Zone1 What makes people do horrible things?


Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
Remember the 1961 experiment where one person shocks the other person even when they turn the voltage up past dangerous levels? 40 times some hate it some actually enjoy it. Over half make it up to 400 volts. What they learned is people will cross the line because they are listening to authority.
Remember the 1961 experiment where one person shocks the other person even when they turn the voltage up past dangerous levels? 40 times some hate it some actually enjoy it. Over half make it up to 400 volts. What they learned is people will cross the line because they are listening to authority.
People are willing to do these things because they lack a moral center and can pass the responsibility to the "authority."

Like the 4 year old who says "she made me do it"

They excused the inquisitions, gas chambers, testing STDs on Blacks, caging asians because some authority told them to do it.
A lot of human beings are simply born evil.

It's the BAD SEED theory.

They are simply hopeless.
So many otherwise normal seeming people either like it, or do it because they listen to authority. Makes sense. They also found a surprisingly high number of people like an authoritarian leader. So we are trained to listen to authority, and a lot of people like it.

I guess it makes sense. People want order. Without rules there’s chaos. Even if they have to cross the line.
People are willing to do these things because they lack a moral center and can pass the responsibility to the "authority."

Like the 4 year old who says "she made me do it"

They excused the inquisitions, gas chambers, testing STDs on Blacks, caging asians because some authority told them to do it.
How about mob mentality? One person can set a crowd into a frenzy. Punch one person, suddenly the crowd turns violent. But none of them would have started it.
How about mob mentality? One person can set a crowd into a frenzy. Punch one person, suddenly the crowd turns violent. But none of them would have started it.
As in "lynch mob?"
The mob becomes the authority and the members afraid to challenge the authority.

Ask the members individually if they'd join a lynch mob and the answer would be no.
as the great K said

As in "lynch mob?"
The mob becomes the authority and the members afraid to challenge the authority.

Ask the members individually if they'd join a lynch mob and the answer would be no.
as the great K said

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I know I don’t have mob mentality. When a fight breaks up I am one to want to squash it. Guys like me usually get hit, shot or stabbed from behind.

Remember those war movies with Michael j fox or Charlie sheen? I empathized with their characters.

Or the guys who held the guy down in his bunk and bummled him in full metal jacket. I’d be Joker.

Remember the 1961 experiment where one person shocks the other person even when they turn the voltage up past dangerous levels? 40 times some hate it some actually enjoy it. Over half make it up to 400 volts. What they learned is people will cross the line because they are listening to authority.


Aren't you the one who STILL believes that masks work?

Dude, it's you. You're the one. It's you.

(And it's called the Milgram Experiment)
So many otherwise normal seeming people either like it, or do it because they listen to authority. Makes sense. They also found a surprisingly high number of people like an authoritarian leader. So we are trained to listen to authority, and a lot of people like it.

I guess it makes sense. People want order. Without rules there’s chaos. Even if they have to cross the line.

Did you get the useless shots? How many?

I didn't.

Did you ever believe masks worked?

I don't, and never did.

Dude, there WAS a test, and you failed. Sorry. I knew about the Milgram Experiment a long time ago, and in part that's why I did NOT believe authority, and passed.

You think this is all about religion and Trump and can't see yourself stepping on a rake over and over and over and over....
As in "lynch mob?"
The mob becomes the authority and the members afraid to challenge the authority.

Ask the members individually if they'd join a lynch mob and the answer would be no.
as the great K said

View attachment 890730

No one, and no one, and I mean NO ONE who believed the bunk about masks, social distancing and the vaccines has on iota to say to those of us who didn't when it comes to this topic.

We just underwent an entire Milgram Experiment, essentially.

We passed. You failed.
Remember the 1961 experiment where one person shocks the other person even when they turn the voltage up past dangerous levels? 40 times some hate it some actually enjoy it. Over half make it up to 400 volts. What they learned is people will cross the line because they are listening to authority.
That was.testing conformity theory I believe. That is one big reason people commit evil and/or don't stop it. Diffusion of responsibility, obedience to orders etc. Realisricially,.cowardice leads to evil. Our species is devolving into acting less courageous and noble. Many reasons for this I suspect, one being big government that plays such an expanded life that citizens defer to them (or others) in crisis, unable to be men and tsckle it ourselves. The most evil people in history have done so on balf of government ironically enough. Almost exclusively for self gain. Their souls will find the appropriate home after.death, unless their actions were noble in defense of the vulnerable.
No one, and no one, and I mean NO ONE who believed the bunk about masks, social distancing and the vaccines has on iota to say to those of us who didn't when it comes to this topic.

We just underwent an entire Milgram Experiment, essentially.

We passed. You failed.
You died at a much higher rate than us.
You begged for the vaccine while dying from the disease at which you laughed, and then you died.
You took horse medicine because your mob told you it would save you, it didn't.

You are a textbook example of a mob mentality.
You died at a much higher rate than us.
You begged for the vaccine while dying from the disease at which you laughed, and then you died.
You took horse medicine because your mob told you it would save you, it didn't.

