The GOP is the laughing stock of the world


Platinum Member
Sep 22, 2014
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

LMAO Obama is the laughing stock of the world not the GOP.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I just saw a thread about how the US has climbed the popularity chart.

Has the GOP shot down the treaty/deal already?
What was the vote?
Do you have the roll call?
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I just saw a thread about how the US has climbed the popularity chart.

Has the GOP shot down the treaty/deal already?
What was the vote?
Do you have the roll call?
Yes the US has recovered from the PR disaster that was the Bush administration. That doesn't change the fact that when the world jokes about America it is the anti-science, pro-war, largely obese, confederate rag waving, bible thumping, hypocritical social conservatives that make up the base of the GOP that they are laughing about.
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I just saw a thread about how the US has climbed the popularity chart.

Has the GOP shot down the treaty/deal already?
What was the vote?
Do you have the roll call?
Yes the US has recovered from the PR disaster that was the Bush administration. That doesn't change the fact that when the world jokes about America it is the anti-science, pro-war, largely obese, confederate rag waving, bible thumping, hypocritical social conservatives that make up the base of the GOP that they are laughing about.
So is that yes or no on the vote/count?
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I just saw a thread about how the US has climbed the popularity chart.

Has the GOP shot down the treaty/deal already?
What was the vote?
Do you have the roll call?
Yes the US has recovered from the PR disaster that was the Bush administration. That doesn't change the fact that when the world jokes about America it is the anti-science, pro-war, largely obese, confederate rag waving, bible thumping, hypocritical social conservatives that make up the base of the GOP that they are laughing about.

I think you have just been categorized as "Do Not Resuscitate."
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

LMAO Obama is the laughing stock of the world not the GOP.

Actually Obama has alot more respect than Bush.


Lets make it clear the world feels the GOP lied to them to make them go to war. Obama did not do that.

Just make that clear if Obama or GOP want a colition tomorrow, Obama would get far more support.
naaa, they are reading all your leftie threads on here is rolling on the floor at how pathetic, scared and desperate you all are

you should go ask the world, really

still posting how Obama is the MAN everyone in the whole world loves. they don 't care people can't STAND him here at home
I just want to point out one thing to the GOP supporters here.

You are the laughing stock of the world.

Just look at the Iran deal. China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the (Democratic)United States; plus Germany all agreed on something. But GOP has a problem.

This is the same GOP which lied through their teeth to invade Iraq, took Al Queda (in 2001) which was on its knees and made them a international terror group. Torture, just shameful.

Then there is there crowning glory of idiotic, science, they can't even under basic stuff age of the earth. Climate change is a big conspiracy, hey dumbass explain how a conspiracy reduces sea ice to almost half.

Lets not say this is anti American rant as I own businesses in US and know that this loud vocal minority is not what America represents. America has and will hopefully represent intelligence, leadership and strength of character.

The GOP have shown weakness and selfishness of putting individual above society.

I'm sure cowboy is typing this at his McDonald's job right's his dream job that he has because of Obama. That could be bad or good.
The op has a point, ISIS and Al Qaeda are planning to build statues of Obama and Val Jarrett

you have to wonder about the sanity of a thousand angry left-wing losers trying to disguise their hatred of everything right-wing with petty taunts; and failing badly

if something is truly irrelevant to you then you dont even bother with it; you dont post endless rants about that; awkwardly and unwittingly giving the opposite message to anybody looking
libs are losers who lie to themselves
Mobs have been known to be wrong all throughout history. They've even been known to torture and murder the minority who disagree.

'Global Warming' is a Globalist Elite scam. It's a massive Global Government takeover. When in doubt, always side with Freedom & Liberty. I'd rather risk it with the Global Warming Boogeyman, than give up my Freedom & Liberty. So bring on the sunshine and warmth. I can take it.
I told you it was YOU on the left/democrats who are the laughing stock. keep projecting though if it helps your nasty egos

Barack Hussein Obama, The Muslim President
By Obie Usategui -- Bio and Archives July 27, 2015

You know what? Not a day goes by where I am not appalled with what we have come to be as a nation—the once mighty superpower we once were—to be no more; now the laughing stock of many around the world, especially our adversaries.

As a matter of fact, I am utterly repulsed and unreservedly nauseated with all the headline news, op-eds, editorials, soundbites and tabloids of banner stories which continue to proliferate our airwaves, radio broadcasts and telecasts with serial threads of our nation’s undeterred road to Armageddon; to mankind’s inevitable demise under the ill-advised leadership of a black Muslim XXX by the name of Barack Hussein Obama. And…don’t anyone out there dare call the damn race card on me, as I am sick and tired of defending all of you white apologists who elected this egomaniac to the office of the president, not once but twice - shame on you all and damn you, too.

For a moment there I really thought I had seen it all, from Obama’s overt swap of five high-ranking Islamic Taliban fundamentalists for an alleged U.S. Army pot-head deserter, to the repulsive trade of three Cuban spies earlier convicted for espionage and conspiracy to commit murder acting as agents of a foreign government, unsuspectedly traded by the Obama administration for one U.S. contractor and an unknown Cuban working as American intelligence agent.

From Obama’s despicable photo-op on a golf cart at Martha’s Vineyard approximately eight minutes after pronouncing a highly manicured tele-prompted mourning speech over the death of just- beheaded American James Foley; to the administration’s heinous abandonment of U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens, and three other American heroes, defenselessly left to be brutally burned and murdered at the hands of radical Islamic animals while attacking the American diplomatic compound at Benghazi, Libya, on September 11th, 2012. I thought I had seen it all. All the while as our feeble-minded president perversely refuses to coin the terms ‘terrorists’ and ‘terrorism’, to describe this cadre of ruthless assassins.

ALL of it here:
Barack Hussein Obama The Muslim President
Remember when the open mic caught Obama telling Russia he'll have MORE LEAWAY once he's Re-elected. yet you people STILL went and voted for him


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