Challenging the Right's conventional wisdom.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
"Conventional wisdom" may be a term that's too innocuous. Cuz, you know, few if any beliefs adopted by the Right these days can be described as wise. I'm not speaking of all folks who fall under the umbrella of the Right. More specifically, it's those who used to be on the fringe and are now what can fairly be called mainstream conservatives. The ones who will reflexively dismiss the following study because it's a square peg that doesn't fit in the round hole labeled "It's All Biden's Fault."

‘Excess profits’ at big energy and consumer companies pushed up inflation, report claims

LONDON — Major companies in the energy and food sectors amplified inflation in 2022 by passing on greater cost increases than needed to protect margins, according to a new report.

British think tanks the Institute For Public Policy Research and Common Wealth said in a report Thursday that big firms made inflation “peak higher and remain more persistent,” particularly within the oil and gas, food production and commodities sectors.

“We argue that market power by some corporations and in some sectors – including temporary market power emerging in the aftermath of the pandemic – amplified inflation,” the report said.

The author’s analysis of financial reports from 1,350 companies listed in the U.K., U.S., Germany, Brazil and South Africa found nominal profits were on average 30% higher at the end of 2022 than at the end of 2019.

This does not necessarily mean that overall profit margins have risen, but it does mean that higher prices have been shouldered by consumers, the authors said.

For the "It's All Biden's Fault" crowd Joe gets the blame for the post Ukraine invasion oil price spike but not record US oil production playing a role, however small, in me paying $2.55 at the pump in CO yesterday. They don't want to consider the massive supply chain disruptions from said invasion and COVID as contributors to inflation. Or the Fed's misread of what it thought was transitory inflation causing them to wait too long to initiate the tightening cycle resulting in a parabolic rise in interest rates. Because none of that fits in the round hole either. Political expediency calls for them not to examine factors other than government spending to make up for the affects of COVID. The view from the intellectual hidey hole in which they sit precludes an appreciation of nuance, complexity, while encouraging simplistic thinking. For them, all roads lead to Biden when it comes to any of the nation's ills.
"Conventional wisdom" may be a term that's too innocuous. Cuz, you know, few if any beliefs adopted by the Right these days can be described as wise. I'm not speaking of all folks who fall under the umbrella of the Right. More specifically, it's those who used to be on the fringe and are now what can fairly be called mainstream conservatives. The ones who will reflexively dismiss the following study because it's a square peg that doesn't fit in the round hole labeled "It's All Biden's Fault."

‘Excess profits’ at big energy and consumer companies pushed up inflation, report claims

LONDON — Major companies in the energy and food sectors amplified inflation in 2022 by passing on greater cost increases than needed to protect margins, according to a new report.

British think tanks the Institute For Public Policy Research and Common Wealth said in a report Thursday that big firms made inflation “peak higher and remain more persistent,” particularly within the oil and gas, food production and commodities sectors.

“We argue that market power by some corporations and in some sectors – including temporary market power emerging in the aftermath of the pandemic – amplified inflation,” the report said.

The author’s analysis of financial reports from 1,350 companies listed in the U.K., U.S., Germany, Brazil and South Africa found nominal profits were on average 30% higher at the end of 2022 than at the end of 2019.

This does not necessarily mean that overall profit margins have risen, but it does mean that higher prices have been shouldered by consumers, the authors said.

For the "It's All Biden's Fault" crowd Joe gets the blame for the post Ukraine invasion oil price spike but not record US oil production playing a role, however small, in me paying $2.55 at the pump in CO yesterday. They don't want to consider the massive supply chain disruptions from said invasion and COVID as contributors to inflation. Or the Fed's misread of what it thought was transitory inflation causing them to wait too long to initiate the tightening cycle resulting in a parabolic rise in interest rates. Because none of that fits in the round hole either. Political expediency calls for them not to examine factors other than government spending to make up for the affects of COVID. The view from the intellectual hidey hole in which they sit precludes an appreciation of nuance, complexity, while encouraging simplistic thinking. For them, all roads lead to Biden when it comes to any of the nation's ills.
The premise has to begin with "It's all Biden's fault". Then they work backwards from there, avoiding contrary facts, focusing only on facts they can bend to their perceived advantage. Standard hardcore partisan behavior.

The primary causes of the inflation were trillions in Fed stimulus (which EVERYONE KNEW was going to cause inflation at some point), collapsed global supply chains coming out of the lockdowns, and (as you point out) a Fed that was absolutely asleep at the switch for around 8 to 10 months, refusing to increase rates to slow things down. As a result, the spike was inevitable.

But they can't pin that on Biden, so they have to pretend that he caused global inflation to explode just two months into his presidency.
Joe is to blame for the draining of strategic reserve, Joe is to blame for sending hundreds of billions into his laundromat and pushing his proxy war. Joe didn't drill the US into record production. That was private oil companies that expanded private leases but they can thank Joe for continuing his proxy war and driving prices up. He's all yours. I won't blame Joe for operation warp speed and pushing the deadly mRNA injection. That was trumps fault. So, no, OP is wrong.
The premise has to begin with "It's all Biden's fault". Then they work backwards from there, avoiding contrary facts, focusing only on facts they can bend to their perceived advantage. Standard hardcore partisan behavior.

