The media are pushing a fake narrative about COVID and the border


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The media are pushing a fake narrative about COVID and the border
9 Aug 2021 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
We’ve been getting two messages from the Biden administration: First, our border is open to all comers, something that has seen the third world pouring into America. Second, all Americans must be vaccinated or lose their civil rights and wear mandatory masks. That’s the way, leftists say, to end COVID in America. Americans, however, have noticed that the millions of illegal aliens Biden is shipping across America are neither vaccinated nor masked and that many are bringing COVID and other diseases with them. The media, having caught Americans thinking independently, have responded with a coordinated attack: There is no – repeat, no – connected between illegal aliens and COVID surges.
In the last three weeks, we started hearing about illegal aliens and COVID. There was the Fox headline saying COVID among illegal aliens had surged by 900% -- a significant number considering the thousands streaming across the border daily. Then we learned that infected illegal aliens were being dumped into a small border town, with the illegals fanning out into the community . Fox just covered the story again:

The fact that illegal aliens with COVID are being seeded throughout America got its biggest boost, though, when the Biden administration again attacked Florida for its rising number of Delta variant cases (although, very importantly, death is not following those cases). DeSantis fired back that he didn’t want to “hear blip” from Biden until Biden secured the border – pointing out loud and clear, for all Americans, the correlation between infected illegal aliens and COVID:
The mainstream media, which had previously ignored rumbles amongst conservatives about the immigration-COVID connection, couldn’t ignore DeSantis.

Ignoring facts is a requirement to keep re-electing Assistant Democrats.
All of the Amnesty Senators have made it plain as day that they are going to keep assisting Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA/CPUSA Democrats to a permanent majority with amnesty and yet people still re-elect them.
Remember that as the shrieks coming from Fauci and Joey Xi about the need for increased authoritarianism continue to escalate each day.
Although Joey Xi Bai Dung has done all he can to create an Illegal Alien crisis and spread the Covid-19 Delta variant throughout America and especially Florida and Texas, it seems that Florida and Texas although have an increase in Covid-19 virus infections, the death rate of the disease is extremely lower than other states like California....
Indeed, Covid=19 delta variant was first diagnosed in the U.S. in March 2021 and most likely came from an illegal alien allowed in by the incompetent Bai Dung administration bent on contaminating Americans with the latest Covid-19 mutation.
Then there's the complicit Quisling Media that meet several times a day to coordinate The Narrative of fear mongering and compliance with the ideological totalitarian aspirations of this administration.

In the state of Florida with more than 21 million people, zero people per day have been dying lately.

What is DeSantis doing different than Joey Xi?
The media are pushing a fake narrative about COVID and the border
9 Aug 2021 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
We’ve been getting two messages from the Biden administration: First, our border is open to all comers, something that has seen the third world pouring into America. Second, all Americans must be vaccinated or lose their civil rights and wear mandatory masks. That’s the way, leftists say, to end COVID in America. Americans, however, have noticed that the millions of illegal aliens Biden is shipping across America are neither vaccinated nor masked and that many are bringing COVID and other diseases with them. The media, having caught Americans thinking independently, have responded with a coordinated attack: There is no – repeat, no – connected between illegal aliens and COVID surges.
In the last three weeks, we started hearing about illegal aliens and COVID. There was the Fox headline saying COVID among illegal aliens had surged by 900% -- a significant number considering the thousands streaming across the border daily. Then we learned that infected illegal aliens were being dumped into a small border town, with the illegals fanning out into the community . Fox just covered the story again:

The fact that illegal aliens with COVID are being seeded throughout America got its biggest boost, though, when the Biden administration again attacked Florida for its rising number of Delta variant cases (although, very importantly, death is not following those cases). DeSantis fired back that he didn’t want to “hear blip” from Biden until Biden secured the border – pointing out loud and clear, for all Americans, the correlation between infected illegal aliens and COVID:
The mainstream media, which had previously ignored rumbles amongst conservatives about the immigration-COVID connection, couldn’t ignore DeSantis.

Ignoring facts is a requirement to keep re-electing Assistant Democrats.
All of the Amnesty Senators have made it plain as day that they are going to keep assisting Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA/CPUSA Democrats to a permanent majority with amnesty and yet people still re-elect them.
Remember that as the shrieks coming from Fauci and Joey Xi about the need for increased authoritarianism continue to escalate each day.
Although Joey Xi Bai Dung has done all he can to create an Illegal Alien crisis and spread the Covid-19 Delta variant throughout America and especially Florida and Texas, it seems that Florida and Texas although have an increase in Covid-19 virus infections, the death rate of the disease is extremely lower than other states like California....
Indeed, Covid=19 delta variant was first diagnosed in the U.S. in March 2021 and most likely came from an illegal alien allowed in by the incompetent Bai Dung administration bent on contaminating Americans with the latest Covid-19 mutation.
Then there's the complicit Quisling Media that meet several times a day to coordinate The Narrative of fear mongering and compliance with the ideological totalitarian aspirations of this administration.

