The problem with republicans: too much emotion

That's why we'll lose the senate this time around....

Oh wait......:badgrin::badgrin:
You seem so certain.

You wingnuts were certain Romney was going to win in a landslide, too! :lol:

Tell me, dickweed, do you really think the dems will have as many seats after the elections as before ?

I am certain that won't happen.

And just about everyone agrees.

So, whose losing ? And keeps losing ?

BTW: We own the more statehouses than any one party has had for about 60 years. And that is only going in one direction.

Ooops: John Walsh just dropped out.

Didn't wingnuts like yourself guarantee Romney's victory? Yes or no?

The statehouses will change. Mostly because Rightwing policies always fail (see: Kansas, who can't pay their bills under Brownback's GOP playbook) or because the courts are correcting illegal GOP redistricting (see: Florida).

BTW - Charlie Crist is crushing Lord Voldemort in the polls.
What does emotion have to do with analyzing a problem, defining the problem, creating a comprehensive solution.....and then killing them?
I have to say the rightwing response to my thread has only confirmed the thread.

so that's your goal here? to piss off people so you can beat your chest like some ape
you are the emotional loser in life if this is what gets your jollies off
but you're a typical leftie just a hater

We are dealing with a member of the perpetually offended. They hate it that there are Americans who are happy, so they complain or do whatever they can to bring us to their level of misery. They try to make us ashamed to be a TEA party member by calling us teabaggers, a word describing a gay sex act which only shows that liberals find gay sex perverted too.

First off, wingnuts are never happy. They carry around their hate and their bigotry, and it eats them alive.

Second, I call you teabaggers, having nothing to do with a sex act. I call you that because I won't dignify this Astroturfed, fake movement by calling it the Tea Party. That infers that's it's real, and legitimate. It's not.
You're Funny -you were trying tobe funny weren't you ? I know you can't possibly be typing that with a straight face .

Liberal Fascists and their useful idiots ridicule, insult, degrade and demean stay-at-home moms on a continual basis.
Democrat Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has said,

She's correct. That is not feminism. That's the only point she's making, not that it's bad. It's not bad, but it's not feminism, it's the traditional role.

You wingnuts think everything is an affront, even word definitions. :lol:

Who is Amy Glass, and why do you think she's a Liberal?

And why should I care what she thinks?

Not what she said. She said Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, which was a mistake. She meant to say that Ann Romney has never been employed in her life. Which is true.
We react to the asinine statements that continually flow like diarrhea from their mouths. Just like we react to Todd Aiken, Alan West, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, and all the other dim Republican men.

I'm noticing that none of these other examples have anything to do with stay home mom's so I guess you are grasping and flailing.

Of course, you can't point to an example. There's no such thing as the Liberal Press. It's corporate press.



Are you talking about Anchor Baby Michelle Malkin? Is that the same Michelle Malkin who published the address of Graeme Frost, the 12 year old S-CHIP recipient, unleashing a torrent of death threats and hate directed at his family?

Rightwing compassion:

This is America people -what the Fuck are you People you doing !!!!
Improving it despite the knuckle-draggers and mouth-breathers.

WOW ! I can see your claw marks on ths side of the abyss as you descend further and further into the pit of irrelevance . Sorry Pal , but your canned vitrole and reactionary diarhea are not worth my time at present - go stand in the corner till I have a moments time to smack you over the ass with the ruler - Got It !?

Thanks for confirming that you cannot debate me. :lol:
so that's your goal here? to piss off people so you can beat your chest like some ape
you are the emotional loser in life if this is what gets your jollies off
but you're a typical leftie just a hater

We are dealing with a member of the perpetually offended. They hate it that there are Americans who are happy, so they complain or do whatever they can to bring us to their level of misery. They try to make us ashamed to be a TEA party member by calling us teabaggers, a word describing a gay sex act which only shows that liberals find gay sex perverted too.

First off, wingnuts are never happy. They carry around their hate and their bigotry, and it eats them alive.

Second, I call you teabaggers, having nothing to do with a sex act. I call you that because I won't dignify this Astroturfed, fake movement by calling it the Tea Party. That infers that's it's real, and legitimate. It's not.

Hear no good. See no good. Do no good. ........GFY.
...but the fact that you actually believe he wasn't born here makes you look like a total tard. After 8 years NO ONE has presented any evidence he was born outside of the US. Surely republicans could have proved it by now .

Hillary Clinton was actually the first to bring up the issue of Obama's birth, so I take it that you will not be voting for that "tard" in 2016?

