The Mega Failures of the Bush Administration, will Forever Haunt America, even 20 Years Later.

Let me refresh your memory once more... Only one Democrat dissented and voted Nay.

"On Sept. 14, 2001 — just days after three airplanes burrowed into Manhattan's World Trade Center and the Pentagon building outside Washington, D.C. — the United States House of Representatives voted 420-1 on a resolution that "authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against" any country involved in the attacks on 9/11.
That resolution, which flew through the Senate without a single vote against, quickly established itself as the foundational doctrine for what would just weeks later become Operation Enduring Freedom. The effort is now better known as the United States invasion of Afghanistan, the decades-long war which this weekend ended with the rapid implosion of the Western-backed Afghan government and the reclamation of the country by fundamentalist Taliban forces."
Big deal.
The idea to go to war was Bush and GOP.
The Plan to go to war was Bush and GOP
The failed execution of the war was Bush and GOP.
This war could've been won if we had competent leadership.
Go Look up Freedom fries.
AND if you opposed the war you were labeled anti-American and all politician who opposed the war took a big hit politically from republican politicians and fox news.

If Gore would've won the election there would not have been a War in Iraq.
He left behind a financial meltdown and two hideous wars.

What a fuckin' disaster.

And the right wingers here, now anti-war Trumpsters and ersatz populists, were defending ALL of it.
how do you know? were not a member here during the last years of bush....
Big deal.
The idea to go to war was Bush and GOP.
The Plan to go to war was Bush and GOP
The failed execution of the war was Bush and GOP.
This war could've been won if we had competent leadership.
Go Look up Freedom fries.
AND if you opposed the war you were labeled anti-American and all politician who opposed the war took a big hit politically from republican politicians and fox news.

If Gore would've won the election there would not have been a War in Iraq.

But Gore didn't win and even if he had there still would have been a 9/11. Your fixation on Iraq has no place in the discussion about Afghanistan. It's a deflection of the truth.

"the United States House of Representatives voted 420-1 on a resolution that "authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against" any country involved in the attacks on 9/11".
The Senate vote 100% and "quickly established itself as the foundational doctrine for what would just weeks later become Operation Enduring Freedom".
And the right wingers here, now anti-war Trumpsters and ersatz populists, were defending
Thats just not true

your primal leftwing radicalism taints almost very post you make

I supported the invasion of iraq

And I was wrong

the result was more instability and the rise of iran

my support for trump us based on my understanding before trump ran for president that our middle east policy was misguided
No, no, no, no. Your guys don't get to lead a clusterfuck and then blame it on the opposition - AGAIN....
Weirdest thing I've never understood about right-wing, conservative, neocon, trailer trash, Deplorable losers - always calling for personal responsibility from EVERYONE, yet every single fuck-up they've been responsible for, they try and blame the other guy. Iraq/Afghanistan are 100 per cent conservative wars. 100 per cent. Own it. Grow the fuck up and some balls and take responsibilty.
That's the problem with you never are willing to be held accountable for your actions.
You wanted this worthless POS in the White House.....and now he's doing exactly what China wanted him to do.....FUCK UP EVERYTHING!!!
But Gore didn't win and even if he had there still would have been a 9/11. Your fixation on Iraq has no place in the discussion about Afghanistan. It's a deflection of the truth.

"the United States House of Representatives voted 420-1 on a resolution that "authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against" any country involved in the attacks on 9/11".
The Senate vote 100% and "quickly established itself as the foundational doctrine for what would just weeks later become Operation Enduring Freedom".
"BUT Gore didn't win"

We know, and that is why America got crushed by the epic mega failures of Bush and the GOP.
Imagine how much better America would be if Gore would have won.

Going to War in Iraq was one of the main reasons Afghanistan crumbled into total chaos almost as bad as Iraq. These idiot republicans couldn't win wars against primitive countries and destroyed America in the process. The GOP has done so much damage to America it is disgusting.

All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.
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Big deal.
The idea to go to war was Bush and GOP.
The Plan to go to war was Bush and GOP
The failed execution of the war was Bush and GOP.
This war could've been won if we had competent leadership.
Go Look up Freedom fries.
AND if you opposed the war you were labeled anti-American and all politician who opposed the war took a big hit politically from republican politicians and fox news.

If Gore would've won the election there would not have been a War in Iraq.
Yeah....we would have been in wars in other countries Libya and Obama got us into.
"BUT Gore didn't win"

We know, and that is why America got crushed by the epic mega failures of Bush and the GOP.
Imagine how much better America would be if Gore would have won.

Going to War in Iraq was one of the main reasons Afghanistan crumbled into total chaos almost as bad as Iraq. These idiot republicans couldn't win wars against primitive countries and destroyed America in the process. The GOP has done so much damage to America it is disgusting.

All the major problems in America are a result of GOP fuck ups.

You're full of crap. Either you haven't done your homework or you're a complete idiot..
Chew on this before you respond.
"Outside of the presidential race, conservative writers have tried to highlight the “honest” part of the mistake by emphasizing the national consensus around Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. “Though certainly not unanimous,” writes Matt Lewis for the Daily Caller, “the truth is that there was a strong bipartisan consensus that Iraq had WMDs. This included President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and even Nancy Pelosi.” Lewis ends there, but the intended argument is clear: You can’t accuse Bush of misleading the public when everyone, independent of the administration, also believed that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction".
Source: The Iraq War Wasn’t an Honest Mistake
Please note that is Left biased in its reporting...

