Zone1 The hypocrisy of saying No Purgatory! yet promoting OnceSavedAlwaysSaved

It remains an underlying theme of the Catholic church, even if the church publicly denounces it this year. Next year remains to be seen...
Try again using the context and definitions of those various times. Please don't start with proof-texting history. It leaves out so much...
Try again using the context and definitions of those various times. Please don't start with proof-texting history. It leaves out so much...
What you call "proof texting" is actually what the rest of us call evidence to support or disprove a claim. The Bible says TO use it for proof:

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

If you were sitting on a jury would you dismiss the evidence they provided to prove or refute the charge? Because that is what you do when you reject scripture.

Here is your context. I took it from a Catholic site.
What you call "proof texting" is actually what the rest of us call evidence to support or disprove a claim.
Ah. Kind of like a detective who will give all the evidence he has gathered to make his case, but will sweep aside all the evidence that indicates another solution.

For some odd reason, even as a child, research fascinated me, and has all through my life. I see all that is left out. When half the story/evidence (usually more) is left out, it not only loses its impact, but some of its credibility as well.
the once saved always saved folks don't see their inconsistency/hypocrisy

They say you will always be saved no matter what sin you may fall into, not realizing that every mortal sin we commit tosses us further away from Heaven.. just the nature of sin (along w/ the great holiness/purity of God).

So if you are always saved after accepting Christ... WHY would u have a problem w/ the Catholics saying there is a place of purgation, where you get spiffed up for Heaven, as it were?

They are HORRIFIED, these OSASers, at the notion of Purgatory... yet their version of things is what is really horrifying...

There is NO sin in Heaven. To believe otherwise is to disbelieve the Word of God... Revelation in particular, which says that "no unclean thing will enter" heaven

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