The problem with republicans: too much emotion

It must be hard defending a man that almost 70% of the people can't stand

Teabaggers 'feel' that Obama is not a citizen, that the IRS targeted them (victim mentality), that Obama isn't doing anything about illegals (he's deported twice as many as Bush), that he takes too many vacations (Bush and Reagan took much more), etc.

And they still go around calling the people vulgar names, and still has to bring up Bush and now Reagan to prop him up...
It took liberals to explain to us what teabagger was. Not common knowledge to straight citizens, only the perverted.
The problem with Republicans is they haven't done anything for the country in the last 8 years.

Do they actually think American's are going to vote for more of THAT, in a couple of months?
Republicans are doing what 70% of the people want and that is blocking Obama's agenda. When we control the senate he can forget nominating any more justices.
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

Republicans, emotion ??

you are a fucking idiot, when it comes to emotion it is you fucking demoscum who are the ones filled with emotion, in nearly every post you all make, you use the word "FEEL" rather than THINK or BELIEVE

"FEEL" is emotion, now please go :fu: yourself :lmao:

Obviously I am referring to my opinion when I use it. Of course I don't expect, you, a conservative to understand the nature of context. It's okay though. I've accepted who you are.

is there any difference between your opinion and your asshole. :lmao: ...... :lmao: ...... :lmao: ...... :lmao: ...... :lmao: ...... :lmao: ...... :lmao: ...... :lmao: ...... :up:
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

You are by far the the most delusional person on the entire board. Reference 2008 when delegates to Denver cried when Obamas made speeches. Everything to a liberal is their way...or your a racist fuck head. It's the only game they have. Liberals are mindless emotional automatons that follow Democratic Party. You need to wake up.
I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....

And all your pictures are strawmen.

For instance: who criticizes women for being stay-home moms?

Not Liberals.

Of course, if conservatives didn't lie they would have nothing to say.

You're Funny -you were trying tobe funny weren't you ? I know you can't possibly be typing that with a straight face .

Liberal Fascists and their useful idiots ridicule, insult, degrade and demean stay-at-home moms on a continual basis.
Democrat Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has said,
"These women who act like staying at home, leeching off their husbands or boyfriends, and just cashing the checks is some sort of feminism because they’re choosing to live that life. That’s bull****. I mean, what the f*** are we really talking about here?"

She's correct. That is not feminism. That's the only point she's making, not that it's bad. It's not bad, but it's not feminism, it's the traditional role.

You wingnuts think everything is an affront, even word definitions. :lol:

Writer Amy Glass whole ahighlky insultin article not only mocking Mothers everywhere , but demeaning the entire Family Structure "I look down on young women with husbands and kids and I’m not sorry."
Who is Amy Glass, and why do you think she's a Liberal?

And why should I care what she thinks?

Democrat strategist Hillary Rosen attacked Ann Romney for being a stay-at-home mom while Barack Obama himself said [quote]staying at home to raise children isn't real "work."
Not what she said. She said Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, which was a mistake. She meant to say that Ann Romney has never been employed in her life. Which is true.

Strong willed, Independent minded women such as Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.... Liberals pratically foam at the mouth when these girls are mentioned ,
We react to the asinine statements that continually flow like diarrhea from their mouths. Just like we react to Todd Aiken, Alan West, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, and all the other dim Republican men.

I'm noticing that none of these other examples have anything to do with stay home mom's so I guess you are grasping and flailing.

and the Liberal Press works overtime to demean them anyway they can feasibly devise.

Of course, you can't point to an example. There's no such thing as the Liberal Press. It's corporate press.

They've attacked Palin's family and children
They've attacked Bachmann's husband,
They've attacked Coulter and tried to claim she was a transvestite
They've attacked Michelle Malkin with racial slurs .



Ms. Malkin had to sell her nome and change her residence because of serious threats against her and her Family -

Are you talking about Anchor Baby Michelle Malkin? Is that the same Michelle Malkin who published the address of Graeme Frost, the 12 year old S-CHIP recipient, unleashing a torrent of death threats and hate directed at his family?

Rightwing compassion:

This is America people -what the Fuck are you People you doing !!!!

Improving it despite the knuckle-draggers and mouth-breathers.
You have Chris Christie with Mickey Mouse ears as an avatar...then you have this incredibly long diatribe that concludes with a BBC story about a kid and a S Chip. It must take lots of emotion to be that warped-up in things.
The OP lives in Bizaro America. When he says republicans, he means democrat liberals.
Everything the Rightwing does is based purely on emotion.