What a surprise.....con-servatives pushing Blood Libel...................again.
They're just setting up our do nothing President to fix a couple his imaginary problems. Trump already beat COVID but Biden's media is fabricating a scenario where he can take the credit. Typical Marxist shit.
The media are pushing a fake narrative about COVID and the border
9 Aug 2021 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
We’ve been getting two messages from the Biden administration: First, our border is open to all comers, something that has seen the third world pouring into America. Second, all Americans must be vaccinated or lose their civil rights and wear mandatory masks. That’s the way, leftists say, to end COVID in America. Americans, however, have noticed that the millions of illegal aliens Biden is shipping across America are neither vaccinated nor masked and that many are bringing COVID and other diseases with them. The media, having caught Americans thinking independently, have responded with a coordinated attack: There is no – repeat, no – connected between illegal aliens and COVID surges.
In the last three weeks, we started hearing about illegal aliens and COVID. There was the Fox headline saying COVID among illegal aliens had surged by 900% -- a significant number considering the thousands streaming across the border daily. Then we learned that infected illegal aliens were being dumped into a small border town, with the illegals fanning out into the community . Fox just covered the story again:

The fact that illegal aliens with COVID are being seeded throughout America got its biggest boost, though, when the Biden administration again attacked Florida for its rising number of Delta variant cases (although, very importantly, death is not following those cases). DeSantis fired back that he didn’t want to “hear blip” from Biden until Biden secured the border – pointing out loud and clear, for all Americans, the correlation between infected illegal aliens and COVID:
The mainstream media, which had previously ignored rumbles amongst conservatives about the immigration-COVID connection, couldn’t ignore DeSantis.

Ignoring facts is a requirement to keep re-electing Assistant Democrats.
All of the Amnesty Senators have made it plain as day that they are going to keep assisting Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA/CPUSA Democrats to a permanent majority with amnesty and yet people still re-elect them.
Remember that as the shrieks coming from Fauci and Joey Xi about the need for increased authoritarianism continue to escalate each day.
Although Joey Xi Bai Dung has done all he can to create an Illegal Alien crisis and spread the Covid-19 Delta variant throughout America and especially Florida and Texas, it seems that Florida and Texas although have an increase in Covid-19 virus infections, the death rate of the disease is extremely lower than other states like California....
Indeed, Covid=19 delta variant was first diagnosed in the U.S. in March 2021 and most likely came from an illegal alien allowed in by the incompetent Bai Dung administration bent on contaminating Americans with the latest Covid-19 mutation.
Then there's the complicit Quisling Media that meet several times a day to coordinate The Narrative of fear mongering and compliance with the ideological totalitarian aspirations of this administration.

You are the ones ignoring facts. There is no link between illegals and the spread of covid. If people would get vaccinated, it would be less of a issue. DeSantis is a ignorant, rude jerk. Florida is the only state that has exceeded it's January numbers. The reason for the surge in Texas and Florida is due to each governor's refusal to protect the public health by issuing a mask mandate and has tried to prevent local authorities from doing so. So much for conservative values.
The media are pushing a fake narrative about COVID and the border
9 Aug 2021 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
We’ve been getting two messages from the Biden administration: First, our border is open to all comers, something that has seen the third world pouring into America. Second, all Americans must be vaccinated or lose their civil rights and wear mandatory masks. That’s the way, leftists say, to end COVID in America. Americans, however, have noticed that the millions of illegal aliens Biden is shipping across America are neither vaccinated nor masked and that many are bringing COVID and other diseases with them. The media, having caught Americans thinking independently, have responded with a coordinated attack: There is no – repeat, no – connected between illegal aliens and COVID surges.
In the last three weeks, we started hearing about illegal aliens and COVID. There was the Fox headline saying COVID among illegal aliens had surged by 900% -- a significant number considering the thousands streaming across the border daily. Then we learned that infected illegal aliens were being dumped into a small border town, with the illegals fanning out into the community . Fox just covered the story again:

The fact that illegal aliens with COVID are being seeded throughout America got its biggest boost, though, when the Biden administration again attacked Florida for its rising number of Delta variant cases (although, very importantly, death is not following those cases). DeSantis fired back that he didn’t want to “hear blip” from Biden until Biden secured the border – pointing out loud and clear, for all Americans, the correlation between infected illegal aliens and COVID:
The mainstream media, which had previously ignored rumbles amongst conservatives about the immigration-COVID connection, couldn’t ignore DeSantis.

Ignoring facts is a requirement to keep re-electing Assistant Democrats.
All of the Amnesty Senators have made it plain as day that they are going to keep assisting Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA/CPUSA Democrats to a permanent majority with amnesty and yet people still re-elect them.
Remember that as the shrieks coming from Fauci and Joey Xi about the need for increased authoritarianism continue to escalate each day.
Although Joey Xi Bai Dung has done all he can to create an Illegal Alien crisis and spread the Covid-19 Delta variant throughout America and especially Florida and Texas, it seems that Florida and Texas although have an increase in Covid-19 virus infections, the death rate of the disease is extremely lower than other states like California....
Indeed, Covid=19 delta variant was first diagnosed in the U.S. in March 2021 and most likely came from an illegal alien allowed in by the incompetent Bai Dung administration bent on contaminating Americans with the latest Covid-19 mutation.
Then there's the complicit Quisling Media that meet several times a day to coordinate The Narrative of fear mongering and compliance with the ideological totalitarian aspirations of this administration.

