The Good Samaritan and how it influences your political beliefs.

I'm the best neighbor there is.

I'm quiet I keep my house and yard immaculately clean. I mind my own business and I have an 8 foot fence around my property because good fences make good neighbors.
The levite and the priest minded their own business but they were not necessarily good neigh bours .
If they left their neighbors alone and minded their own business they were great neighbors
Jesus doesnt think so. Neither do I.
What makes you think I care what either of you think?

A good neighbor is one you rarely see and never hear
Sorry. I assumed that you are a Christian. My mistake.
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?
I would never IGNORE scriptural writings. It interests me to know on what basis they
were written The "good samaritan" parable is often cited. In view of the fact that
Luke wrote it---it is, clearly, not a first hand account, nor would Luke have it from
Jesus----just what it is supposed to demonstrate----if anything
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?
I would never IGNORE scriptural writings. It interests me to know on what basis they
were written The "good samaritan" parable is often cited. In view of the fact that
Luke wrote it---it is, clearly, not a first hand account, nor would Luke have it from
Jesus----just what it is supposed to demonstrate----if anything
So do you have a problem with it ?
I'm the best neighbor there is.

I'm quiet I keep my house and yard immaculately clean. I mind my own business and I have an 8 foot fence around my property because good fences make good neighbors.
Good Samaritans aren't necessarily from your neighborhood. The point of the parable is not to be a good neighbor to the people next door.
Only the people next door are my neighbors.

People in other towns states or countries are not my neighbors
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?
I would never IGNORE scriptural writings. It interests me to know on what basis they
were written The "good samaritan" parable is often cited. In view of the fact that
Luke wrote it---it is, clearly, not a first hand account, nor would Luke have it from
Jesus----just what it is supposed to demonstrate----if anything
So do you have a problem with it ?
no problem, I just do not consider it a "lesson" in anything or an actual event.
There is a "history" that the samaritans were delighted with Alexander and very
receptive to Greek religious practices and the ASSIMILATION INTO GREEK CULTURE
that Alexander favored. The situation created a kind of Schism between Jews and
Samaritans. They avoided each other. ------The NT compiled by the NICEAN council
was ROMAN. Romans virtually worshiped Greeks and ADOPTED the agenda of Alexander---
which amounted to--------CIVILIZE THE WORLD TO THE GREEK MODE-----the Roman
Emperors did not invent the idea but they LIKED IT LOTS ------and that explains
the GOOD SAMARITAN PARABLE-----it was politically motivated

So it was told to explain what being a good neighbour was all about.

How does it influence how you deal with your neighbours and how do you modify your behaviour to keep within the teachings ? How does your politics reflect this ?
you first,,
I try and vote for policies that help people. I recognise that it is an unfair world but I do my little bit.
so you dump your responsibilities on other people,, got it,,

The Jews considered the Samarians half breeds and bad Jews which makes the story all the more about kindness towards the stranger and being our brother's keeper.
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?
I would never IGNORE scriptural writings. It interests me to know on what basis they
were written The "good samaritan" parable is often cited. In view of the fact that
Luke wrote it---it is, clearly, not a first hand account, nor would Luke have it from
Jesus----just what it is supposed to demonstrate----if anything
So do you have a problem with it ?
no problem, I just do not consider it a "lesson" in anything or an actual event.
There is a "history" that the samaritans were delighted with Alexander and very
receptive to Greek religious practices and the ASSIMILATION INTO GREEK CULTURE
that Alexander favored. The situation created a kind of Schism between Jews and
Samaritans. They avoided each other. ------The NT compiled by the NICEAN council
was ROMAN. Romans virtually worshiped Greeks and ADOPTED the agenda of Alexander---
which amounted to--------CIVILIZE THE WORLD TO THE GREEK MODE-----the Roman
Emperors did not invent the idea but they LIKED IT LOTS ------and that explains
the GOOD SAMARITAN PARABLE-----it was politically motivated

Before Alexander and the prosperous cities of the Decapolis Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?
I would never IGNORE scriptural writings. It interests me to know on what basis they
were written The "good samaritan" parable is often cited. In view of the fact that
Luke wrote it---it is, clearly, not a first hand account, nor would Luke have it from
Jesus----just what it is supposed to demonstrate----if anything
So do you have a problem with it ?
no problem, I just do not consider it a "lesson" in anything or an actual event.
There is a "history" that the samaritans were delighted with Alexander and very
receptive to Greek religious practices and the ASSIMILATION INTO GREEK CULTURE
that Alexander favored. The situation created a kind of Schism between Jews and
Samaritans. They avoided each other. ------The NT compiled by the NICEAN council
was ROMAN. Romans virtually worshiped Greeks and ADOPTED the agenda of Alexander---
which amounted to--------CIVILIZE THE WORLD TO THE GREEK MODE-----the Roman
Emperors did not invent the idea but they LIKED IT LOTS ------and that explains
the GOOD SAMARITAN PARABLE-----it was politically motivated

Before Alexander and the prosperous cities of the Decapolis Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.
oh---the samaritans were "arabs"? How interesting----they were literate in arabic
2000 years ago-----and spoke arabic with Jesus. Some how they gave their cities GREEK
names. Did they read and write AKKADIAN? They, certainly, never used arabic script.
They seem to have gotten stuck in the ancient hebrew script----somehow which they used
long before arabic had a script-----it wasn't even akkadian and they still use it

So it was told to explain what being a good neighbour was all about.

