The Good Samaritan and how it influences your political beliefs.

So it was told to explain what being a good neighbour was all about.

How does it influence how you deal with your neighbours and how do you modify your behaviour to keep within the teachings ? How does your politics reflect this ?
you first,,
I try and vote for policies that help people. I recognise that it is an unfair world but I do my little bit.
And then like all leftist you vote with your emotions and vote for the idiot who promises rainbows and sunshine

How's that homeless problem in the UK

In California and NY they've already pissed away billions on programs that suck in taxpayer money as the bureaucracies continually do pretty much nothing

$8000.00 pentagon hammers

$2500.00 tents in LA

Or a few hundred million on apartments for homeless that never get built in California
YOU care so much

Pffft The west is coming down
It needs to burn ....indeed the elites are on to something
So you reject the parable ? It isnt clear where you stand on this.
Tommy Tainant You can whine all you want but you can't stop me from posting my opinion about this thread. You are always bashing America and Christians and anyone else you can to help your fragile ego.

You want to be honest for a change, then I'll answer your question.

Thanks for showing what a good Samaritan you really are.
Being anti trump is not being anti american. Being supportive of minorities is not being anti Christian.
What do you think of the parable ?
Tommy Tainant You can whine all you want but you can't stop me from posting my opinion about this thread. You are always bashing America and Christians and anyone else you can to help your fragile ego.

You want to be honest for a change, then I'll answer your question.

Thanks for showing what a good Samaritan you really are.
Being anti trump is not being anti american. Being supportive of minorities is not being anti Christian.
What do you think of the parable ?
Where did I say being anti-trump was anti-American? I have never posted anything close to that argument. I disliked many of Trumps policy, I think that is a really stupid comment to make about me.

Where did I say supporting minorities is anti-Christian? Where do you come up with your stupid BS? Why do you feel the need to lie about my positions?

I think the parable is a good parable to live by. It impacts my life daily.
The evidence of history is that when folk are left to their own devices they tend not to help others and those in need go without. Check out the novels of Dickens.
Go Fund Me are generally successful...something that wasn't around in Dickens' time.
Socialism codifies so much of this. My taxes help people I have never even met. That is the essence of being a Good Samaritan.
No, it is not. The Good Samaritan does not depend on government to take care of people. One of the most despicable things about government and bureaucracy is making it impossible (by over taxing) for the individual to help others himself. These taxes you are so proud of paying do more to provide jobs to bureaucrats (at fine wages) than they do to help those in need. The best way to help those in need is to leave it to each person. I resent being taxed to the point where I cannot be of real help to another.
The evidence of history is that when folk are left to their own devices they tend not to help others and those in need go without. Check out the novels of Dickens.
Dickens did not compile the NT-----Constantine did
I noticed that most didn't get the meaning of the parable. How is that possible?
Yea, I think it's one of the simpler parables to comprehend, even when considering that all the parables are about the kingdom of God.

Samaritans and Jews were at odds, of course, yet the Samaritan was more neighborly to the Jew than the Jews were. That's the kingdom, essentially, from which the dogs, sorcerers, and other evildoers are cast out, just like those two Jews.
What's the population of the US... 320 million or so.. and you want "small government"?
I did not say "small". I said smaller. Further, the Federal government's tendrils reach into local school districts and municipalities. These agencies must tow the line before they can get money that is due them. The Feds need to handle national issues and let local agencies handle local issues.
What's the population of the US... 320 million or so.. and you want "small government"?
I did not say "small". I said smaller. Further, the Federal government's tendrils reach into local school districts and municipalities. These agencies must tow the line before they can get money that is due them. The Feds need to handle national issues and let local agencies handle local issues.

Would civil rights be different locally? How about the court system?
I noticed that most didn't get the meaning of the parable. How is that possible?
Yea, I think it's one of the simpler parables to comprehend, even when considering that all the parables are about the kingdom of God.

Samaritans and Jews were at odds, of course, yet the Samaritan was more neighborly to the Jew than the Jews were. That's the kingdom, essentially, from which the dogs, sorcerers, and other evildoers are cast out, just like those two Jews.
bullshit-----interestingly I have had---in the past---a long conversation with a real PRESENT
day Karaite on line. For the record----they (the jews and karaites) never did the christian thing
that took place in the BRITISH piles. Jews and Samaritans have been getting on well for the
past 2000 years
I noticed that most didn't get the meaning of the parable. How is that possible?
Yea, I think it's one of the simpler parables to comprehend, even when considering that all the parables are about the kingdom of God.

Samaritans and Jews were at odds, of course, yet the Samaritan was more neighborly to the Jew than the Jews were. That's the kingdom, essentially, from which the dogs, sorcerers, and other evildoers are cast out, just like those two Jews.
bullshit-----interestingly I have had---in the past---a long conversation with a real PRESENT
day Karaite on line. For the record----they (the jews and karaites) never did the christian thing
that took place in the BRITISH piles. Jews and Samaritans have been getting on well for the
past 2000 years
We're not talking about the past 2,000 years, Sweetheart.
Lack of understanding what they read and taking it out of context is the main problem. It also says " those who don't work shouldn't eat " too. But thats not popular with the carpetbagging pastors here. The more they drag in for the "poor ' the more their own pockets get filled. I left mainsteam religion years ago when I left mainstream media.

New International Version
For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”
I noticed that most didn't get the meaning of the parable. How is that possible?
Yea, I think it's one of the simpler parables to comprehend, even when considering that all the parables are about the kingdom of God.

Samaritans and Jews were at odds, of course, yet the Samaritan was more neighborly to the Jew than the Jews were. That's the kingdom, essentially, from which the dogs, sorcerers, and other evildoers are cast out, just like those two Jews.
bullshit-----interestingly I have had---in the past---a long conversation with a real PRESENT
day Karaite on line. For the record----they (the jews and karaites) never did the christian thing
that took place in the BRITISH piles. Jews and Samaritans have been getting on well for the
past 2000 years

Where were they living? Not in Palestine.
I noticed that most didn't get the meaning of the parable. How is that possible?
Yea, I think it's one of the simpler parables to comprehend, even when considering that all the parables are about the kingdom of God.

Samaritans and Jews were at odds, of course, yet the Samaritan was more neighborly to the Jew than the Jews were. That's the kingdom, essentially, from which the dogs, sorcerers, and other evildoers are cast out, just like those two Jews.
bullshit-----interestingly I have had---in the past---a long conversation with a real PRESENT
day Karaite on line. For the record----they (the jews and karaites) never did the christian thing
that took place in the BRITISH piles. Jews and Samaritans have been getting on well for the
past 2000 years

Where were they living? Not in Palestine.
what are you calling "palestine" are you a ROMAN?

2Thess. 3:10-14

6In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, we command you, brothers and sisters, to keep away from every believer who is idle and disruptive and does not live according to the teaching a you received from us. 7For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate. 10For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

11We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. 13And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.

14Take special note of anyone who does not obe

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