After 8 years, there is still a question regarding where the man was actually born. That should tell you something. If it were unquestionable, the question would not remain. I don't KNOW where he was born, but I think the circumstances surrounding it are very suspect. To me, it's not an important issue. I am far more concerned with how he systematically destroying America. He's not only the worst president we've ever had, he's the only president who has truly hated America and what we stand for. And you liberal goobs cheer him on!

So, the whole GOP establishment, AND the whole Clintonista Army couldn't come up with any evidence Obama wasn't born here?

That's even worse. Quit while you only look like a fool, dude.
Holy shit. Just because text exists that says he was born in Kenya does not mean he was actually born there you goon. Seriously, how did he become president. What in god's name allowed him to be president? How could such a massive oversight happen? Nothing about it is plausible.

LMAO... So the argument is: He shouldn't be president because he wasn't born here. You demand "proof" of that, and someone gives you "proof" of it. Then you claim the "proof" must not be legitimate because he IS president. Do you not see a problem with your logic here?

What in God's name allowed him to be president is called The Election. He became president because he had more Electoral votes than the other guy. You know how this works. What you want to know is how he managed to actually RUN for president, if he wasn't qualified. Well, that comes under the purview of the Democratic Party certification process, where Nancy Pelosi supposedly vetted Obama and certified he met the standards of eligibility. Of course, Nancy isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.

As I said, Hillary Clinton was the first to raise the issue of his eligibility. There is a ton of evidence to suggest he wasn't born in Hawaii.

Dude you are so fucking stupid. A person is automatically not qualified to be president if they are not born here. It is a rule of law. If Obama wasn't born here he wouldn't even make it past the petition stage you nitwit.

So Rafael "Ted" Cruz is not eligible?
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She's correct. That is not feminism. That's the only point she's making, not that it's bad. It's not bad, but it's not feminism, it's the traditional role.

You wingnuts think everything is an affront, even word definitions. :lol:

Who is Amy Glass, and why do you think she's a Liberal?

And why should I care what she thinks?

Not what she said. She said Ann Romney never worked a day in her life, which was a mistake. She meant to say that Ann Romney has never been employed in her life. Which is true.
We react to the asinine statements that continually flow like diarrhea from their mouths. Just like we react to Todd Aiken, Alan West, Louie Gohmert, Ted Cruz, and all the other dim Republican men.

I'm noticing that none of these other examples have anything to do with stay home mom's so I guess you are grasping and flailing.

Of course, you can't point to an example. There's no such thing as the Liberal Press. It's corporate press.



Are you talking about Anchor Baby Michelle Malkin? Is that the same Michelle Malkin who published the address of Graeme Frost, the 12 year old S-CHIP recipient, unleashing a torrent of death threats and hate directed at his family?

Rightwing compassion:

Improving it despite the knuckle-draggers and mouth-breathers.

WOW ! I can see your claw marks on ths side of the abyss as you descend further and further into the pit of irrelevance . Sorry Pal , but your canned vitrole and reactionary diarhea are not worth my time at present - go stand in the corner till I have a moments time to smack you over the ass with the ruler - Got It !?

Thanks for confirming that you cannot debate me. :lol:

Ahhh.... I see you've come out of the corner - now lets see if you stand tall and avoid getting smacked over the ass with that ruler
So the fact that he has a valid birth certificate makes no never mind to you?

Well, I have yet to see a "valid" birth certificate. I've seen a certificate that claims he was born in Hawaii, but it's the same certificate anyone who lived in Hawaii in 1961 could have obtained by filling out a request form and submitting to the Dept. of Health.

The Republican Governor of Hawaii determined that it is a valid Hawaii birth certificate. Why would he do that if it were not?

In fact, no one in Hawaiian government has disputed that it's valid.
WOW ! I can see your claw marks on ths side of the abyss as you descend further and further into the pit of irrelevance . Sorry Pal , but your canned vitrole and reactionary diarhea are not worth my time at present - go stand in the corner till I have a moments time to smack you over the ass with the ruler - Got It !?

Thanks for confirming that you cannot debate me. :lol:

Ahhh.... I see you've come out of the corner - now lets see if you stand tall and avoid getting smacked over the ass with that ruler
Again, you impotently lash out.

Again, no counter argument.

Again, I've won. :lol:
Dunno, Bro'.....

They didn't let Judge Scalia get too cold before expressing how they feeeeeel about trusting their senate with an up or down vote on any and every replacement nominated by President Obama.


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