The evidence is clear: Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The evidence is clear:

Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster

30 Jul 2021 ~~ By Justin Haskins
On Thursday, the U.S. Commerce Department released important data showing the U.S. economy severely underperformed in the second quarter of 2021.
According to the quarterly figures, U.S. gross domestic product improved by just 6.5%, which includes the months of April, May, and June. Many analysts expected GDP growth to hit 8.5%, which would have been 26% higher than the reported data from the Commerce Department.
That’s not the only economic problem facing the country. In July, U.S. businesses reported more than nine million jobs open in May that were not filled, the highest number ever recorded. (The data goes back to 2000.) Inflation has continued to persist throughout 2021, and there are no signs of a return to normal.
In June, the Labor Department noted that the consumer price index had increased by 5.4% compared to one year prior, the largest 12-month increase since August 2008 — which was just before one of the worst stock market crashes in U.S. history.
Many economists have rightly argued the main reason there are so many open jobs available today is that there are now too many COVID-related relief programs. These provide such substantial unemployment benefits to nondisabled workers they actually discourage the seeking of employment.
Further, economists across the political spectrum — including Larry Summers, who served as director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama — have said that government and central bank programs are causing inflation and that additional spending could lead to an even greater, potentially catastrophic inflation spike.
The risks are real.
The more Democrats spend, the more likely the Federal Reserve will be forced into the difficult decision of either increasing interest rates, further slowing economic growth by making lending more expensive, or allowing inflation to continue, driving up prices for consumers and lower-income families.
Only a return to fiscal sanity, mixed with pro-growth economic policies that encourage people to return to the workforce, the very opposite of Democrats' present policy platform, can avert disaster.

It is quite apparent that China Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Commie Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat co conspirators to include the Quisling Media are attempt to inundate America with their inflationary overspending, faulty foreign policies, and illegal alien border crisis.
I some areas of politics this is considered the Cloward-Piven theory effect.
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The Democrats are undermining America in every way possible. We have never in our history had a political party acting like a hostile foreign enemy until now.
I disagree, the democrooks have been the enemies of the republic since at least the 1860's when they divided the country over slavery.

We have ALWAYS had pieces of shit in the country dedicated to undermining the nation since the revolution. There never was a complete purge of the tories who supported britain. There never was an effort to dispose ourselves of communists. There was an effort to contain the Japanese and Germans during the world wars, but no real efforts to get rid of regressive pieces of shit that seek to undermine the country. Now they're in control of the federal government and are hell bent on destroying our republic in favor of a collectivist global elite. This is the democrook party, and their cohorts in the republicrat party share the guilt.

If you have democrook "friends", you're associating with the enemies of your nation, or you just have really stupid fucking people as "friends".

There never was a complete purge of the tories who supported britain.
Both Clintons are brit, the kin of royalty no less. Ohaha was brit, every el prazzi dante' bar 2 had direct ties to britain. The queen knighted clinton and dubya.

The Biden family line stretches back to William H. Biden, born in the late 1780s in Sussex, England.

Lol conservatives butthurt that Sleepy Joe will be the first President since before the W economic collapse with over 3% GDP growth for a year

The evidence is clear:

Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster

30 Jul 2021 ~~ By Justin Haskins
On Thursday, the U.S. Commerce Department released important data showing the U.S. economy severely underperformed in the second quarter of 2021.
According to the quarterly figures, U.S. gross domestic product improved by just 6.5%, which includes the months of April, May, and June. Many analysts expected GDP growth to hit 8.5%, which would have been 26% higher than the reported data from the Commerce Department.
That’s not the only economic problem facing the country. In July, U.S. businesses reported more than nine million jobs open in May that were not filled, the highest number ever recorded. (The data goes back to 2000.) Inflation has continued to persist throughout 2021, and there are no signs of a return to normal.
In June, the Labor Department noted that the consumer price index had increased by 5.4% compared to one year prior, the largest 12-month increase since August 2008 — which was just before one of the worst stock market crashes in U.S. history.
Many economists have rightly argued the main reason there are so many open jobs available today is that there are now too many COVID-related relief programs. These provide such substantial unemployment benefits to nondisabled workers they actually discourage the seeking of employment.
Further, economists across the political spectrum — including Larry Summers, who served as director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama — have said that government and central bank programs are causing inflation and that additional spending could lead to an even greater, potentially catastrophic inflation spike.
The risks are real.
The more Democrats spend, the more likely the Federal Reserve will be forced into the difficult decision of either increasing interest rates, further slowing economic growth by making lending more expensive, or allowing inflation to continue, driving up prices for consumers and lower-income families.
Only a return to fiscal sanity, mixed with pro-growth economic policies that encourage people to return to the workforce, the very opposite of Democrats' present policy platform, can avert disaster.

It is quite apparent that China Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Commie Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat co conspirators to include the Quisling Media are attempt to inundate America with their inflationary overspending, faulty foreign policies, and illegal alien border crisis.
I some areas of politics this is considered the Cloward-Piven theory effect.
Ah yes, another BIG LIE effort tied to a Conspiracy Story. How original.
Ignorance or damn lies ^^^; that is the question?

For those who won't read the links, the Republican Party controlled the White House and both chambers of The Congress. And, of course Bush II was in the White House.
I enjoy calling out those who lie and cut and run when confronted by the truth. Maybe struth ought to change his nom de plume from any semblance of truth.

