Biden Says "He's About Him.....I'm About The Country." Are You Buying This?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Biden said during an interview at Normandy France, that Trump is about himself and he's about the country.

Does anyone actually believe that?

When your policies are so bad you have to resort to only focusing on personal attacks against your opponent, you've already lost.

Biden cannot point to anything that he's done that helps Americans improve their lives. Trump can. Biden can only talk about what he's done to his opponent. He can talk about his justice department using an abusive and corrupt legal system to turn his opponent into a convicted felon.
So Biden is willing to do absolutely anything to retain power, but won't life a finger to help normal Americans improve their lives.

Biden says he will protect women's rights to murder their children, yet he hasn't lifted one finger to do this. He's only used abortion as an issue against his opponent. He needs the issue more than Trump, so why do anything about it and remove the only issue he is favored on?

It's difficult to watch how badly Biden has deteriorated right before our eyes. It's like he's barely there. I seriously doubt he will last thru a second term. A nasty scowl is frozen on his face as if he cannot smile to save his life, yet before his trip to Normandy a reporter asked him if he considers Trump a political prisoner, and it brought an evil grin to his face.

Who this guy decides to keep as VP is important, because you can bet that his pick will be POTUS before the end of his second term. If he chooses to dump Kamala Harris, which he should, they will have to pay her a huge bribe to keep her from turning on the guy she effectively illustrated was a racist and a sexual-deviant during the debates in 2020. The only reason she's VP is because she looks sortof black and she's a woman. That's it. She's proved to be a total disaster as a VP.

Here's the interview.....and the first question that was asked was about the people that sacrificed their lives to end Nazi agression; "What do you think these American heroes can teach us?"

Biden says; "Stand up......tell the truth."

Who's he talking about, the heroes that fell on D-Day, or himself?

Is it a good idea to elect people who undoubtedly show signs of mental illness?

What are your thoughts?

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Biden said during an interview at Normandy France, that Trump is about himself and he's about the country.

Does anyone actually believe that?

When your policies are so bad you have to resort to only focusing on personal attacks against your opponent, you've already lost.

Biden cannot point to anything that he's done that helps Americans improve their lives. Trump can. Biden can only talk about what he's done to his opponent. He can talk about his justice department using an abusive and corrupt legal system to turn his opponent into a convicted felon.
So Biden is willing to do absolutely anything to retain power, but won't life a finger to help normal Americans improve their lives.

Biden says he will protect women's rights to murder their children, yet he hasn't lifted one finger to do this. He's only used abortion as an issue against his opponent. He needs the issue more than Trump, so why do anything about it and remove the only issue he is favored on?

It's difficult to watch how badly Biden has deteriorated right before our eyes. It's like he's barely there. I seriously doubt he will last thru a second term. A nasty scowl is frozen on his face as if he cannot smile to save his life, yet before his trip to Normandy a reporter asked him if he considers Trump a political prisoner, and it brought an evil grin to his face.

Who this guy decides to keep as VP is important, because you can bet that his pick will be POTUS before the end of his second term. If he chooses to dump Kamala Harris, which he should, they will have to pay her a huge bribe to keep her from turning on the guy she effectively illustrated was a racist and a sexual-deviant during the debates in 2020. The only reason she's VP is because she looks sortof black and she's a woman. That's it. She's proved to be a total disaster as a VP.

Here's the interview.....and the first question that was asked was about the people that sacrificed their lives to end Nazi agression; "What do you think these American heroes can teach us?"

Biden says; "Stand up......tell the truth."

Who's he talking about, the heroes that fell on D-Day, or himself?

Is it a good idea to elect people who undoubtedly show signs of mental illness?

What are your thoughts?

President Biden is correct.

Yes. It sounds good, but it's meaningless.

He's not even following his own advice.

The irony of your posts, if only you knew.
Biden has done nothing that benefits Americans. He has done many things that harm Americans.
The 13M illegals who entered the U.S over the last three years and the expert economists who said that the I.R.A wouldn't lead to inflation certainly agree.
Apparently I know better than you.

Please explain what is ironic about my posts?
Trump is only about himself and focuses entirely on personal attacks, while Biden is for the country and avoids personal attacks.

