The Entire Premise Of Trump’s J6 Trial Is An Affront To Free Elections And Rule Of Law


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
And this quote from Jonathan Turley neatly sums up the fake J6 case against Trump.

And now we have a completely biased "judge" handling this fake case.

“If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku.”

And this quote from Jonathan Turley neatly sums up the fake J6 case against Trump.

And now we have a completely biased "judge" handling this fake case.

“If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku.”

IOW "I can commit any crime against the Constitution as long as I'm running for President."

I remember when you rubes used to pretend you gave a fuck about law & order and the COTUS.

IOW "I can commit any crime against the Constitution as long as I'm running for President."

I remember when you rubes used to pretend you gave a fuck about law & order and the COTUS.


“If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku.”

The rube cult went 1-65 in the courts during the 2020 election.

They then went 0-12 in the courts for Kooky Kari Lake's retarded AZ Big Lie.

And now, these rubes are whining about the courts today.

The precious snowflake alternative reality you've created for yourself isn't real.

And this quote from Jonathan Turley neatly sums up the fake J6 case against Trump.

And now we have a completely biased "judge" handling this fake case.

“If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku.”

Excuses. Trump got impeached in the House. Mitch said the Senate would not convict Trump because he was no longer president, but that Trump was guilty. What about that?
And this quote from Jonathan Turley neatly sums up the fake J6 case against Trump.

And now we have a completely biased "judge" handling this fake case.

“If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku.”

Turley is a faux noize shill. His opinion is bought and paid for, and thus completely worthless.
And this quote from Jonathan Turley neatly sums up the fake J6 case against Trump.

And now we have a completely biased "judge" handling this fake case.

“If you take a red pen to all of the material presumptively protected by the First Amendment, you can reduce much of the indictment to haiku.”

Turley doesn't expect you ignorant mother fuckers to give pause at the word presumptively in that statement. I mean why bother with trials at all when we could simply ask Turley what he presumes and be done with it..... 😄
LoLing @ Jonathan Turley!!!


Excuses. Trump got impeached in the House. Mitch said the Senate would not convict Trump because he was no longer president, but that Trump was guilty. What about that?
This is when I know I won. Someone liked the questions I asked you but you didn't respond. Probably due to high levels of cognitive dissonance. Your head is going to explode?
IOW "I can commit any crime against the Constitution as long as I'm running for President."

I remember when you rubes used to pretend you gave a fuck about law & order and the COTUS.

Our courts are the ones who have given up on the rule of law. Try the truth. If you support fascists that is on you.
Our courts are the ones who have given up on the rule of law. Try the truth. If you support fascists that is on you.
I kind of agree. Look at how the right wing supreme court justices are totally partisan political hacks who've been exposed for being in the pockets of billionaires who say they have no business before the courts but their business IS the courts.

The Republicans use the constitution however they want. They don't like the EPA? It's unconstitutional. Abortion? Unconstitutional. Punishing Clarence Thomas for taking money from billionaires or asking him to step down? Unacceptable. LOL
I will just leave this here.
NEW YORK — Donald Trump returned to his Manhattan fraud trial on Tuesday, lashing out at authorities outside the courtroom and sitting stone-faced inside it as a real estate appraiser testified it was “inaccurate and inappropriate” for the Trump Org to credit him for its lousy math.

Instead of a reunion with his former right-hand man turned chief nemesis Michael Cohen — whose testimony has been delayed per a medical issue — Trump spent most of the day listening to dense testimony that tore apart assurances made by his top executives about his company’s business deals.

In statements shown in court tallying Trump’s worth between 2013 and 2018, former Trump Org controller Jeff McConney cited advice Doug Larson gave him over the phone in breaking down the methodology used to assign astronomical price tags to assets, including Trump’s Wall Street skyscraper.

But Larson, the executive director of Cushman & Wakefield when he dealt with Trump’s company, said the call never happened. He denied working “in conjunction” with Trump, McConney, or anyone at the company to value the assets, contrary to what McConney claimed.

“It’s inappropriate and inaccurate,” Larson said when confronted with one of the statements. “I should have been told, and an appraisal should have been ordered.”

As Trump sat hunched over the defense table, attorney general lawyer Mark Ladov pulled up paperwork showing how the Trump Org ignored math that the appraiser did do for one of Trump’s lenders.

After Larson valued 40 Wall St. as worth $540 million in 2016, the company tacked on 35% more value in that year’s financial statement, recording Trump’s neo-Gothic skyscraper as worth $735.4 million. Larson said he had nothing to do with that valuation, despite Trump execs saying it was based on his advice.
I kind of agree. Look at how the right wing supreme court justices are totally partisan political hacks who've been exposed for being in the pockets of billionaires who say they have no business before the courts but their business IS the courts.

The Republicans use the constitution however they want. They don't like the EPA? It's unconstitutional. Abortion? Unconstitutional. Punishing Clarence Thomas for taking money from billionaires or asking him to step down? Unacceptable. LOL
That is a very stupid post. It shows how out of touch you are and that you listen to the same liars over and over.
Do we expect The Federalist to say anything but a pro-Trump argument?

And freedom of speech doesn't give anyone carte blanche to do anything as long as they are speaking while they do it. I can tell a lie, but if I tell a lie to commit fraud, I can still be convicted of fraud even though the lie by itself would be free speech.

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