The Republicans picked up 14 seats in the house in 2020

MAGA Republicans determine if an election is fair or not based on who wins. If their person wins, fair. If there person does not win, rigged.
Normal people determine based on hard evidence.
Do you always talk out your ass, not knowing what the hell you are talking about.
16 days before the 2016 election Comey sent a letter to congress saying new emails from Hillary Clinton have been found that are being further investigated, meaning there would be a ossibility of charges. After the election it was determined the new emails were nothing and there will be no charges.

MAGa does not live in the real world. They live in a world defined by Donald Trump. They are a group of lemmings.

The demafasict have challenged every election they lost when it comes to president this century. You’ve rioted, used your offices to prosecute rivals, colluded with foreign agents, and staged coups

You are all a cult and clear and present danger to our republic
Please document. You idiots live in an alternative reality. Sad and pathetic.

The demafasict have challenged every election they lost when it comes to president this century. You’ve rioted, used your offices to prosecute rivals, colluded with foreign agents, and staged coups

You are all a cult and clear and present danger to our republic
You idiots cannot even come up with an original attack on the antiTrumpers. You throw back the substantiated attacks on Trump minions.
Come up with something original. I could help you lemmings but I am not going to.
Please document. You idiots live in an alternative reality. Sad and pathetic.

You idiots cannot even come up with an original attack on the antiTrumpers. You throw back the substantiated attacks on Trump minions.
Come up with something original. I could help you lemmings but I am not going to.
What do you mean?
The Republicans picked up 14 seats in the house in 2020 and 9 seats in 2022 to take control of the house.

MAGA did not dispute any elections won by Republicans. MAGA feels all elections they lost are rigged, the ones they win are fair.

That sounds like very clear, unbiased opinion.

How many house seats that they lost did they contest ?
President XI
I knew you could not come up with an answer.

10 Signs You're In A Cult

  • The leader is the ultimate authority. ...
  • The group suppresses skepticism. ...
  • The group delegitimizes former members. ...
  • The group is paranoid about the outside world. ...
  • The group relies on shame cycles. ...
  • The leader is above the law. ...
  • The group uses “thought reform” methods. ...
  • The group is elitist.
Many. Lake from Arizona is contesting every elected position the Republicans lost.

She is contesting (or whining about many of them). And she's f**king things up by doing it.

But I am not aware of any congressional house seats that she is contesting.
She is contesting (or whining about many of them). And she's f**king things up by doing it.

But I am not aware of any congressional house seats that she is contesting.
Multiple local elections have been contested by Republicans throughout the country. Trump has told Republicans that our elections system is rigged. Too many Republicans believe everything Trump says. They are contesting elections they lost throughout the country. It is funny that only elections Republicans loose are rigged. If elections are rigged, why are Democrats not protesting ones they lose. If they thought they were rigged they would dispute.
Multiple local elections have been contested by Republicans throughout the country. Trump has told Republicans that our elections system is rigged. Too many Republicans believe everything Trump says. They are contesting elections they lost throughout the country. It is funny that only elections Republicans loose are rigged. If elections are rigged, why are Democrats not protesting ones they lose. If they thought they were rigged they would dispute.

Again, I am not aware of any specific house races that were contested.

I think they all went as people thought they would. I could be wrong.
Again, I am not aware of any specific house races that were contested.

I think they all went as people thought they would. I could be wrong.
The Presidential race as expected.

But Republicans, all over the country, disputing elections where the Republican did not win, on all lvels

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