The final solution is mixed race marriages.

" Stereotype Scapegoats For Every One "

* Racist Hat Speech About Those Others *

Does anyone else hear banjo music?
Do you proclaim the same about japanese or british having been bound with an island many generations prior ?
The best part of mixed raced marriages are the people who are offended and pissed off by them.
My son is married to a Hispanic who is legally here, and our family has no problem with it. Why do progs always have to use the color of ones skin to push an agenda?
Look above at who wants “pure blood lines,” who is disgusted by those Aryan-type creeps; look at who the “white nationalists” support in this election. It sure ain’t those you insult as ... “progs.”

Glad you and your family have no problem with your son’s wife being Hispanic! Can’t imagine anyone caring about that these days, but I guess some do. Of course Hispanics can be “white” or “black” or yellow or anything in between ...

Frankly, I think for all the racist talk going around, most people would not object to their children marrying into another race ... just so long as they thought their kids would be loved, treated well, have successful marriages, and raise good kids. A lot of course also depends on how much money and what material and cultural advantages the new spouse brings to the marriage ...
It has been found out that blacks have more of a problem with the Kung Flu if the black people have Sickle Cell Anemia which is only found in the black race. So a white person marrying a black person, can have Sickle Cell in their children.
Jesus Fu**ing Christ. You cannot be serious, can you? I do not see why different racial groups' different predispositions for different medical conditions would matter to anyone because what defines a person is their values, virtues and overall character. Not things that are completely out of their control such as melanin, DNA and blood.

It is important to note that there is also a great difference between individuals of the same race, so I cannot help but wonder if you advocate the same type of eugenics even when it comes to "intra-racial" marriages, do you? With this logic, only perfect matches would be twins.

If you want to take the risk, go for it, but it will be the choice of the parents who have to deal with the repercussions of their actions...Maybe one day there can be a cure, but not right now...
The worst thing about "RaCiAl ReAlIsT" arguments like the one you present is that it veils its inherent racism under a veil of "science" to justify a dickheaded personality.
What the fuck are you talking about, i dont look at someone and say hey there is a black person there, i look at the person and acknowledge that he is a citizen of the US and should be treated accordingly. But there are progs on this board and all they can do is bitch and moan how fucked up their lives are, because they see "white" "black" and victimhood. If you want to start calling me a dickhead for pointing out the "FACTS" about science, then you are going to find out i am willing to get into the gutter with you and bring it right back at you....
Some knucklehead on a forum years ago said same thing, he would ban same race marriage and only allow mixed races to marry.
Government already has control of - more or less - everything except marriage, so why not hand over that to them as well? What could possibly go wrong? :D

Knucklehead is too nice of a word for him,, in my opinion.

As if whites don't kill whites, blacks don't kill blacks, Mex don't kill Mex.
As if race is of any larger significance or relevance to anything at all.

There is quite nothing as Unamerican as the obsession with group identity since the pillars and cornerstones of what define the United States of America are based on individualism and freedom. Racial group identity stands in stark contrast to these notions and putting the group over the individual hampers his agency and thus also restricts his freedom. You cannot have liberty and pursuit of happiness if you want individuals to be defined by their blood.
Racial group identity stands in stark contrast to these notions and putting the group over the individual hampers his agency and thus also restricts his freedom.
And you just talked about the Biden Campaign...
" Fictional Ishmaelism Directs Left Wing To A Wet Dream Brown Out "

* Sufficiently Distinct Requirement For Diversity And Unfounded Necessity *

Look above at who wants “pure blood lines,” who is disgusted by those Aryan-type creeps; look at who the “white nationalists” support in this election. It sure ain’t those you insult as ... “progs.”
The left is trembling in fear about the audacity for government controlled eugenics of lebensborn , while it practices its own malevolent aggression against the lineages of japheth through immigration policies , or lack thereof , and in promoting positive liberties with a fake " minority " and " protected " class premise .

As part of affirmative action , the negro basketball association should court a team of blond hair , blue eyed , players named the pale leos .

* Focus On Informed Consent *

Frankly, I think for all the racist talk going around, most people would not object to their children marrying into another race ... just so long as they thought their kids would be loved, treated well, have successful marriages, and raise good kids. A lot of course also depends on how much money and what material and cultural advantages the new spouse brings to the marriage ...
Your thoughts would likely not be correct as most people are likely to prefer to see themselves in their children and to seek security among their own .

