The problem with republicans: too much emotion


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are not smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.
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What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.
Excellent discourse! Very well summed up!
What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

I get the sense that you're at least trying to make a serious point and you start off with an anti-gay slur. Flip the scenario for a second. Let's say that you're a conservative and you're trying to engage with Democrats. Here's how your opening sentence would read to them:

What is very clear about Democrats/Felchers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

Do you really believe that using anti-gay slurs is the best way to reach an audience and have them take you seriously?

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically.

Project much, do you? Would a clear thinking person, which I suppose how you view yourself, begin a comment by directing sexual slurs at his audience? That sure looks like an emotional motivation.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first.

A thinking person would realize that government action is constrained by the Constitution. Secondly, a thinking person would realize that what desired action falls within the category of "within reason" is open to dispute. I reject most of what Democrats hold dear and I can trump your arguments through the use of reason. You'll certainly disagree with my position and you'll likely even mount a defense which consists of old talking points. When you can't best my position that's when we'll see the famous liberal tendency of resorting to emotion. At that point, I or other opponents, are usually called racists or some such in order to shut down the debate so that you can declare victory due to the fact that you won't argue against racists and that racists can never be correct, so if your opponents are racists, then their positions are invalid and you win. See, I know you liberals and how you "think."

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white.

The irony here is so damn thick, it's marvelous to behold. If this piece was satire it would be a work of art.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Right, because as everyone knows Republicans are widely known for supporting efforts to decriminalize child pornography. Poor dears, they just don't understand nuance and the need to criminalize child porn.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

Please apply your super liberal brain to the, oh what's that you call it, oh yes, reality of this data:

holy smokes

the writings of this person is so emotionally twisted, they are scary


they need deprogrammed from the cult of government

If that dribble wasn't emotional I don't what know you'd call it

crazy, because I sure hope they weren't being serious
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What is very clear about republicans/tea baggers is that emotion rather than facts and critical thinking dictate their political views.

See when republicans hear the words "freedom" and "government" in the same sentence there is a strong chemical reaction that occurs in their brains that overwhelms their ability to think critically and realistically. Their thinking becomes very black and white. Government automatically means evil or oppression. Freedom is in jeopardy! Their tender sensibilities really start to show. Reality becomes distorted.

They fail to realize that government is about structure and regulation. It is vital to any nation to function. As long as it is within reason, government must come first. I know that sounds like a scary thought but if you just think about it critically you would understand why it is correct.

Let's break down some issues.

Capitalism, while a successful economic system, needs rules. Republicans have this distorted thinking that tells them liberals want to get rid of capitalism because they believe it should be regulated. Their thinking, as I said, becomes very black and white. Nuance escapes them. It's either libertarianism or it is totalitarianism. There is no inbetween because they put too much stock into the snowball fallacy. You start with small regulation and of course totalitarianism must be inevitable. That of course is just non sense. The truth is life needs rules. Corporations like anyone must follow rules that ensures the greater good. People need fair wages. They also must be protected from business practices that could harm them.

Republicans often are faced with juxtapositions that they are smart enough to grasp objectively.

Let's examine something as fundamentally important as the first amendment. On the surface, a person could reason that there should be no limitations on freedom of speech. Republicans will of course accept that logic right alway. But, of course, even that amendment can't be that simple. Should we legalize libel or child pornography? Of course not. When you present such logic to republicans their brains simply can't handle the dissonance.

Government spending is another example. They understand that national debt is a bad thing yet aren't smart enough to understand the importance of taxation. They have convinced themselves they can have it both ways: no taxes and no national debt. They lack the maturity to understand that personal sacrifice serves an important purpose. Any functioning nation needs revenue and we all need to contribute.

What's my conclusion? The rightwing ideology is compromised by emotion and philosophy when it should be driven by facts and what serves the greater good.

Republicans/Tea Party say the same about the Left. They stated after Sandy Hook that the Left Wing are all emotionally driven on topics. They attacked Obama for staging children involved in Sandy Hook saying he was using emotion to advance his objectives.

Meanwhile, we ran out of bullets because a bunch of emotional scared to death Americans thought guns were going to be banned because sources PAID FOR by Arms dealers said so. The sources got paid well as well as the Arms Dealers. And certain bullets are still hard to find.

All parties are emotionally driven. The only people who can think for themselves are the ones who reject ALL parties. Single topic, single perspective, single voter.
Republicans/Tea Party say the same about the Left....

Sure they do. And then they set-up strawmen and knock them down to prove it.

Tards make tons of allegations they can't back up logically.
:lol::lol::lol: Repubs too emotional! That's hilarious. If anything they are too un-emotional!

Teabaggers 'feel' that Obama is not a citizen, that the IRS targeted them (victim mentality), that Obama isn't doing anything about illegals (he's deported twice as many as Bush), that he takes too many vacations (Bush and Reagan took much more), etc.

All based on their emotional, fact-free hatred of the president.
It must be hard defending a man that almost 70% of the people can't stand

Teabaggers 'feel' that Obama is not a citizen, that the IRS targeted them (victim mentality), that Obama isn't doing anything about illegals (he's deported twice as many as Bush), that he takes too many vacations (Bush and Reagan took much more), etc.

And they still go around calling the people vulgar names, and still has to bring up Bush and now Reagan to prop him up...
The problem with Democrats is they PROJECT what they are onto other's
the op's dribble was a good example
"Reactionaries" is the word. People who make up their mind for good in the first few moments of becoming aware of a new crisis or scandal and simply do not change it in light of new or contradictory information. Knee jerks are SOP in republican politics.

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