The Fence Sitters & the symbol that scares people of the cross


Platinum Member
Jun 19, 2009
The Catholic Churches carry 2 symbols on their floors and walls and clothes.
The sign of death (cross) and the sign of life(crossed out cross) representing the 2 messengers, the paradise in death messenger(cross) and paradise in
life messenger (crossed out cross).
The sign/symbol of death= the cross predating the faith is used for Jesus while the crossed out cross symbol of life is the iconograph known as the cross of Michael (messenger of life)and also a symbol of the evening star , yet is not the sole symbol used because they teach both.
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.

So the offspring (sects) chose the messenger of death=the curse that deceived 1/3 the world. Thus chose the mark of the beast (power of death & destruction) the cross.
Notice the Michaeline sects always reject the symbol mark of the beast the cross.
The Catholic Churches carry 2 symbols on their floors and walls and clothes.
The sign of death (cross) and the sign of life(crossed out cross) representing the 2 messengers, the paradise in death messenger(cross) and paradise in
life messenger (crossed out cross).
The sign/symbol of death= the cross predating the faith is used for Jesus while the crossed out cross symbol of life is the iconograph known as the cross of Michael (messenger of life)and also a symbol of the evening star , yet is not the sole symbol used because they teach both.
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day,That I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore choose life, that you may live, you and your children.

So the offspring (sects) chose the messenger of death=the curse that deceived 1/3 the world. Thus chose the mark of the beast (power of death & destruction) the cross.
Notice the Michaeline sects always reject the symbol mark of the beast the cross.

Types of Crosses Information
Cross & Crucifix: Glossary

The real blood of krist
The cross is a symbol of death...many christians bow to it and place it on their chests close to their hearts or on their head showing it controls their is interesting to note that in isaiah 45 if i am not mistaken we are warned of this and in many other places... A curse has devoured the world..if this is symbolic to represent the spread of worshipping death then only by removing this curse can we be freed to be all that we were meant to be and live our lives fully without being chained and cursed by our mistaken be leafs.....
Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree" also read Deuteronomy 21:22
they that be cursed of Him shall be cut off-(Psalm 37:22)
...the crossed out cross symbol of life is the iconograph known as the cross of Michael (messenger of life)and also a symbol of the evening star , yet is not the sole symbol used because they teach both. ...
Would you kindly post an image of that icon, please?
The cracker has the mark of the beast=cross stamped in it so you absorb the teachings of death.
They mark your forehead with the cross in burnt ash and
have your mark in your hands either through holding the cross idol or through the wafer and some cases cross tatoos in the thumb webbing of the hand.-Rev 13:16 if I remember correctly.

Thank you.

It seems to me that a "crossed out cross" symbol would have at least 8 points.

I found the following symbol here.


The Notre Dame Library refers to it as The Star of Jacob and describes it thusly:

...In perfect obedience to his Heavenly Father, the star of Christ has run its course. His death on the Cross was his setting as the evening star. His resurrection was his rising as the morning star.

This almost jibes with your explication of the "Star of Michael", with the exception of its combined evening/morning ascription to "the star of Christ".
Capstone if you ever watch the movie prince of egypt there are many clues there esp the song they sing at the end as to who they give thanks too but you might find of interest also the part where pharoah is speaking to moses and he claims both the morning and evening star for himself so there are obvious clues involved if one pays close attention...
Yeah Capstone, that's the symbol on every other tile on some RCC church floors next to every other tile plus sign cross. Hence calling them fence sitters playing both sides & teaching both sides of the message by making life in death a paradise, but then teaching resurrection back to life in paradise.
2 distinct seperate teachings 1 good and 1 evil.
Jacob is equated with Shalem (Evening Star)
through his visitation (see stone of destiny post)
Gen. xxxiii. 18. Jacob, we are told, 'came to Shalem where they were called Shalemites.
Remember it was Abraham who learned
about Shalem through the righteous head priest Mal_khiy-tzehthehq.
Ur-Shalem (YeruShalem) itself is the insight of how the Hebrews (from UR) Came together with many of Canaan's Shalemites to be known as Jews.

Where Notre Dame messes up and twists things is down right deceptive.
Because The Morning star=fall thus attributed to Lucifer's fall.
Evening Star =rises= attributed to Michael rising Dan 12:1-4.
The legend of City of Shalem becoming city of Shalom (city of Peace) is when the Night overturns the day.
Clearly Morning Star's (Lucifer's) nemesis is the Evening Star (Michael) so Noter Dame is not exactly the elite school they are imaged to be. Probably because they are a Luciferian school which ALWAYS thieves and imposters and twists the roles of the head of host.

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