings, bridges which can read your license plate.
Yes but tracking is just the tip of the iceberg. Believe it or not, they are already tracking or able to track most anyone, if not from the GPS in your phone, they have cameras set up everywhere, on roads, buildings, bridges which can read your license plate.
and still police can't find a black gang that is beating up women and old men. 50 percent of murders are unsolved. Cops can't do a damn thing unless a camera somewhere is doing it for them and even then it is not a shoo-in.
and still police can't find a black gang that is beating up women and old men. 50 percent of murders are unsolved. Cops can't do a damn thing unless a camera somewhere is doing it for them and even then it is not a shoo-in.

Didn't Elon Musk announce just the other day some sort of plan or research to insert chips into people's brains?

You can bet your last dollar that when they start doing this, they will be interested in doing far more with it than they will ever let on.
Wrong. No one is going to invest the technology into a car that they plan on phasing out in a decade. It COULD be done, but are you going to return your current ICE car for a massive upgrade? Self-driving and full transceiver computer programmable control are things which must be DESIGNED into the car at the factory. EVs don't age well so older models will quickly cycle out of the used market and before anyone buys an ICE car with all that crap in it, they will just keep buying older used ICE cars which can easily be around for 40-50 years.

Again, that's not an EV issue, it's an autonomous vehicle issue. There have been, and are going to be, many EVs manufactured and sold before autonomous vehicles become a viable thing.

I don't know if you've noticed, but there don't seem to be many people driving 40-50 year old cars. :lol:
Again, that's not an EV issue, it's an autonomous vehicle issue. There have been, and are going to be, many EVs manufactured and sold before autonomous vehicles become a viable thing.
My point is that AFAIK, there are no self-driving ICE cars and unless the gov-industry does a reversal, I doubt anyone is going to invest in ICE cars now enough to produce one, but I could be wrong.

I don't know if you've noticed, but there don't seem to be many people driving 40-50 year old cars.
Of course not, again, my point is that taken care of, an ICE car can last 100,000-200,000 miles or more and still be a good running, very affordable choice, and as the whole EV car issue deepens, more and more people will begin looking towards older ICE cars in good shape for just a few thousand dollars over spending 10X as much and more for a new EV. And older ICE cars will start going up in value.

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