The same goes for the parties in general. Republicans focus almost exclusively on personal attacks to deflect from their history of staggering incompetence, while Democrats focus on issues, because they can.

That is, you state the precise opposite of reality.

I suppose it's not technically "ironic" though, since that would involve a humorous backfiring on to you. It's more technically "just lying".

How do you, with a straight face, declare that Biden is worse with the personal attacks that Trump? Do you have no shame at all concerning how brazen and stupid your lies get?

(Thyat's a rhetorical question. By this point, we all know you don't. Sociopaths don't feel shame.)
Trump is only about himself and focuses entirely on personal attacks, while Biden is for the country and avoids personal attacks.

The same goes for the parties in general. Republicans focus almost exclusively on personal attacks to deflect from their history of staggering incompetence, while Democrats focus on issues, because they can.

That is, you state the precise opposite of reality.

I suppose it's not technically "ironic" though, since that would involve a humorous backfiring on to you. It's more technically "just lying".

How do you, with a straight face, declare that Biden is worse with the personal attacks that Trump? Do you have no shame at all concerning how brazen and stupid your lies get?

(Thyat's a rhetorical question. By this point, we all know you don't. Sociopaths don't feel shame.)
From a member of the Demagoguery Party, your post rings hollow.

And that is a massive understatement.

Not only do you support personal attacks, but you make them so frequently that they're the only thing that you talk about.

You cannot honestly point at Biden's accomplishments, unless you think destroying America is progress.
From a member of the Demagoguery Party, your post rings hollow.
You're just phoning in the lies now.

Come on. At least make it slightly believable, "DearLeader Trump never uses personal attacks, unlike that awful Biden" just isn't believable, and it's clear that even you don't believe it. You're just saying it because it scores you cult brownie points
You're just phoning in the lies now.

Come on. At least make it slightly believable, "DearLeader Trump never uses personal attacks, unlike that awful Biden" just isn't believable, and it's clear that even you don't believe it. You're just saying it because it scores you cult brownie points
Of course Trump uses personal attacks.

However you cannot win if you keep trying to place words in my posts that don't exist.
Biden said during an interview at Normandy France, that Trump is about himself and he's about the country.

Does anyone actually believe that?

When your policies are so bad you have to resort to only focusing on personal attacks against your opponent, you've already lost.

Biden cannot point to anything that he's done that helps Americans improve their lives. Trump can. Biden can only talk about what he's done to his opponent. He can talk about his justice department using an abusive and corrupt legal system to turn his opponent into a convicted felon.
So Biden is willing to do absolutely anything to retain power, but won't life a finger to help normal Americans improve their lives.

Biden says he will protect women's rights to murder their children, yet he hasn't lifted one finger to do this. He's only used abortion as an issue against his opponent. He needs the issue more than Trump, so why do anything about it and remove the only issue he is favored on?

It's difficult to watch how badly Biden has deteriorated right before our eyes. It's like he's barely there. I seriously doubt he will last thru a second term. A nasty scowl is frozen on his face as if he cannot smile to save his life, yet before his trip to Normandy a reporter asked him if he considers Trump a political prisoner, and it brought an evil grin to his face.

Who this guy decides to keep as VP is important, because you can bet that his pick will be POTUS before the end of his second term. If he chooses to dump Kamala Harris, which he should, they will have to pay her a huge bribe to keep her from turning on the guy she effectively illustrated was a racist and a sexual-deviant during the debates in 2020. The only reason she's VP is because she looks sortof black and she's a woman. That's it. She's proved to be a total disaster as a VP.

Here's the interview.....and the first question that was asked was about the people that sacrificed their lives to end Nazi agression; "What do you think these American heroes can teach us?"

Biden says; "Stand up......tell the truth."

Who's he talking about, the heroes that fell on D-Day, or himself?

Is it a good idea to elect people who undoubtedly show signs of mental illness?

What are your thoughts?

Biden's whole career has been about enriching himself. Trump's political career has been about helping the country. at his own financial expense. The great man could have easily retired at Mar-a-lago a decade ago and lived life as a well-liked celebrity. Instead, he chose a far far more difficult and noble path. America owes much to this great man. We are lucky to have him. Biden is an absolute abomination. A zero compared to Trump.

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