The price of going green


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
California wants to lead the way, showing all the other states how “easy” it is to go green. For one California Energy Prices Continue to Rise Higher than Other States.

Just over one year ago in June 2019, California Globe reported that the Sacramento Municipal Utility District began charging Sacramento electricity users and ratepayers a new rate system that charges residential users higher rates between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m… much higher rates, just in time to get home from work, feed the family, do a couple loads of laundry, bathe the kiddies, maybe vacuum a room or two, and watch a little Netflix.

These new summer “peak” rates appear to be about 40% – 200% higher, looking at the bill.

California vs. US fuel price gap at 49.9% for premium.
California v. US diesel price $0.97
Range between highest and lowest prices by region $1.12
California Residential Electricity price 55.8% above average for rest of US
California Residential Electricity % growth since 2010
California Commercial Electricity price 70.8% above average for rest of US
California Industrial Electricity price 117.0% above average for rest of US

What was it that Obama said?

The High Cost of California Electricity Is Increasing Poverty
California Energy Prices Continue to Rise Higher Than Other States
See if I'm being honest I don't think there's any problem with going green and looking after the planet and our resources a lot better.

See without wanting to sound like an anti-Capitalist and Climate Change Activist (because I'm honestly neither of those things) the money big business and Governments either make or have in reserve, then cost shouldn't be an issue especially when it comes to the planet. We only get one planet.

If there was a real desire for it, the nations could come together, club together and offset the cost and negate it all in a co-operation agreement so that we can make the transaction but without the substantial cost being passed onto your average consumer.

If there's a will there's a way.

I'm quite on board with looking after our planet and trying to not run our natural resources dry but my issue with it is that similar to so many "progressive" movements these days it's a cult and an industry in itself. Radicals with conspiracy theories and scare stories to keep themselves relevant and in business. That shit needs to stop and more folk would get on board.
See if I'm being honest I don't think there's any problem with going green and looking after the planet and our resources a lot better.

See without wanting to sound like an anti-Capitalist and Climate Change Activist (because I'm honestly neither of those things) the money big business and Governments either make or have in reserve, then cost shouldn't be an issue especially when it comes to the planet. We only get one planet.

If there was a real desire for it, the nations could come together, club together and offset the cost and negate it all in a co-operation agreement so that we can make the transaction but without the substantial cost being passed onto your average consumer.

If there's a will there's a way.

I'm quite on board with looking after our planet and trying to not run our natural resources dry but my issue with it is that similar to so many "progressive" movements these days it's a cult and an industry in itself. Radicals with conspiracy theories and scare stories to keep themselves relevant and in business. That shit needs to stop and more folk would get on board.

Yep, no problems going green....unless there's only a handful of countries willing to do it.
See if I'm being honest I don't think there's any problem with going green and looking after the planet and our resources a lot better.

See without wanting to sound like an anti-Capitalist and Climate Change Activist (because I'm honestly neither of those things) the money big business and Governments either make or have in reserve, then cost shouldn't be an issue especially when it comes to the planet. We only get one planet.

If there was a real desire for it, the nations could come together, club together and offset the cost and negate it all in a co-operation agreement so that we can make the transaction but without the substantial cost being passed onto your average consumer.

If there's a will there's a way.

I'm quite on board with looking after our planet and trying to not run our natural resources dry but my issue with it is that similar to so many "progressive" movements these days it's a cult and an industry in itself. Radicals with conspiracy theories and scare stories to keep themselves relevant and in business. That shit needs to stop and more folk would get on board.

Yep, no problems going green....unless there's only a handful of countries willing to do it.
Yeah there has to be a consensus.

For example companies that didn't use their full gas/waste omissions quota's could sell them on to bigger companies who had used theirs meaning it was just counter-productive in the end.

Need everyone in agreement and singing from the same hymn sheet and of course proper money invested to make it happen.
Thinker101 The price of NOT going green: Your health, environmental destruction, a huge reduction in quality of life (already in process).
The proponents of this have cried wolf so much that many do not believe it. If it was as serious as you say, then the building on barrier islands would have ceased by now just to start. Those purely Prog areas seem to be oblivious to this as they are for so many other issues. Back in the 1970's when they were spouting...Only 10 more years of oil left! The beaches will all be gone soon! On and on.......Global Climate change may be happening. But the human involvement is not as much as you say. Get the foreign major industrial producers to put scrubbers on their factories and energy producing utilities. Bad mouth Xi and tell him.
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Mother Nature will generate conspiracy stories precisely due to Homo sapiens: SARS-CoV-2 was a bioweapon before it was taken into any lab. Mother Nature also says that petroleum addiction can only be called an addiction of finite resources. Duh
Thinker101 The price of NOT going green: Your health, environmental destruction, a huge reduction in quality of life (already in process).

LOL…so delusional. Big government folks who are getting VERY rich over this environmental 5 decade old freak-out love useful idiots who believe all the nonsense they spout.
See if I'm being honest I don't think there's any problem with going green and looking after the planet and our resources a lot better.

