Zone1 The Jews Put Jesus On The Cross! Jesus Was Palestinian!

I dunno, you tell me.

BTW, why do you refer to it as a "stupid story?"
because it doesn't make sense---the people being crucified
were determined to be guilty of sedition against Rome---why
would Rome give one of them up----reminds me of letting
murderers out of Israeli jails-----sunday----on the demand of
the sons of the new ROMANS
Yes they did. Well their sin did anyways.

Israel didn't exist until 1948.

As a nation anyways.
what sin was that? the kingdom of Israel existed---LONG
LONG AGO----if came apart---to Israel and Judah---the Romans
called the whole thing---JUDEA but for jews it still exists in two
that stupid story? BTW what is the jelly bean story on the background of Barabas?

stupid is what stupid does - 81 should have meant - recorded history ...

Pilate had hoped to secure the release of Jesus through the custom, but the chief priest and elders persuaded the crowd to choose Barabbas instead (Matt 27:20; Mark 15:11). The name Barabbas does not appear anywhere else in the New Testament. Simply put, Barabbas was not a good guy.

and was their volition ...

the Jews replied, “His blood is on us and on our children!”

the gathered crowd of jews for their public event ... free beer and liverworts.
stupid is what stupid does - 81 should have meant - recorded history ...

and was their volition ...

the gathered crowd of jews for their public event ... free beer and liverworts.

actually---the only people in JUDEA at that time who DID NOT put Jesus on the Cross----were jews. Crucifixion was a Persian, Greek and Roman thing----Jews NEVER crucified anyone ----in fact doing so is PROSCRIBED by Jewish law. Jelly bean school education is sadly deficient
Buttercup judges the above statement to be false. Chances are that her sunday school teacher told her that Jews engaged in CRUCIFIXION and she BELIEVES that bullshit. Long ago--when I was a kid----my christian playmates believed that crucifixion was
a kind of special event reserved for Jesus that jews invented and his last meal was bacon and eggs
The Romans just did the Jew's dirty work for them. Even the soldiers knew it was wrong. The Jews didn't care how Jesus was killed, just so he was dead and gone.
Crucifixion was a Roman practice
It was those Italians nailing Jesus to the cross
In what way was Barabas a "BAD GUY"?
actually---the only people in JUDEA at that time who DID NOT put Jesus on the Cross----were jews.

tell all, was he not as bad as the jews spending 2000 silver coins to have him arrested - and when given a choice the jews chose jesus to be crucified. and glorified the event for their children and all jews for the duration of judaism.
Crucifixion was a Roman practice
It was those Italians nailing Jesus to the cross

the state religion of the roman empire, the christian bible - the romans during that time were the christians they and the jews are the crucifiers -

yet to be brought to justice to reprieve their crime for the heavens to give blessings ever again.
actually---the only people in JUDEA at that time who DID NOT put Jesus on the Cross----were jews. Crucifixion was a Persian, Greek and Roman thing----Jews NEVER crucified anyone ----in fact doing so is PROSCRIBED by Jewish law. Jelly bean school education is sadly deficient
The Jewish leaders sent Jesus to be killed by the Romans. They are just as guilty.
This is an incredibly stupid argument. We all put Jesus on that cross since every person who ever lived except for Jesus is a sinner. 🙄

I took away my "fact" when I realized you called Jesus a "Palestinian". Palestinians are Arab squatters who LATER moved into the Land of Israel.

Jesus was born a JEW, not a mythical "Palestinian"
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