How does the left wing goofy network rationalize lebensborn ?

In Norway, children born to Norwegian mothers by German fathers were allegedly often bullied, raped, abused, and persecuted by the government after the war, and placed in mental institutions. The Norwegian government attempted to deport Lebensborn to Germany, Brazil, and Australia but did not succeed. A group of Lebensborn children sued the Norwegian government into admitting complicity. In 2008, their case before the European Court of Human Rights was dismissed, but they were each offered an £8,000 payment from the Norwegian government.[17]

In November 2006, in the German town of Wernigerode, an open meeting took place among several Lebensborn children, with the intention of dispelling myths and encouraging those affected to investigate their origins.[18]
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One does not have to be a racist to understand simple shit.
I guarantee you DaShawn and ShaQuita do not want little DaNeeca dating white Seth Smith.
If they told you that there is no way in hell you’d call them RACIST is there?
People who oppose interracial marriage are by definition racists and therefore I would indeed call "Shaquita and Deshawn" racists for not allowing their kiddo to date "Seth Smith".

A spade is a spade, is it not?

Are you familiar with the Hutu Tutsi war? You desperately need to make this part of your education.
I am very familiar with it and also with all of the other ethnic conflicts and cleansings that have happened throughout history. The common demoninator they all share is tribalism - If people decide that your blood and internal body chemistry is the primary unit of your existence, the outcome can only be genocide.
And it will always be. Which is why multiculturalism can never be successful.
America is the most successful nation in the history of the world.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race.
But what races are marrying to what ? Because there is no way 1 in 8 white people are married to black people

Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.
The problem is with this is the fact that any two humans are 99.9% genetically the same, according to the Human Genome Project.

And even that 0.1% is mostly made up of individual differences. Only 6.3% of that 0.1% comes from differences between races.

Races have pretty much the same set of genes, just in different frequencies. And even those frequencies do not always fall along the lines of race. Skin colour changes as you go north to south. The frequency of blood type B changes as you go east to west.

The racial designations that we currently use are principally based on three characteristics.

1) Facial structure
2) Skin color
3) Hair texture.

Those are things that are controlled by six genes out of thirty thousand genes in the human genome.


We are not all the same.

There are persistent differences that cluster within racial groups and more so than many have believed.

Yet these differences still fall far short of indicating sub-speciation, which is the normal standard used by biologists to indicate different “races” or breeds of a larger species.

DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair colour can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.

It has never been a case of there not being differences between the way human beings look. The trouble is in the imprecise taxonomy.

How do you define a race and might there not be other equally valid ways of dividing humans into taxonomical groupings ?

Many scientists worked hard (REAL HARD) on finding working definition of race as a biological fact.

They all failed.

Not because genetic differences can’t be observed between various humans (after all, if there weren’t mDNA differences, we wouldn’t know much about human maternal ancestry).

They all failed because genetic differences do not support social races, races that divide people into (pardon my words) “black”, “white”, “yellow” and “red”.

The only living subspecies of the species Homo sapiens is Homo sapiens sapiens. That is current scientific knowledge. And it is very likely to remain the only one, unless Sasquatch or the Yeti decide to walk into a science lab for a DNA test one day.

There is a reason why blood transfusions and bone marrow transplants work. This is why a “black ” persons blood can save an white Irishman’s life with a transfusion and vice versa Some blood types have an affinity for certain groups of people…but the genes are the same.

If we can get the races all mixed up,
But this is the crux of white supremacy. "All mixed up" means less white people and the white supremacists who run the planet can't have that.

people with high intelligence,
What's intelligence ?

will be more likely to thrive
Thrive by doing what ?

and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up.
What's intelligence ?

Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.
What's intelligence ?
Some stupid shit here posted something about “parents prefer to see themselves in their children,” as if the parents of mixed race children wouldn’t.
Furthermore, I do not even know if that statement is true at all. I would think parents would always prefer their children to be better than them and striving to raise them in a way that facilitates it.