The evidence is clear:

Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster

30 Jul 2021 ~~ By Justin Haskins
On Thursday, the U.S. Commerce Department released important data showing the U.S. economy severely underperformed in the second quarter of 2021.
According to the quarterly figures, U.S. gross domestic product improved by just 6.5%, which includes the months of April, May, and June. Many analysts expected GDP growth to hit 8.5%, which would have been 26% higher than the reported data from the Commerce Department.
That’s not the only economic problem facing the country. In July, U.S. businesses reported more than nine million jobs open in May that were not filled, the highest number ever recorded. (The data goes back to 2000.) Inflation has continued to persist throughout 2021, and there are no signs of a return to normal.
In June, the Labor Department noted that the consumer price index had increased by 5.4% compared to one year prior, the largest 12-month increase since August 2008 — which was just before one of the worst stock market crashes in U.S. history.
Many economists have rightly argued the main reason there are so many open jobs available today is that there are now too many COVID-related relief programs. These provide such substantial unemployment benefits to nondisabled workers they actually discourage the seeking of employment.
Further, economists across the political spectrum — including Larry Summers, who served as director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama — have said that government and central bank programs are causing inflation and that additional spending could lead to an even greater, potentially catastrophic inflation spike.
The risks are real.
The more Democrats spend, the more likely the Federal Reserve will be forced into the difficult decision of either increasing interest rates, further slowing economic growth by making lending more expensive, or allowing inflation to continue, driving up prices for consumers and lower-income families.
Only a return to fiscal sanity, mixed with pro-growth economic policies that encourage people to return to the workforce, the very opposite of Democrats' present policy platform, can avert disaster.

It is quite apparent that China Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Commie Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat co conspirators to include the Quisling Media are attempt to inundate America with their inflationary overspending, faulty foreign policies, and illegal alien border crisis.
I some areas of politics this is considered the Cloward-Piven theory effect.
Seriously? where do you retards get this stuff? man oh man. Any of this bad news can *easily* be attributed to that orange man that got thrown out by a landslide. Biden is the best thing happening to country in, like, 4 YEARS! Since Obama anyway, maybe longer. Who's with me on this? Well, the polls say we win, you loose, red boys.
Seriously? where do you retards get this stuff? man oh man. Any of this bad news can *easily* be attributed to that orange man that got thrown out by a landslide. Biden is the best thing happening to country in, like, 4 YEARS! Since Obama anyway, maybe longer. Who's with me on this? Well, the polls say we win, you loose, red boys.
You’re a troll and not a very effective one at that.

The evidence is clear:

Democrats are pushing America toward economic disaster

30 Jul 2021 ~~ By Justin Haskins
On Thursday, the U.S. Commerce Department released important data showing the U.S. economy severely underperformed in the second quarter of 2021.
According to the quarterly figures, U.S. gross domestic product improved by just 6.5%, which includes the months of April, May, and June. Many analysts expected GDP growth to hit 8.5%, which would have been 26% higher than the reported data from the Commerce Department.
That’s not the only economic problem facing the country. In July, U.S. businesses reported more than nine million jobs open in May that were not filled, the highest number ever recorded. (The data goes back to 2000.) Inflation has continued to persist throughout 2021, and there are no signs of a return to normal.
In June, the Labor Department noted that the consumer price index had increased by 5.4% compared to one year prior, the largest 12-month increase since August 2008 — which was just before one of the worst stock market crashes in U.S. history.
Many economists have rightly argued the main reason there are so many open jobs available today is that there are now too many COVID-related relief programs. These provide such substantial unemployment benefits to nondisabled workers they actually discourage the seeking of employment.
Further, economists across the political spectrum — including Larry Summers, who served as director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama — have said that government and central bank programs are causing inflation and that additional spending could lead to an even greater, potentially catastrophic inflation spike.
The risks are real.
The more Democrats spend, the more likely the Federal Reserve will be forced into the difficult decision of either increasing interest rates, further slowing economic growth by making lending more expensive, or allowing inflation to continue, driving up prices for consumers and lower-income families.
Only a return to fiscal sanity, mixed with pro-growth economic policies that encourage people to return to the workforce, the very opposite of Democrats' present policy platform, can avert disaster.

It is quite apparent that China Joey Xi Bai Dung and his Commie Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat co conspirators to include the Quisling Media are attempt to inundate America with their inflationary overspending, faulty foreign policies, and illegal alien border crisis.
I some areas of politics this is considered the Cloward-Piven theory effect.
In re: Justin Haskins and The Heartland Institute:

"The Heartland Institute is an American conservative and libertarian public policy think tank founded in 1984 and based in Arlington Heights, Illinois. The institute conducts work on issues including education reform, government spending, taxation, healthcare, tobacco policy, global warming, hydraulic fracturing, socialism, constitutional reform, information technology, and free-market environmentalism.

"In the 1990s, the Heartland Institute worked with the tobacco company Philip Morris to attempt to discredit the health risks of secondhand smoke and to lobby against smoking bans.[3][4]:233–34[5]

"Since the 2000s, the Heartland Institute has been a leading promoter of climate change denial.[6][7] It rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.[8]"

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