How does it influence how you deal with your neighbours and how do you modify your behaviour to keep within the teachings ? How does your politics reflect this ?
you first,,
I try and vote for policies that help people. I recognise that it is an unfair world but I do my little bit.
so you dump your responsibilities on other people,, got it,,

The Jews considered the Samarians half breeds and bad Jews which makes the story all the more about kindness towards the stranger and being our brother's keeper.
no it doesn't In fact the samaritans and jews were NOT strangers to each other.
There were at odds with each other over religious ideology and RECOGNIZED a
familial connection. Your sunday school explanation is silly

The Jews considered the Samarians half breeds and bad Jews which makes the story all the more about kindness towards the stranger and being our brother's keeper.
no it doesn't In fact the samaritans and jews were NOT strangers to each other.
There were at odds with each other over religious ideology and RECOGNIZED a
familial connection. Your sunday school explanation is silly

In order to understand the NT-----avoid the sunday sermons and READ

So it was told to explain what being a good neighbour was all about.

How does it influence how you deal with your neighbours and how do you modify your behaviour to keep within the teachings ? How does your politics reflect this ?
you first,,
I try and vote for policies that help people. I recognise that it is an unfair world but I do my little bit.
so you dump your responsibilities on other people,, got it,,

The Jews considered the Samarians half breeds and bad Jews which makes the story all the more about kindness towards the stranger and being our brother's keeper.
no it doesn't In fact the samaritans and jews were NOT strangers to each other.
There were at odds with each other over religious ideology and RECOGNIZED a
familial connection. Your sunday school explanation is silly

You might want to read the New Testament. TheJews didn't like the Samaritans as unclean/inferior and avoided them at all costs. That's what makes the story specal.
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?
I would never IGNORE scriptural writings. It interests me to know on what basis they
were written The "good samaritan" parable is often cited. In view of the fact that
Luke wrote it---it is, clearly, not a first hand account, nor would Luke have it from
Jesus----just what it is supposed to demonstrate----if anything
So do you have a problem with it ?
no problem, I just do not consider it a "lesson" in anything or an actual event.
There is a "history" that the samaritans were delighted with Alexander and very
receptive to Greek religious practices and the ASSIMILATION INTO GREEK CULTURE
that Alexander favored. The situation created a kind of Schism between Jews and
Samaritans. They avoided each other. ------The NT compiled by the NICEAN council
was ROMAN. Romans virtually worshiped Greeks and ADOPTED the agenda of Alexander---
which amounted to--------CIVILIZE THE WORLD TO THE GREEK MODE-----the Roman
Emperors did not invent the idea but they LIKED IT LOTS ------and that explains
the GOOD SAMARITAN PARABLE-----it was politically motivated

Before Alexander and the prosperous cities of the Decapolis Sargon 2 settled 4 Arab tribes in Samaria.
oh---the samaritans were "arabs"? How interesting----they were literate in arabic
2000 years ago-----and spoke arabic with Jesus. Some how they gave their cities GREEK
names. Did they read and write AKKADIAN? They, certainly, never used arabic script.
They seem to have gotten stuck in the ancient hebrew script----somehow which they used
long before arabic had a script-----it wasn't even akkadian and they still use it

Exile, Assyrian |

In place of the Israelite deportees, Sargon settled residents of other defeated nations in the Assyrian province of Samaria.

In this connection the Bible mentions exiles from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath, and Sepharvaim (ii Kings 17:24), while an inscription of Sargon ii specifies members of four Arab tribes who were settled in "Omriland" (Bīt Ḫumri) in 716/5 b.c.e.
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?
I would never IGNORE scriptural writings. It interests me to know on what basis they
were written The "good samaritan" parable is often cited. In view of the fact that
Luke wrote it---it is, clearly, not a first hand account, nor would Luke have it from
Jesus----just what it is supposed to demonstrate----if anything
So do you have a problem with it ?
no problem, I just do not consider it a "lesson" in anything or an actual event.
There is a "history" that the samaritans were delighted with Alexander and very
receptive to Greek religious practices and the ASSIMILATION INTO GREEK CULTURE
that Alexander favored. The situation created a kind of Schism between Jews and
Samaritans. They avoided each other. ------The NT compiled by the NICEAN council
was ROMAN. Romans virtually worshiped Greeks and ADOPTED the agenda of Alexander---
which amounted to--------CIVILIZE THE WORLD TO THE GREEK MODE-----the Roman
Emperors did not invent the idea but they LIKED IT LOTS ------and that explains
the GOOD SAMARITAN PARABLE-----it was politically motivated
Wasnt there a commandment that backed this up ? It may just be a story but it was told with a purpose. I do not think that it can be brushed off as a piece of fluff.

Although I am surprised that the many Christians on this board have not contributed to this thread.
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?

Near as I can tell you ignore most of it. You think morals are voting. The very story you cite is an example of doing. Not voting.
Well voting is doing Sue.

Its a lot of things. Voting, paying taxes, obeying the laws, showing consideration for others, helping my neighbour dig his car out of the snow , taking responsibility for my actions, bringing up my kids properly.

Socialism codifies so much of this. My taxes help people I have never even met. That is the essence of being a Good Samaritan.

The conflict comes when my taxes are used for things that do not help people. My government has spent millions defending court cases where they have either lied or broken the law. That does not help the country.
Luke wrote the parable of the "Good Samaritan" He never met Jesus.
It was all conjecture
So there are parts of the Bible we should ignore ?

Near as I can tell you ignore most of it. You think morals are voting. The very story you cite is an example of doing. Not voting.

The point is that the Jews despised the Samaritans yet a Samaritan rescued a Jew.
Yes, a samaritan was chosen in order to emphasise the point.

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