As far as physical similarities go, children will - as ypu said - always look like their parents regardless, but again I do not think parents do - or should - care about how their children look since that is completely out of their control anyways and it is not a good thing to teach a child.
Pauli seems frightened by the idea of interracial relationships. It is no wonder why.
America is the most successful nation in the history of the world.
Yeah America is so successful that people people killing each other every day. The country at a civil war with each other. There is a mad man in the oval office. The racial history of America is nothing but a disgrace,

America is so successful that's it's doing it best to destroy the house that people live in.

It is America that is amongst the biggest polluters in the world and has increased their greenhouse gas emissions. Unsustainability definitively means that civilisation is a failure. India and China burn coal for the USA. Brazil and Indonesia burn rainforests for the USA. The Earth warms. Storms surge. Cities choke.

The Earth is running out of soil. Arable land is dwindling and that the arable land available per person is falling.

The very soil ppl lives depend on. The continual ploughing of fields, combined with heavy use of fertilizers, has degraded soils across the world is done by who ? Soil erosion is now far greater than soil formation.

It takes around 500 years for just 2.5cm of topsoil to be created amid unimpeded ecological changes. Soil is a living thing just like cattle. But unlike cattle, if you treat the soil right it will live forever

Right now the water is messed up....only a small % of it is drinkable....thanks to what people ?

The air is messed up, thanks to what people ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to what people ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is critical.

Everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and it is white people that have done this.

But USA is successful because it has money (in parts). It has twitter and facebook.

If God is the landlord of the earth, He would ask America to hand in it's keys.
America is the most successful nation in the history of the world.
Yeah America is so successful that people people killing each other every day. The country at a civil war with each other. There is a mad man in the oval office. The racial history of America is nothing but a disgrace,

America is so successful that's it's doing it best to destroy the house that people live in.

It is America that is amongst the biggest polluters in the world and has increased their greenhouse gas emissions. Unsustainability definitively means that civilisation is a failure. India and China burn coal for the USA. Brazil and Indonesia burn rainforests for the USA. The Earth warms. Storms surge. Cities choke.

The Earth is running out of soil. Arable land is dwindling and that the arable land available per person is falling.

The very soil ppl lives depend on. The continual ploughing of fields, combined with heavy use of fertilizers, has degraded soils across the world is done by who ? Soil erosion is now far greater than soil formation.

It takes around 500 years for just 2.5cm of topsoil to be created amid unimpeded ecological changes. Soil is a living thing just like cattle. But unlike cattle, if you treat the soil right it will live forever

Right now the water is messed up....only a small % of it is drinkable....thanks to what people ?

The air is messed up, thanks to what people ?
The earth is messed up, thanks to what people ?

Now they are raising hell about the dangers of all the space junk up there...thanks to what people ?

This is critical.

Everybody needs air, water and land in order to survive and it is white people that have done this.

But USA is successful because it has money (in parts). It has twitter and facebook.

If God is the landlord of the earth, He would ask America to hand in it's keys.


You're hilarious, Elijah.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.

The final solution is mixed race marriages.
NEGATIVE....bust you asses keeping your race pure and free of diversity. Multiculturalism fucks everything up.

You DO realize that those two statements are at odds, right? If everyone was Mestizo, there would be less cultural differences between individuals. Much as you are likely a mix of English, Scots and perhaps diverse other ethnicities, but don't carry on much from any one those traditions, compared to the modern English, Scots, etc.
One out of every eight people, are marrying outside their race. Genetic diversity gives the human population resistance to germs. Humans are very inbred, because of a genetic bottleneck, 80 thousand years ago.

If we can get the races all mixed up, people with high intelligence, will be more likely to thrive, and the people with low intelligence won't know about it, because the races will be all mixed up. Let's say, for argument's sake, that whites and blacks have 100 intelligence in common, and blacks have 50 intelligence genes that whites don't have, and whites have 75 intelligence genes that blacks don't have. If a black person and a white person then have a baby, it will have between 100 and 225 intelligence genes. Good genes spread faster then bad genes, through the population, because they are more fit to survive.

Reverse psychology may the best strategy, so we may want to tell young people not the marry outside their race.
What bullshit. Humans evolved by being separated and adapting to their environments. Remixing everyone would be de-evolving.

What happened to “diversity”? Now the left wants to eradicate ethnic groups.

When you see an interracial couple does it frighten you?
No, why would it?

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