The real – and far scarier – reason Republicans think Biden is illegitimate

You can guarantee that at least one of them will parrot that the US is a Republic noot a democracy" and you cant help thinking that they do not understand what they are talking about.
The anti democracy moves around the states are also about disenfrnchising people. Once you lose sight of the importance of voting then its a small step to stopping it.
Their heroes have no time for voting. Putin,Pinochet,Orban and so on. Better to have a white christian strong man calling the shots rather than people who might be different. And god forbid they might look different as well.
It appears to be all about Nationalism vs. Globalism now. So the hyper-nationalist strongman types (USA, Russia, etc.) are most appealing to them. There is clearly some kind of floodgate they think will be opened if hyper-nationalism doesn't win out (and who knows what they imagine that would look like). They are, literally, terrified.
1st post
The Guardian eh? They are about as legitimate as film of Bigfoot. And just as gullible.

They undertand its value with stuid people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe would have seen it by now.
Because it isn't as though there is a giant political and media machine dedicated to the BIG LIES they
are propagating 24/7. Right?
And the facts of the 2020 election are just laying in the road waiting for someone to discover them?
Or so you behave.

Like the facts of the Hunter Biden scandal first the facts are laughed at, then denied
and then begrudgingly admitted and finally just ignored and then buried again.

By dubious dishonest sources like The Guardian.
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You lied about Russian Collusion, Covid, Hunter Biden's Laptop, Joe Biden taking bribes, Uranium One, Hillary's Secret Server, Seth Rich and Julian Assange, Benghazi. You are just posting more lies. No reason to believe you.
Thats a whole load of crazy shit that you are banking on there. You forgot the jewish space lasers and the Paedo Pizza basement.
You can guarantee that at least one of them will parrot that the US is a Republic noot a democracy" and you cant help thinking that they do not understand what they are talking about.
The anti democracy moves around the states are also about disenfrnchising people. Once you lose sight of the importance of voting then its a small step to stopping it.
Their heroes have no time for voting. Putin,Pinochet,Orban and so on. Better to have a white christian strong man calling the shots rather than people who might be different. And god forbid they might look different as well.
We are a constitutional republic you lying bastard! Right from Franklins mouth!
Thats a whole load of crazy shit that you are banking on there. You forgot the jewish space lasers and the Paedo Pizza basement.
Fauci lied and you lied.
You are lying now.

If your policies and agendas were so great, you would not have to lie or collude with Russia to purchase a dirty Dossier, or collude with China to unleash a pandemic on The US, and Trump Administration so that you can illegally alter voting laws to rig an election in your favor
5th post
It appears to be all about Nationalism vs. Globalism now. So the hyper-nationalist strongman types (USA, Russia, etc.) are most appealing to them. There is clearly some kind of floodgate they think will be opened if hyper-nationalism doesn't win out (and who knows what they imagine that would look like). They are, literally, terrified.
I’m not sure where good ole nationalism ends and the evil hyper-nationalism begins

nor can we rely on the superior knowledge of mac1958 to inform us

the same goes for globalism

when does immigration as a byproduct of globalism cease to be a good thing?

or outsourcing to china?

us crusty old hyper-nationists want to limit immigration along with trade with china

is that wrong?

Tweeners know but they wont say

this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

They undertand its value with stuid people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe would have seen it by now.

The real reson they think Biden isnt legit is somply that he believes in different things to them. That is really scary.They have a narow limited view on what the US should look like and are not prepared to to accept a different point of view.

there are other names for this but I will leave them to one side for now. Have a look at the article and tell me what you think.
Of course it's scary. It's written by someone who thinks he can read minds, and that kind of a person is scary. The fact that you apparently agree with him is also scary. Maybe you should stay inside today.
10th post

this is a quite scary article. The author pushes the theory that most republicans dont actually believe in the big lie that trump has been pushing..

They undertand its value with stuid people but they realise that if there had been any evidencewe would have seen it by now.

The real reson they think Biden isnt legit is somply that he believes in different things to them. That is really scary.They have a narow limited view on what the US should look like and are not prepared to to accept a different point of view.

there are other names for this but I will leave them to one side for now. Have a look at the article and tell me what you think.

No......he is mentally ill, and more corrupt than most politicians.....his family has taken 10s of millions of dollars from China, while he was the sitting Vice President, flying his son over on Airforce 2 to collect the check.....

You idiots really believe the last thing a left wing moron tells you.......
Just look at the responses to the OP. It is telling.
Thanks for your input.

pink the floyd said:
Who cares what racist freaks from Alabama or Arkansas or whatever thinks. The country has moved on without them.

Adapt or die

this country won't move anywhere WITHOUT those 'freaks'. adapt or die my ass. Be interesting to see you leftist idiots die, cause you sure as hell aren't gonna adapt unless someone is doing the heavy lifting for ya.

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