The effects of Climate Change on the earth

Can I see the math that backs your claims up? ... we've been using T^4=(S(1-a))/4eo ... obviously you're not ... so what are you using? ...
LOL you azzhole. :^)
Tommy is the one with the number "285." (and You TWO talking about local Weather no less)

I posted the heavily footnoted Wikipedia Article citing a simple fact, and several studies.

But I'm impressed with the ""T^4=(S(1-a))/4eo"" Ambiguation. #^&^##& *!
That really changes the fact that human generated GHGs are causing AGW.
How could I have miscalculated!!!! Thx so much!
Yeah, I'm changing sides now!

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Given the week, this is the sillies :up: t thread in here in a long, long time.

The climate obsessed wouldn't know it but US oil hit $125/ barrel today

What does that mean?

It means climate change as a concern of the public is off the radar. In fact, more than any time since I've been a USMB member....12 years.

When people are paying $6.00 - $7.00/ gallon of gas soon, and food prices soaring even higher now, fossil fuels gonna be popular as fuck:coffee::coffee::coffee:

The climate crusaders going to be ridiculed even by Democrats in the coming weeks and months!! And November....going to be historic fAiL for the DUMS. Climate change get mothballed for at least two years....likely waaaaaay more.

I will be spiking footballs in here until the cows come home!

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Adding more to show that climate hating CO2 sniffing gooks like Rockhead are just creepy liars,

Real Climate Science

Briffa Cancelling Trees​













There are Videos also showing that even CBS and ABC in the 1970's acknowledging long term cooling and concerns to Global cooling heck even the Media talked a lot about it too,

Popular Technology

1970s Global Cooling Alarmism

Climate gooks needs to stop lying.


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You remember no such thing because scientists did NOT tell us that global cooling was "the big threat to humanities (sic) survival"
You have to be told that extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation is a bad thing?

The planet is much closer to that threshold than it is to the threshold of a greenhouse planet.
You have to be told that extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation is a bad thing?

The planet is much closer to that threshold than it is to the threshold of a greenhouse planet.

Would widespread use of solar power cool the northern hemisphere?
Make extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation more likely?
Would widespread use of solar power cool the northern hemisphere?
Make extensive northern hemisphere continental glaciation more likely?
The planet is uniquely configured for bi-polar glaciation. Primarily because the poles are isolated from warmer marine currents. Do you agree or disagree?

Sounds awful!
So you don't believe isolated poles from warmer marine currents led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?

What do you believe led to the planet transitioning from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?
So you don't believe isolated poles from warmer marine currents led to the transition from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?

I don't?

What do you believe led to the planet transitioning from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?

Was it solar panels magically cooling the planet?
I don't?

What do you believe led to the planet transitioning from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?

Was it solar panels magically cooling the planet?
Can't answer that until we lay some foundation. The ball's in your court. :)
Do you think solar panels will cool the planet?

If I gave a shit, I would have answered that long time ago, but YOU are avoiding the question:

What do you believe led to the planet transitioning from a greenhouse planet to an icehouse planet?
Climate change is real. The earth has been going through climate change for most of the last 4.5 billion years (not withstanding the Boring Billion).

Climate change has been the cause of about 99% of all the species that have been on earth going extinct.

However, man made climate change is bullshit.

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