The primary causes of the inflation were trillions in Fed stimulus (which EVERYONE KNEW was going to cause inflation at some point), collapsed global supply chains coming out of the lockdowns, and (as you point out) a Fed that was absolutely asleep at the switch for around 8 to 10 months, refusing to increase rates to slow things down. As a result, the spike was inevitable.

But they can't pin that on Biden, so they have to pretend that he caused global inflation to explode just two months into his presidency.

Big difference. Under O, those stimulus dollars never made it to the public, hence, no inflation. Trump and biden flushed the public with multi trillions. They did it.
The fucking Brits have no fucking clue how the US economy works.

The OP is total bullshit. Helicopter Joe and the democrats throwing money around for not working caused inflation. Then look at forgiving student loans, giving illegals cash for nothing, hell, Biden even wanted to give illegals $450,000 each!!!!
Joe is to blame for the draining of strategic reserve
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Petroleum Reserves announced that contracts have been awarded for the acquisition of 2.7 million barrels of U.S.-produced crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). These contracts to deliver crude oil in January follow the Request for Proposal (RFP) that was announced on November 6, 2023. The 2.7 million barrels are being purchased for an average price of $79 per barrel, well below the average of about $95 per barrel that SPR crude was sold for in 2022, securing a good deal for taxpayers.

Thank you, Mr. President.
The fucking Brits have no fucking clue how the US economy works.

The OP is total bullshit. Helicopter Joe and the democrats throwing money around for not working caused inflation. Then look at forgiving student loans, giving illegals cash for nothing, hell, Biden even wanted to give illegals $450,000 each!!!!
You are now a charter member of the "It's All Biden's Fault" tin foil hat club. Congratulations.
"Conventional wisdom" may be a term that's too innocuous. Cuz, you know, few if any beliefs adopted by the Right these days can be described as wise. I'm not speaking of all folks who fall under the umbrella of the Right. More specifically, it's those who used to be on the fringe and are now what can fairly be called mainstream conservatives. The ones who will reflexively dismiss the following study because it's a square peg that doesn't fit in the round hole labeled "It's All Biden's Fault."

‘Excess profits’ at big energy and consumer companies pushed up inflation, report claims

LONDON — Major companies in the energy and food sectors amplified inflation in 2022 by passing on greater cost increases than needed to protect margins, according to a new report.

British think tanks the Institute For Public Policy Research and Common Wealth said in a report Thursday that big firms made inflation “peak higher and remain more persistent,” particularly within the oil and gas, food production and commodities sectors.

“We argue that market power by some corporations and in some sectors – including temporary market power emerging in the aftermath of the pandemic – amplified inflation,” the report said.

The author’s analysis of financial reports from 1,350 companies listed in the U.K., U.S., Germany, Brazil and South Africa found nominal profits were on average 30% higher at the end of 2022 than at the end of 2019.

This does not necessarily mean that overall profit margins have risen, but it does mean that higher prices have been shouldered by consumers, the authors said.

For the "It's All Biden's Fault" crowd Joe gets the blame for the post Ukraine invasion oil price spike but not record US oil production playing a role, however small, in me paying $2.55 at the pump in CO yesterday. They don't want to consider the massive supply chain disruptions from said invasion and COVID as contributors to inflation. Or the Fed's misread of what it thought was transitory inflation causing them to wait too long to initiate the tightening cycle resulting in a parabolic rise in interest rates. Because none of that fits in the round hole either. Political expediency calls for them not to examine factors other than government spending to make up for the affects of COVID. The view from the intellectual hidey hole in which they sit precludes an appreciation of nuance, complexity, while encouraging simplistic thinking. For them, all roads lead to Biden when it comes to any of the nation's ills.
New research argues that the impact of companies maintaining margins by passing on higher prices to consumers should not be overlooked as a contributing factor to inflation.

No shit Shetlock.
You are now a charter member of the "It's All Biden's Fault" tin foil hat club. Congratulations.
It is Bidens fault. Denial is all you have. Voters know that the US is on the wrong track.

Always wrong Joe Biden is hard to defend. His decisions are always wrong.

Lies are all you and Biden have when confronted with the truth.
It is Bidens fault. Denial is all you have. Voters know that the US is on the wrong track.

Always wrong Joe Biden is hard to defend. His decisions are always wrong.

Lies are all you and Biden have when confronted with the truth.
How comforting it must be for you to be able to keep ideas that challenge your beliefs at bay.

How comforting it must be for you to be able to keep ideas that challenge your beliefs at bay.
You can't defend Biden's dismal record of FAILURE. The FACTS are all against you.

Biden's record low approval rating of must be so proud.

Biden can't stop running now, he needs to pardon his criminal son, and hope he dies before he gets indicted or impeached himself.

You must know that the country hates Biden, so thank you in advance for electing a Republican in 2024.
Big difference. Under O, those stimulus dollars never made it to the public, hence, no inflation. Trump and biden flushed the public with multi trillions. They did it.
Stock futures fell Friday morning as investors as investors assessed the latest U.S. jobs report.

