The FBI Should Release the Trump-Raid Warrant

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I imagine they will in the coming days. Is there some reason that Trump's lawyer can't make it public now? I'm obviously not an attorney, so I don't know what laws are governing that, but it would clear up a lot. Of course, if it's likely revealed that the FBI had probable and just cause to do this search will it even matter to the Trump supporters?

While much of the response from GOP leaders expressed support for Trump, the most common refrain in the commentary thus far has been concern over the lack of clarity about the reasons for the raid — and the fear that this is just another example of a Democratic administration using executive agencies to harass or punish its political opponents.

I imagine they will in the coming days. Is there some reason that Trump's lawyer can't make it public now? I'm obviously not an attorney, so I don't know what laws are governing that, but it would clear up a lot. Of course, if it's likely revealed that the FBI had probable and just cause to do this search will it even matter to the Trump supporters?
Yeah, let's see it.

If this thing doesn't yield something pretty substantial, this would be a fuckup of historic proportions.
I imagine they will in the coming days. Is there some reason that Trump's lawyer can't make it public now? I'm obviously not an attorney, so I don't know what laws are governing that, but it would clear up a lot. Of course, if it's likely revealed that the FBI had probable and just cause to do this search will it even matter to the Trump supporters?
Why would Trump or his counsel wish to broadcast/amplify false allegations motivated by a SIX YEAR witch hunt?
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I imagine they will in the coming days. Is there some reason that Trump's lawyer can't make it public now? I'm obviously not an attorney, so I don't know what laws are governing that, but it would clear up a lot. Of course, if it's likely revealed that the FBI had probable and just cause to do this search will it even matter to the Trump supporters?
They should release if if there is a need to release it. Mis-placed sympathy for those under investigation is not a need.
It is amazing tbe President of the United States has not stepped forward to explain why the historic, unprecedented raid of a President's home - his former / current / future political opponent was conducted by his DOJ & FBI...

I imagine they will in the coming days. Is there some reason that Trump's lawyer can't make it public now? I'm obviously not an attorney, so I don't know what laws are governing that, but it would clear up a lot. Of course, if it's likely revealed that the FBI had probable and just cause to do this search will it even matter to the Trump supporters?
LOL. So, we have a kangaroo investigation going on that is putting pressure on the DOJ to officially go after Trump and then the next thing you know the FBI shows up with a search warrant signed by an Obama appointed judge to raid Trump's home over boxes of stuff that Trump took from the White House that Trump has already been working with the powers that be to see what needs returning and what doesn't and the final report from the kangaroo committee will be presented in prime time, just before the midterms.
Trump can release the warrant and I hope he does soon... he is probably waiting for the DOJ to speak up....

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