Zone1 The power of God!


Diamond Member
Oct 4, 2021
The power of God! Lets consider how powerful God really is! For example, Think about how massive the Observable UNIVERSE is!(This of course is only a fraction of reality, but I am going to keep things easy for you.) Tens of billions of light years across, hundreds of billions of galaxy's, unimaginable number of solar systems and of course billions of life forms. This is just the mortal world. Heaven sits ontop of it at a higher level....

God rules it all and holds both together within his hands. Think of the power? God is truly great. With this knowledge at the very least we expect you to rethink the scale of how you practice your worship of our wonder father in heaven. Knowledge is power. God is great and deserving of respect for what he really is.

Also I ask you why would god only be focused on one speck of dust when there's tens of billions of such specks with every bit of deserving life forms?
I am going to keep things easy for you.) Tens of billions of light years across, hundreds of billions of galaxy's, unimaginable number of solar systems and of course billions of life forms. This is just the mortal world. Heaven sits ontop of it at a higher level....

God rules it all and holds both together within his hands.
I still don't get it. Could you draw a picture? The sitting on top while holding the bottom and top together with his hands part in particular. Sure doesn't sound very dignified or relaxing.
I still don't get it. Could you draw a picture? The sitting on top while holding the bottom and top together with his hands part in particular. Sure doesn't sound very dignified or relaxing.
With his hands is a expression. ;) God appears as a man, but his power covers all of what is and will ever be. This is his being and that is what holds things together. Present at all points and without limits.

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