The End Times are here.


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
source Revelations;

You have the Black Knight comes in and ruins things wages world war Obama in his own way.
Confronted by the White Knight who fights for all that is right. Trump.
Nobody knows that he's just as evil as the other guy.
Fire, Disease, Plague, Locust abound. the signs are there the apocalypse is here.

The end times (aka time of the end) are here and have been since 1914 - See Matthew chapter 24; Luke chapter 21; Mark chapter 13; Revelation 6:8; etc. But do any of you know the good news of God's Kingdom?

Matthew 24:14 New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (Study Edition)
14 And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,+ and then the end will come.
(GNB) And this Good News about the Kingdom will be preached through all the world for a witness to all people; and then the end will come.
Inhabited with what ? Gospel=Good news. It's a promissory note with conditions.

Inhabited with people of course. This is what the Greek word (the original language) means. And you are correct that old English gospel = good news. But do you know what the good news of God's kingdom is?
No. They aren’t. It’s business as usual.

Man becomes satisfied.
Man becomes proud.
Man forgets God.
Man falls.
Man suffers.
Man remembers God.
Man repents.
Man succeeds.
Man becomes satisfied.

Rinse and repeat. We deserve everything we get. We earned it.
source Revelations;

You have the Black Knight comes in and ruins things wages world war Obama in his own way.
Confronted by the White Knight who fights for all that is right. Trump.
Nobody knows that he's just as evil as the other guy.
Fire, Disease, Plague, Locust abound. the signs are there the apocalypse is here.
Are you insane?
Inhabited with what ? Gospel=Good news. It's a promissory note with conditions.

Inhabited with people of course. This is what the Greek word (the original language) means. And you are correct that old English gospel = good news. But do you know what the good news of God's kingdom is?
The best news is in Psalm 37
New King James Version Marco 1615
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
source Revelations;

You have the Black Knight comes in and ruins things wages world war Obama in his own way.
Confronted by the White Knight who fights for all that is right. Trump.
Nobody knows that he's just as evil as the other guy.
Fire, Disease, Plague, Locust abound. the signs are there the apocalypse is here.
Are you insane?
I suspect the OP is a parody.
source Revelations;

You have the Black Knight comes in and ruins things wages world war Obama in his own way.
Confronted by the White Knight who fights for all that is right. Trump.
Nobody knows that he's just as evil as the other guy.
Fire, Disease, Plague, Locust abound. the signs are there the apocalypse is here.
Are you insane?
I suspect the OP is a parody.
Fair enough.
order of events- 1. pretrib rapture 2. shortly after the 7 year tribulation 3. trib ends in second coming of Jesus. 4. 1,000 year millenial reign of Jesus on Earth.The millennial reign of Christ will begin, a time during which the false prophet and the beast (Antichrist), the first to be thrown into the lake of fire, will begin to serve their eternal sentences. Satan will be confined in the bottomless pit, and there will be none of his minions to torment and tempt the millennial earth-dwellers. It will be a time much like the times of Eden, with the earth restored to its pristine beauty. (Read Rev. 20-10.) After the 1,000 years, the devil will be released from the pit for a short space of time. He will lead millions of those who have been born during the millennium in an assault on Christ at Jerusalem. God will send down fire and consume them all. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire. The lost dead will be resurrected (their eternal bodies joined to their souls), and all will stand before the great white throne of Christ to be judged. All will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. (Read Rev. 20:10-15.) God “Jesus Christ” will remake the heavens and the earth in preparation for everlasting, ever-growing ecstasy in God’s presence. (Read Rev. 20:16-22: 16.)
order of events- 1. pretrib rapture 2. shortly after the 7 year tribulation 3. trib ends in second coming of Jesus. 4. 1,000 year millenial reign of Jesus on Earth.The millennial reign of Christ will begin, a time during which the false prophet and the beast (Antichrist), the first to be thrown into the lake of fire, will begin to serve their eternal sentences. Satan will be confined in the bottomless pit, and there will be none of his minions to torment and tempt the millennial earth-dwellers. It will be a time much like the times of Eden, with the earth restored to its pristine beauty. (Read Rev. 20-10.) After the 1,000 years, the devil will be released from the pit for a short space of time. He will lead millions of those who have been born during the millennium in an assault on Christ at Jerusalem. God will send down fire and consume them all. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire. The lost dead will be resurrected (their eternal bodies joined to their souls), and all will stand before the great white throne of Christ to be judged. All will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. (Read Rev. 20:10-15.) God “Jesus Christ” will remake the heavens and the earth in preparation for everlasting, ever-growing ecstasy in God’s presence. (Read Rev. 20:16-22: 16.)
Why will Satan be released from the bottomless pit?
order of events- 1. pretrib rapture 2. shortly after the 7 year tribulation 3. trib ends in second coming of Jesus. 4. 1,000 year millenial reign of Jesus on Earth.The millennial reign of Christ will begin, a time during which the false prophet and the beast (Antichrist), the first to be thrown into the lake of fire, will begin to serve their eternal sentences. Satan will be confined in the bottomless pit, and there will be none of his minions to torment and tempt the millennial earth-dwellers. It will be a time much like the times of Eden, with the earth restored to its pristine beauty. (Read Rev. 20-10.) After the 1,000 years, the devil will be released from the pit for a short space of time. He will lead millions of those who have been born during the millennium in an assault on Christ at Jerusalem. God will send down fire and consume them all. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire. The lost dead will be resurrected (their eternal bodies joined to their souls), and all will stand before the great white throne of Christ to be judged. All will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. (Read Rev. 20:10-15.) God “Jesus Christ” will remake the heavens and the earth in preparation for everlasting, ever-growing ecstasy in God’s presence. (Read Rev. 20:16-22: 16.)
What rapture?
order of events- 1. pretrib rapture 2. shortly after the 7 year tribulation 3. trib ends in second coming of Jesus. 4. 1,000 year millenial reign of Jesus on Earth.The millennial reign of Christ will begin, a time during which the false prophet and the beast (Antichrist), the first to be thrown into the lake of fire, will begin to serve their eternal sentences. Satan will be confined in the bottomless pit, and there will be none of his minions to torment and tempt the millennial earth-dwellers. It will be a time much like the times of Eden, with the earth restored to its pristine beauty. (Read Rev. 20-10.) After the 1,000 years, the devil will be released from the pit for a short space of time. He will lead millions of those who have been born during the millennium in an assault on Christ at Jerusalem. God will send down fire and consume them all. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire. The lost dead will be resurrected (their eternal bodies joined to their souls), and all will stand before the great white throne of Christ to be judged. All will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. (Read Rev. 20:10-15.) God “Jesus Christ” will remake the heavens and the earth in preparation for everlasting, ever-growing ecstasy in God’s presence. (Read Rev. 20:16-22: 16.)
Why will Satan be released from the bottomless pit?