You are a textbook example of a mob mentality.

All of this is just wrong information, except for a few souls who were unvaxxed and died of Covid. You took a vaccine the authorities told you would prevent you from getting it and they vax did NOTHING but maybe give you an increased risk of cancer, heart, and autoimmune diseases. The information that comes out over time is only going to get better for us and worse for you. You know this right?

Just...the absolute mind-boggling insane ignorance it takes to call people out on mob mentality when you bought in to EVERY covid precaution....
Remember the 1961 experiment where one person shocks the other person even when they turn the voltage up past dangerous levels? 40 times some hate it some actually enjoy it. Over half make it up to 400 volts. What they learned is people will cross the line because they are listening to authority.
the "milgram experiment" for you googlers.

dr altemeyer gives it a good chapter in "the authoritarians."

best cinematic representation. bill murray in "ghostbusters" testing his students for esp ability.
Remember the 1961 experiment where one person shocks the other person even when they turn the voltage up past dangerous levels? 40 times some hate it some actually enjoy it. Over half make it up to 400 volts. What they learned is people will cross the line because they are listening to authority.
Yes, Milgram. I mention him often. SweetSue92 brought up the Covid fiasco, but that just succeeded in making the nation look ridiculous. Look! We can those lemmings to stay at home, close their windows, wear masks, and wash their cereal boxes!

Milgram noted that about two-thirds would go along with what authority says is okay. Divorce, abortion, burning down buildings with no consequences if it is a "protest", and now letting those committing crimes back out on the streets within hours, open borders.

We are being played (jerked around) in so many ways. For a long time, I blamed the government, but they are being played as well by people like Soros. The very few rich are running the entire world for their own wealth, power, and amusement. Our governments are their puppets, and we, the lemmings, follow our governments. And now, they are mutilating our children and ensuring their education fails.
Remember the 1961 experiment where one person shocks the other person even when they turn the voltage up past dangerous levels? 40 times some hate it some actually enjoy it. Over half make it up to 400 volts. What they learned is people will cross the line because they are listening to authority.
And turned it up beyond the point at which the subjects (actor-victims) screamed in pain and begged them to stop.
the "milgram experiment" for you googlers.

dr altemeyer gives it a good chapter in "the authoritarians."

best cinematic representation. bill murray in "ghostbusters" testing his students for esp ability.
My grandmother said we are only 3 steps out of the cave. Not much more evolved. But I wonder will this still be true about humans 2000 years from now? Probably. So it’s only human. But not all of us are sheep.

I understand how it benefited primitive men. But maybe this will eventually be bred out of us?

Are we born to be this way or raised? Nature or nurture? It’s certainly in some of us.
Yes, Milgram. I mention him often. SweetSue92 brought up the Covid fiasco, but that just succeeded in making the nation look ridiculous. Look! We can those lemmings to stay at home, close their windows, wear masks, and wash their cereal boxes!

Milgram noted that about two-thirds would go along with what authority says is okay. Divorce, abortion, burning down buildings with no consequences if it is a "protest", and now letting those committing crimes back out on the streets within hours, open borders.

We are being played (jerked around) in so many ways. For a long time, I blamed the government, but they are being played as well by people like Soros. The very few rich are running the entire world for their own wealth, power, and amusement. Our governments are their puppets, and we, the lemmings, follow our governments. And now, they are mutilating our children and ensuring their education fails.
Here’s proof there is no god. Oj simpson is living a good life. Goes out, picks up women, clubs, restaurants never got Covid. Howard stern, has stayed inside, no contact with anyone who got Covid, but he got Covid.

The mail could have Covid in the box. The person who put the product in the box could have had Covid. Or a person who doesn’t have Covid could have it on their hand but not get Covid. Wash your hands and don’t put your hands in your nose.

People who pick their noses get Covid.
You died at a much higher rate than us.
You begged for the vaccine while dying from the disease at which you laughed, and then you died.
You took horse medicine because your mob told you it would save you, it didn't.

You are a textbook example of a mob mentality.
1. Look at what is being admitted now: Your statistics were inflated by cause of death being listed "as Covid" instead as correctly noting they died of something else, but they also had Covid.

2. Who do you know that begged? I am dismissing that one out of hand.

3. A handful of people--if that many--tried horse medicine. Meanwhile, the rest of us washed our hands, drank plenty of fluids, made sure we were getting our vitamins in some form, and added a little zinc to that mix. Oh, and we opened our windows, went outside, and refused to wear masks. (I wore an eyelet mask.)

4. Not vaccinated but some family members were, and we all got Covid and took care of ourselves at home I didn't feel any worse than the vaccinated--better than some. It wasn't that big of a deal. I've had worse colds/flu.

I grew up with stories about how the Spanish flu affected the family back in 1918-19. Learned at a young age how to take care of oneself with what everyone has at hand. Worked with Covid as well. Yet the government never mentioned these practical solutions that might have redirected the idiots taking horse medication.

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