See without wanting to sound like an anti-Capitalist and Climate Change Activist (because I'm honestly neither of those things) the money big business and Governments either make or have in reserve, then cost shouldn't be an issue especially when it comes to the planet. We only get one planet.

If there was a real desire for it, the nations could come together, club together and offset the cost and negate it all in a co-operation agreement so that we can make the transaction but without the substantial cost being passed onto your average consumer.

If there's a will there's a way.

I'm quite on board with looking after our planet and trying to not run our natural resources dry but my issue with it is that similar to so many "progressive" movements these days it's a cult and an industry in itself. Radicals with conspiracy theories and scare stories to keep themselves relevant and in business. That shit needs to stop and more folk would get on board.

I have no problem going green either as long as it's economical. I do have a problem when it's being shoved down our throats when we don't really want it. I do have a problem with taxpayers subsidizing it.

The problem with green is the costs are slipped into our products and services and we don't even know what going green is actually costing us. They do surveys like "Would you like to see cleaner air and cleaner water?" Uhhhhh, yeah! Well no shit. How about framing the question more honestly, like would you like to see cleaner air and water if it cost you an extra $1,000 a year? The outcome would be entirely different.

In the DumBama administration, Moooochelle got her husband to force all restaurants to post calorie count of every item they sell. While that never made one fat person skinny, Trump should have extrapolated that to green. In other words, every item sold must have a green cost attached to it.

If you buy a car for 25K, the sticker should list that 8K went into making that vehicle green. If you buy a snowblower for $1,000, the price tag must include $125.00 went to making that snowblower cleaner. A $1.35 for a can of peaches, it must include that .20 went to green to produce and bring those peaches to the market. And yes, peaches do contain a green cost. Trust me, I'm a retired truck driver, and you should see the costs inflicted on the transportation industry the last 15 years or so. Billions that have to ultimately be passed on to the consumer.
The costs of going green are dropping and may actually reach par with carbon-based energy before long.

Maybe we could all just hope that happens soon so that we can just have a cleaner energy base.

The costs of going green may be dropping, the resulting price of going green is going up, way up. Or did you just ignore the links in the OP?
The costs of going green are dropping and may actually reach par with carbon-based energy before long.

Maybe we could all just hope that happens soon so that we can just have a cleaner energy base.

The costs of going green may be dropping, the resulting price of going green is going up, way up. Or did you just ignore the links in the OP?
I'm looking to the future, trusting our abilities to bring prices down, and hoping for the best.

You don't have to join me.
The costs of going green are dropping and may actually reach par with carbon-based energy before long.

Maybe we could all just hope that happens soon so that we can just have a cleaner energy base.

The costs of going green may be dropping, the resulting price of going green is going up, way up. Or did you just ignore the links in the OP?
I'm looking to the future, trusting our abilities to bring prices down, and hoping for the best.

You don't have to join me.

I see, so you're relying on hope and change. Prices may come down at some point, but Biden/AOC/Sanders and others will make sure they take all your money and your kids money before those prices start dropping.
The costs of going green are dropping and may actually reach par with carbon-based energy before long.

Maybe we could all just hope that happens soon so that we can just have a cleaner energy base.

The costs of going green may be dropping, the resulting price of going green is going up, way up. Or did you just ignore the links in the OP?
I'm looking to the future, trusting our abilities to bring prices down, and hoping for the best.

You don't have to join me.

I see, so you're relying on hope and change. Prices may come down at some point, but Biden/AOC/Sanders and others will make sure they take all your money and your kids money before those prices start dropping.
Okie dokie!
DBA As opposed to big government officials getting rich over fossil fuel energy, yes? People who invest properly will reap the benefits. Been that way for decades.
22lcidw Excessive building has been the capitalistic way forever--fuck the environment. Now there is an effort to make long-overdue changes.
California wants to lead the way, showing all the other states how “easy” it is to go green. For one California Energy Prices Continue to Rise Higher than Other States.

Just over one year ago in June 2019, California Globe reported that the Sacramento Municipal Utility District began charging Sacramento electricity users and ratepayers a new rate system that charges residential users higher rates between 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m… much higher rates, just in time to get home from work, feed the family, do a couple loads of laundry, bathe the kiddies, maybe vacuum a room or two, and watch a little Netflix.

These new summer “peak” rates appear to be about 40% – 200% higher, looking at the bill.

California vs. US fuel price gap at 49.9% for premium.
California v. US diesel price $0.97
Range between highest and lowest prices by region $1.12
California Residential Electricity price 55.8% above average for rest of US
California Residential Electricity % growth since 2010
California Commercial Electricity price 70.8% above average for rest of US
California Industrial Electricity price 117.0% above average for rest of US

What was it that Obama said?

The High Cost of California Electricity Is Increasing Poverty
California Energy Prices Continue to Rise Higher Than Other States

I can confirm the SMUD rate hike. We lived in Sacramento until October, 2020, and our rates, which were already high, jumped even higher. A $300 monthly bill was normal, for a family of three with no pool, without much use of A/C, just to keep the lights on.

California is swiftly becoming Venezuela, which is of course exactly what they want.

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