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how do you know? were not a member here during the last years of bush....
I had plenty of conversations with them in my early years here. That is possible, you know. We can look back. It does happen. If you think I'm a liar, stop reading my posts. Then maybe you'll stop bitching at me.

Example of such a conversation on FEBRUARY 25, 2012, below.

You're boring.

According to healthmyths, it's someone else's fault that Bush pushed us into a horrific, wasteful war.

Sure, okay.

Still waiting for someone to defend:
  • About 4,500 American soldiers killed. Dead.
  • Over 32,300 American soldiers wounded and/or maimed, about 20% of which includes serious brain or spinal injuries.
  • Untold thousands of American soldiers suffering from a wide range of long-term psychological and/or emotional damage.
  • Untold thousands of young American families - wives and children - suffering from what has become of Dad.
  • Over $800 billion spent while our country rots.
  • Oh, and NO weapons of mass destruction found, as Bush promised.
Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Can't one of our armchair generals come up with something?.
Source, post 35, George W. Bush Said God Told Him To Invade Iraq
He left behind a financial meltdown and two hideous wars.

What a fuckin' disaster.

And the right wingers here, now anti-war Trumpsters and ersatz populists, were defending ALL of it.

People can't change their minds after 20 years? Mac, you change your mind from thread to thread
I had plenty of conversations with them in my early years here. That is possible, you know. We can look back. It does happen. If you think I'm a liar, stop reading my posts. Then maybe you'll stop bitching at me.

Example of such a conversation on FEBRUARY 25, 2012, below.

You're boring.

Source, post 35, George W. Bush Said God Told Him To Invade Iraq

From what I remember, Bush 43 blamed only one person for the Iraq War. That was Saddam Hussein...
I had plenty of conversations with them in my early years here. That is possible, you know. We can look back. It does happen. If you think I'm a liar, stop reading my posts. Then maybe you'll stop bitching at me.

Example of such a conversation on FEBRUARY 25, 2012, below.

You're boring.

Source, post 35, George W. Bush Said God Told Him To Invade Iraq

Here's an example of open-minded people assessing how things go. "Hey, they say there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Oh CRAP. There are not! Well hey. Maybe that whole war was a bad idea!!!"

Now what if OTHER PEOPLE applied that elsewhere, huh?

"Hey, they say these vaccines will stop the pandemic. HEY, they're not!".....

"I KNOW!! I'll blame the unvaccinated!!!"

Way to go, Mac
I had plenty of conversations with them in my early years here. That is possible, you know. We can look back. It does happen. If you think I'm a liar, stop reading my posts. Then maybe you'll stop bitching at me.

Example of such a conversation on FEBRUARY 25, 2012, below.

You're boring.

Source, post 35, George W. Bush Said God Told Him To Invade Iraq
you talked to a few posters a few years after!.....i dont think you are liar mac....i just dont think you are the person you are trying to pass yourself off are no longer the mac you were when you first joined...trump has totally fucked your head up....
You're full of crap. Either you haven't done your homework or you're a complete idiot..
Chew on this before you respond.
"Outside of the presidential race, conservative writers have tried to highlight the “honest” part of the mistake by emphasizing the national consensus around Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. “Though certainly not unanimous,” writes Matt Lewis for the Daily Caller, “the truth is that there was a strong bipartisan consensus that Iraq had WMDs. This included President Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, and even Nancy Pelosi.” Lewis ends there, but the intended argument is clear: You can’t accuse Bush of misleading the public when everyone, independent of the administration, also believed that Hussein had weapons of mass destruction".
Source: The Iraq War Wasn’t an Honest Mistake
Please note that is Left biased in its reporting...

What's your point? This is a meaningless post.

Bush and the GOP decided to go to war.
Bush and the GOP attacked anybody that was against the war.
Bush and the GOP mismanaged and fucked up these wars. Badly.
Bush and the GOP brought an epic shit show of destruction and devastation to America with their terrible and failed leadership, management, decision making.

All of the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy fuck ups.

The GOP has done so much damage to America it is disgusting.
Compared to Truman's 3 year blunder in Korea (3,500-50,000 American Troops KIA) and LBJ's mess in Vietnam, it seems that Bush's use of the military in Iraq was a tremendous success. The left wing media gave Truman a parade, blamed Nixon for Vietnam and hated Bush for Iraq.
What's your point? This is a meaningless post.

Bush and the GOP decided to go to war.
Bush and the GOP attacked anybody that was against the war.
Bush and the GOP mismanaged and fucked up these wars. Badly.
Bush and the GOP brought an epic shit show of destruction and devastation to America with their terrible and failed leadership, management, decision making.

All of the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy fuck ups.

The GOP has done so much damage to America it is disgusting.
so has your pathetic party.....
The Banker more Americans were murdered on 9-11, than at Pearl Harbor--I guess we should've just given Japan more oil and not war???!!!!???
Dont Taz Me Bro
1. the US military did a great job there, especially considering it was a very difficult/complex war..killing many bad guys and their leader
2. it was ''unwinnable--but we had to go in there
Mac1958 not hideous wars--necessary wars ......WW2 and Korea had MANY more dead in about 1/4 the duration

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