Birth certificate
New Black Panther
Fast & Furious
Reverend Wright
Bill Ayers
Presidential golfing
Presidential vacations

The list goes on and on. All fact-free temper tantrums from the Rightwing.
You have Chris Christie with Mickey Mouse ears as an avatar...then you have this incredibly long diatribe that concludes with a BBC story about a kid and a S Chip. It must take lots of emotion to be that warped-up in things.

Who mentioned the BBC? I didn't include a link.

But here's one:

The Swift-Boating of Graeme Frost - TIME

Who gives a fuck about that guy. Why can't liberals stay on American issues...I IRS scandal.
You have Chris Christie with Mickey Mouse ears as an avatar...then you have this incredibly long diatribe that concludes with a BBC story about a kid and a S Chip. It must take lots of emotion to be that warped-up in things.

Who mentioned the BBC? I didn't include a link.

But here's one:

The Swift-Boating of Graeme Frost - TIME

Who gives a fuck about that guy. Why can't liberals stay on American issues...I IRS scandal.

^^^ Compassionate conservatism. :lol:

Yeah, it's only an American boy.

This is why you constantly lose. And will continue to lose. You are on the fringe of society.
Who mentioned the BBC? I didn't include a link.

But here's one:

The Swift-Boating of Graeme Frost - TIME

Who gives a fuck about that guy. Why can't liberals stay on American issues...I IRS scandal.

^^^ Compassionate conservatism. :lol:

Yeah, it's only an American boy.

This is why you constantly lose. And will continue to lose. You are on the fringe of society.

Wash' he the English dip shit that offed himself several years ago? Who cares?
Who mentioned the BBC? I didn't include a link.

But here's one:

The Swift-Boating of Graeme Frost - TIME

Who gives a fuck about that guy. Why can't liberals stay on American issues...I IRS scandal.

^^^ Compassionate conservatism. :lol:

Yeah, it's only an American boy.

This is why you constantly lose. And will continue to lose. You are on the fringe of society.

That's why we'll lose the senate this time around....

Oh wait......:badgrin::badgrin:
Who gives a fuck about that guy. Why can't liberals stay on American issues...I IRS scandal.

^^^ Compassionate conservatism. :lol:

Yeah, it's only an American boy.

This is why you constantly lose. And will continue to lose. You are on the fringe of society.

That's why we'll lose the senate this time around....

Oh wait......:badgrin::badgrin:
You seem so certain.

You wingnuts were certain Romney was going to win in a landslide, too! :lol:
^^^ Compassionate conservatism. :lol:

Yeah, it's only an American boy.

This is why you constantly lose. And will continue to lose. You are on the fringe of society.

That's why we'll lose the senate this time around....

Oh wait......:badgrin::badgrin:
You seem so certain.

You wingnuts were certain Romney was going to win in a landslide, too! :lol:

Tell me, dickweed, do you really think the dems will have as many seats after the elections as before ?

I am certain that won't happen.

And just about everyone agrees.

So, whose losing ? And keeps losing ?

BTW: We own the more statehouses than any one party has had for about 60 years. And that is only going in one direction.

Ooops: John Walsh just dropped out.
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A conservative male analyzing situations compared to a liberal female doing the same.

Night and freaking day. I'm on the verge of having seizures as I listen to the deluded idiocy of the liberal woman. My skin crawls at her smarminess. YMMV.

[ame=]Defending Adam Carolla: The Young Turks Rebutted! - YouTube[/ame]
What’s interesting is that Billy makes an assertions that ‘republicans/tea baggers’ are all emotion without fact and then launches into a monologue doing EXACTLY what he claimed the republicans did.

Truly ironic how emotional and completely devoid of fact Billy is while demanding that is what others are doing.

If we wanted to make Billy’s assertion a little closer to truth the first sentence would read:
“What is very clear about partisan hacks is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.”

A group that Billy clearly belongs in.

Why don’t you take those straw men somewhere else, you didn’t articulate a single republican ‘position’ on anything.

I have to say the rightwing response to my thread has only confirmed the thread.

so that's your goal here? to piss off people so you can beat your chest like some ape
you are the emotional loser in life if this is what gets your jollies off
but you're a typical leftie just a hater

We are dealing with a member of the perpetually offended. They hate it that there are Americans who are happy, so they complain or do whatever they can to bring us to their level of misery. They try to make us ashamed to be a TEA party member by calling us teabaggers, a word describing a gay sex act which only shows that liberals find gay sex perverted too.
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I was going to write to really long response to your silliness , but I figured - hey - why waste my time- it's only a Liberal simpleton - a picture is worth a thousand words.....

And all your pictures are strawmen.

For instance: who criticizes women for being stay-home moms?

Not Liberals.

Of course, if conservatives didn't lie they would have nothing to say.

there's that projection again. libs are famous for it

They can't get more blatant than that gem. Ha ha.

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