The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Another thing, as far as I know there is no real mandates for vaccines. You get the option of getting the vaccine or not. But I have not yet heard of anyone in the US that got HAD to get the vaccine. So no, I would not mandate, I have said repeatedly recommend.
Businesses, employers and schools have mandated.
Businesses, employers and schools have mandated.
I would have thought a true conservative Great American like yourself would be all for an employer or buisness being free to decide to run their buisness as they see fit. What is up with that? As for schools it was a public health emergency. So students could get vaccinated or home schooled. Again not held down and given a vaccine.
No. the studies indicate the vaccine helps prevent severe illness. Are you trying to pretend I said somewhere it prevents transmission?
You broadbrushed Fox News as unreliable as though MSM sources were accurate. Important info regarding the virus and the vaccines were reported on Fox, et al, while being denounced by MSM.
The fear mongering was totally on the part of MSM and the democrat party.
You broadbrushed Fox News as unreliable as though MSM sources were accurate. Important info regarding the virus and the vaccines were reported on Fox, et al, while being denounced by MSM.
The fear mongering was totally on the part of MSM and the democrat party.
Fox news was very unreliable during the pandemic.
Ok great, I am sure your doctor knows what you think about it and doesn't feel the need or want to waste the time to listen to the antivaxxer silliness, and your son is a closet antivaxxer. Still, I imagine both really do recommend vaccines.
Your imagination fails you just as your reading does. He's my stepson and my doctor has no idea of my anti-covid-"vax" opinions. But now I know her opinion, which made me like her all the more. She's sharp, independent, leans towards functional medicine and trusts her patients even though she works for the Cleveland Clinic.
Your imagination fails you just as your reading does. He's my stepson and my doctor has no idea of my anti-covid-"vax" opinions. But now I know her opinion, which made me like her all the more. She's sharp, independent, leans towards functional medicine and trusts her patients even though she works for the Cleveland Clinic.
I am sure they don't. hehe.
Most advanced degrees tell you nothing about politics and leave one open for the brainwash. Do you want a diagram?

I still have NO idea what if any point you are trying to make. If you have an issue with anything I said, address it directly.
Having a degree in accounting or science or medicine tells you nothing about politics and leaves one open for the GOP brainwash.
I have a MSN in a healthcare field. I learned a lot about studies, how to critique them, how to conduct them and a lot of other science type stuff, but little politics. I dont think the GOP can brainwash someone capable of critical thinking.
Total BS, super duper. Change the channel try reality
Are you trying to Say that all who got the shot already had the disease? Now that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard especially when the government was telling everyone to get the shot or die.
I have a MSN in a healthcare field. I learned a lot about studies, how to critique them, how to conduct them and a lot of other science type stuff, but little politics. I dont think the GOP can brainwash someone capable of critical thinking.
So when 30% of the country believes the election was stolen, what do you think? Around here in Western New York, it is 72% trump, GOP base, and they have critical thinking but they only listen to fox and now Internet crazies, they can't stand to change the channel or else their fugue state will be broken....... This is the worst and most effective propaganda machine ever. Poor America. Just listen to the Republicans on here. They believe in the election steal, global warming hoax, vaccine fraud, the rich play pay plenty in taxes et cetera et cetera....
So when 30% of the country believes the election was stolen, what do you think? Around here in Western New York, it is 72% trump, GOP base, and they have critical thinking but they only listen to fox and now Internet crazies, they can't stand to change the channel or else their fugue state will be broken....... This is the worst and most effective propaganda machine ever. Poor America. Just listen to the Republicans on here. They believe in the election steal, global warming hoax, vaccine fraud, the rich play pay plenty in taxes et cetera et cetera....
If you only listen to one source or point of view, you do not critically think. I think most of them are too lazy to take an issue and really think it through. They just head off to the bowels of the Right Wing Noise Machine and find out what to think. I think they are brainwashed just like you do, but I dont think many with advanced degrees still critically think and fall for the RW sthick. But hell, I really dont know anymore.

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