That sounded rational until I read it's from fox. 900% increase?
And you sucked it up like like a sponge.
You are the ones ignoring facts. There is no link between illegals and the spread of covid. If people would get vaccinated, it would be less of a issue. DeSantis is a ignorant, rude jerk. Florida is the only state that has exceeded it's January numbers. The reason for the surge in Texas and Florida is due to each governor's refusal to protect the public health by issuing a mask mandate and has tried to prevent local authorities from doing so. So much for conservative values.
That sounded rational until I read it's from fox. 900% increase?
And you sucked it up like like a sponge.
That number is no worse than the constant bullshit statistic that 99% of covid deaths are among the unvaccinated. It's more like every death that takes place in a hospital first gets checked to see if it is a vaxxed or unvaxxed person.....if Unvaxxed they immediately assign covid as the cause and thus add false data to the data train that eventually compiles to a ridiculous 99% outcome....something that exists nowhere in the real world of statistical analysis.
That number is no worse than the constant bullshit statistic that 99% of covid deaths are among the unvaccinated. It's more like every death that takes place in a hospital first gets checked to see if it is a vaxxed or unvaxxed person.....if Unvaxxed they immediately assign covid as the cause and thus add false data to the data train that eventually compiles to a ridiculous 99% outcome....something that exists nowhere in the real world of statistical analysis.

The only difference is you have no proof of what you say. Just another lying hate filled Republican as per normal.
But if your happy with that, don't let research burst your bubble. Believing lies forever will never change the truth.
The only difference is you have no proof of what you say. Just another lying hate filled Republican as per normal.
But if your happy with that, don't let research burst your bubble. Believing lies forever will never change the truth.
I don't see anyone calling the article a lie..... She's a real person with a real tragedy.... to his credit Professor fortfun pointed out that only morons take single case outcomes and use the " I told ya so " inanity that goes with 90 percent of the progressive posts about covid deaths here. That was the point of my post....not to say I told ya so but to demonstrate the stupidity of the approach. Predictably it drew in the usual suspects.

I don't see anyone calling the article a lie..... She's a real person with a real tragedy.... to his credit Professor fortfun pointed out that only morons take single case outcomes and use the " I told ya so " inanity that goes with 90 percent of the progressive posts about covid deaths here. That was the point of my post....not to say I told ya so but to demonstrate the stupidity of the approach. Predictably it drew in the usual suspects.


You are a liar because you know no better. I hope you get covid and suffer because your an idiot.

Read some stats and don't bother apologising. Check your facts before you open you big mouth. Dickhead.

You are the ones ignoring facts. There is no link between illegals and the spread of covid. If people would get vaccinated, it would be less of a issue. DeSantis is a ignorant, rude jerk. Florida is the only state that has exceeded it's January numbers. The reason for the surge in Texas and Florida is due to each governor's refusal to protect the public health by issuing a mask mandate and has tried to prevent local authorities from doing so. So much for conservative values.
So much for the empty space between a Dimmer's ears
The only difference is you have no proof of what you say. Just another lying hate filled Republican as per normal.
But if your happy with that, don't let research burst your bubble. Believing lies forever will never change the truth.

Meanwhile 20% of the illegal aliens at the border and those already disbursed throughout America are infected with Covid-19 and Joey Xi Bai Dung is mandating vaccination and forced wearing of masks of American citizens..
Meanwhile Joey Xi has created his own super spreader with 300,000 infected illegal aliens.
No wonder there's been spikes in the states targeted by Joey Xi.
Meanwhile 20% of the illegal aliens at the border and those already disbursed throughout America are infected with Covid-19 and Joey Xi Bai Dung is mandating vaccination and forced wearing of masks of American citizens..
Meanwhile Joey Xi has created his own super spreader with 300,000 infected illegal aliens.
No wonder there's been spikes in the states targeted by Joey Xi.

Again, you have no evidence of how many are infected and if you did assuming it came from the authorities, you would deny any government statistics anyway. So your figure has the same validity as pure air.

The silly childish names you use and really pathetic. It doesn't exemplify anything but your hatred and ignorance. Grow up fool. You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican.
Again, you have no evidence of how many are infected and if you did assuming it came from the authorities, you would deny any government statistics anyway. So your figure has the same validity as pure air.

The silly childish names you use and really pathetic. It doesn't exemplify anything but your hatred and ignorance. Grow up fool. You're just another hate filled brain dead Republican.

Common sense dictates a large percentage of illegals invited here by Super Spreader *Joe have covid. That’s why you can’t understand it.
Common sense dictates a large percentage of illegals invited here by Super Spreader *Joe have covid. That’s why you can’t understand it.

That proves my point. Common sense is not that common among hate filled republicans nor does it prove your statistics. Get some facts or shut up. You're a liar.

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