We don't know for certain, but here's a guess that fits, and I've heard many people repeat it. Doesn't mean it's true... it's just a theory the fits.

Because the only way to determine if someone actually loves you, is if they choose you over an alternative.

If you have absolutely no choice in the matter, then you are no more loving, than a robot programmed to say "I love you" over and over.

During the millennium reign of Christ, millions, or even hundreds of million of people who grew up, without ever having a choice but to worship Christ. There won't be any other options, no other possibilities, no other choices to be made.

I believe that Satan will be released, to see if the people will choose the Lord Jesus who will have blessed them, and given then a pain free, war free, utopian life for 1,000 years.... or will they choose Satan.

And I think that sadly, horrifically, some will choose Satan. Could be wrong. Perhaps everyone will reject Satan, and stay with the Lord. We'll see.
order of events- 1. pretrib rapture 2. shortly after the 7 year tribulation 3. trib ends in second coming of Jesus. 4. 1,000 year millenial reign of Jesus on Earth.The millennial reign of Christ will begin, a time during which the false prophet and the beast (Antichrist), the first to be thrown into the lake of fire, will begin to serve their eternal sentences. Satan will be confined in the bottomless pit, and there will be none of his minions to torment and tempt the millennial earth-dwellers. It will be a time much like the times of Eden, with the earth restored to its pristine beauty. (Read Rev. 20-10.) After the 1,000 years, the devil will be released from the pit for a short space of time. He will lead millions of those who have been born during the millennium in an assault on Christ at Jerusalem. God will send down fire and consume them all. Satan will be cast into the lake of fire. The lost dead will be resurrected (their eternal bodies joined to their souls), and all will stand before the great white throne of Christ to be judged. All will be cast into the lake of fire for eternity. (Read Rev. 20:10-15.) God “Jesus Christ” will remake the heavens and the earth in preparation for everlasting, ever-growing ecstasy in God’s presence. (Read Rev. 20:16-22: 16.)
What rapture?
In Matthew 24, Jesus describes a moment where people will be swept away from the Earth in a flash.

Two women will be grinding oat the mill; one will be taken and one left.​

There are a few other verses, but this makes the point, that two people will be working together, and in a blink, one will be gone, while the other is left behind. There was a popular series of books based on this event, called "left behind".

While the books are obviously fictional novels, the concept is pretty accurate. The idea is that when G-d actually does dish out divine judgement on the Earth, that he will not harm the good followers of G-d with the evil. In Genesis 19, we see that the Angels of destruction were sent to Sodom, and they pushed Lot, and his wives and family out of the city saying "But flee there quickly, because I cannot do anything until you reach it".

You can read the entire chapter on your own, but the basic run down is, until the good people before G-d left the city, G-d did not bring down the judgement on the city.

Similarly, we believe that when G-d does bring down divine judgement on the Earth, that all Christians will be raptures away.

In fact I think the Rapture itself will be absolutely horrifying, to those left here. I would wager as Christian pilots disapear mid-flight, Christian truck drivers disappear from Semis on the highway, Christian doctors vanish during surgery, Christian plant workers disappear from safety controls, and Christian government officials disappear from their offices, and in some cases entire small towns may vanish in a moment, and as this happens in every country and nation, and land of the Earth....

I think the entire world will be in shock and horror, before a single judgement of G-d even happens.
source Revelations;

You have the Black Knight comes in and ruins things wages world war Obama in his own way.
Confronted by the White Knight who fights for all that is right. Trump.
Nobody knows that he's just as evil as the other guy.
Fire, Disease, Plague, Locust abound. the signs are there the apocalypse is here.
OK so you have to move to California now were all the other suicidal nitwits congregate like the Jim Jones Koolaid Drinkers of America, The Hale Bop Comets and last but not least the ever popular Manson Family Gang Bangers.

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