Futures tied to the Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 100 points, or 0.3%. S&P 500 futures dipped 0.2% while Nasdaq 100 futures fell 0.6%.

The move in futures came as yields popped as November’s nonfarm payrolls report showed an unexpected drop in unemployment. The jobless rate fell to 3.7%, compared to a forecast of 3.9%. The economy added 199,000 jobs during November, slightly ahead of the 190,000 estimate from Dow Jones and the 150,000 added in October.

Investors have been focused on jobs data, with several reports sprinkled throughout the week leading up to Friday’s numbers. Initial jobless claims reported on Thursday came in at 220,000, while continuing claims came in at 1.861 million.

Thank you, Mr. President.
"Conventional wisdom" may be a term that's too innocuous. Cuz, you know, few if any beliefs adopted by the Right these days can be described as wise. I'm not speaking of all folks who fall under the umbrella of the Right. More specifically, it's those who used to be on the fringe and are now what can fairly be called mainstream conservatives. The ones who will reflexively dismiss the following study because it's a square peg that doesn't fit in the round hole labeled "It's All Biden's Fault."

‘Excess profits’ at big energy and consumer companies pushed up inflation, report claims

LONDON — Major companies in the energy and food sectors amplified inflation in 2022 by passing on greater cost increases than needed to protect margins, according to a new report.

British think tanks the Institute For Public Policy Research and Common Wealth said in a report Thursday that big firms made inflation “peak higher and remain more persistent,” particularly within the oil and gas, food production and commodities sectors.

“We argue that market power by some corporations and in some sectors – including temporary market power emerging in the aftermath of the pandemic – amplified inflation,” the report said.

The author’s analysis of financial reports from 1,350 companies listed in the U.K., U.S., Germany, Brazil and South Africa found nominal profits were on average 30% higher at the end of 2022 than at the end of 2019.

This does not necessarily mean that overall profit margins have risen, but it does mean that higher prices have been shouldered by consumers, the authors said.

For the "It's All Biden's Fault" crowd Joe gets the blame for the post Ukraine invasion oil price spike but not record US oil production playing a role, however small, in me paying $2.55 at the pump in CO yesterday. They don't want to consider the massive supply chain disruptions from said invasion and COVID as contributors to inflation. Or the Fed's misread of what it thought was transitory inflation causing them to wait too long to initiate the tightening cycle resulting in a parabolic rise in interest rates. Because none of that fits in the round hole either. Political expediency calls for them not to examine factors other than government spending to make up for the affects of COVID. The view from the intellectual hidey hole in which they sit precludes an appreciation of nuance, complexity, while encouraging simplistic thinking. For them, all roads lead to Biden when it comes to any of the nation's ills.
/——-/ I am outraged. Let’s shut down all the consumer companies to teach them a lesson. We can get our food from the grocery stores.
When I invest in a company I expect them to do what maximizes profits and satisfies me as a investor.

If that means higher prices to the consumer because the administration paid people to not work and fucked-up the supply chain no end then so be it.

Every time the .gov sticks it's finger on the scales of capitalism someone suffers.....The trick is having a chair when the music stops.
"Conventional wisdom" may be a term that's too innocuous. Cuz, you know, few if any beliefs adopted by the Right these days can be described as wise. I'm not speaking of all folks who fall under the umbrella of the Right. More specifically, it's those who used to be on the fringe and are now what can fairly be called mainstream conservatives. The ones who will reflexively dismiss the following study because it's a square peg that doesn't fit in the round hole labeled "It's All Biden's Fault."

‘Excess profits’ at big energy and consumer companies pushed up inflation, report claims

LONDON — Major companies in the energy and food sectors amplified inflation in 2022 by passing on greater cost increases than needed to protect margins, according to a new report.

British think tanks the Institute For Public Policy Research and Common Wealth said in a report Thursday that big firms made inflation “peak higher and remain more persistent,” particularly within the oil and gas, food production and commodities sectors.

“We argue that market power by some corporations and in some sectors – including temporary market power emerging in the aftermath of the pandemic – amplified inflation,” the report said.

The author’s analysis of financial reports from 1,350 companies listed in the U.K., U.S., Germany, Brazil and South Africa found nominal profits were on average 30% higher at the end of 2022 than at the end of 2019.

This does not necessarily mean that overall profit margins have risen, but it does mean that higher prices have been shouldered by consumers, the authors said.

For the "It's All Biden's Fault" crowd Joe gets the blame for the post Ukraine invasion oil price spike but not record US oil production playing a role, however small, in me paying $2.55 at the pump in CO yesterday. They don't want to consider the massive supply chain disruptions from said invasion and COVID as contributors to inflation. Or the Fed's misread of what it thought was transitory inflation causing them to wait too long to initiate the tightening cycle resulting in a parabolic rise in interest rates. Because none of that fits in the round hole either. Political expediency calls for them not to examine factors other than government spending to make up for the affects of COVID. The view from the intellectual hidey hole in which they sit precludes an appreciation of nuance, complexity, while encouraging simplistic thinking. For them, all roads lead to Biden when it comes to any of the nation's ills.
Good tell us the border is closed.

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