The highest-end audio

What about good home recording equipment? I've been messing around with NCH music software and recording my own stuff on an iPhone6 voice memo app. :)I'm thinking there's better stuff than that. Any recommendations?
Here are three winners, and they're free:

Freac audio converter
Bandlab (with the now-free Cakewalk software)
I'll post some more when I get time to grab links.
Dipshit tube freak thought I was setting up to sell you something (lol), no - - this is just shit I love to discuss and love the process.

GT, the only assholes here are YOU and the Syntholizer: And you've proven it in bristol fashion too dim to even realize it. I came here and simply tried to point out that in buying a prepackaged, self-powered speaker system that someone else had put together, complete with self contained crossovers, EQ and amplifiers, that you were paying the HIGHEST possible price as ideal consumers for someone else's idea for a ready-to-go prepacked solution!

THE POINT BEING that you were in effect AGREEING WITH ME with your classic cheap Yamahas all the while arguing against me-- that you could attain JUST AS MUCH if not more, if you were simply willing to shop around and find some good used speakers yourself, buy some DOD or dbx crossover networks, buy some good used amps, and do a little work and put it all together with a little knowledge and end up with sound every bit as good as the OPs $20,000 speakers, but for maybe just a couple grand instead. I know, I've done it many times. I've been putting sound systems together for about 45 years.

But instead of understanding that, you began talking of pink sweaters and yachts and other bullshit totally confusing an ENTIRELY DIFFERENT DISCUSSION about what the REAL high end was and what you could really spend on it--- if you want to, as per the OP's thread title.

But it wasn't enough that you guys made complete asses of yourself completely missing my points here, but then you went on to try to DENIGRATE someone for merely suggesting ways to SAVE MONEY! :lmao:

A LOT of money.

I'm probably the only person here with REAL pro sound experience in actually ENGINEERING solutions, but instead of listening to me, whether you guys want to do that work or save thousands or not, you've completely thrown up a wall of bullshit misreading me 180° while defending your right to spend as much money as possible on prepackaged consumer solutions because that's what all your buddies do and tell you to do as well. :auiqs.jpg: So OFF with you, fool! It's not my cash!

And that idiocy is exemplified in your suggestion that someone spend thousands on generic room treatment without so much as even knowing the room being used, the speakers, their placement and characteristics, or doing any measurements from the mixing position.

Call me names, but YOU are what we call in the industry a HACK.
im not reading that, old man yells at cloud.

you waste your time. you come in here like a total asshole, ive got no business reading your rants as a result.
im not reading that, old man yells at cloud.

SWEET! I love it. I PROVE to everyone you've been
ranting at the sky for a day like an idiot with false
arguments against things I never even said, and your
best response is:



What an ass.
I caught one whiff of an Audacity using computer audio situation above. I'll confess, I use Audacity in two situations where voice-over material is being done for broadcast. It's free and it's full of features. Mostly features that the typical user does not understand and plays with.
In that situation forget the speakers - go exclusively with a really good pair of 'phones. To each their own on that! I mostly use AKGs but there are arguments to be made for many other brands. Remember now, voice-over is NOT music.

For studios where there is the occasional music recording I go with Adobe Audition and, for open monitoring stick with the JBL speakers I bought 20+ years ago. And yes, both the control room and studio itself were very thoughtfully "treated" - each quite differently. It may be my personal quirk but I never allow "talent" to listen to their work in the stdudio; rather bring them into the oversized control room where the monitors and room were considered together in design and construction. My "secret weapon" is kept in a separate room; the H-K amp loaded with 50L6s and re-capped about every fourth year.

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