The Criminal in the White House


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2019
Most presidents have worked hard to do what they though was best for the American people. They respected America, and they respected the White House. While each president may have had their favorite pet projects, they kept their nose clean. Until 2016.

When Obama realized Hillary could lose the election, he started engaging in blatantly criminal behavior. Obama became a criminal when he illegally spied on Trump. Barr and Durham are working behind the scenes to make sure that this man who performed criminal acts in the White House pays a price for it.

<< Barr wants to understand the origins of the probe and whether the tools used to launch it were lies or distortions — and were known to be so by DoJ, FBI, and CIA officials. Barr wants to know if U.S. intelligence agencies were used to spy illegally on Americans >>

<<Over the next few months, the public will finally see what kind of malfeasance there was.>.>

<< None dare call it spying. At least no Democrats or Obama officials will. But that’s exactly what it was.>>

'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies | RealClearPolitics
<< Look into Russia probe will reveal 'really bad things' >>

<< White House counselor Kellyanne Conway insisted the review was not political and served the public interest.
"Were other people at the highest levels of the DOJ and the FBI using that office and betraying the public trust to try to interfere in the 2016 election? >>

Trump: Look into Russia probe will reveal 'really bad things'
<< Late last week we learned that what had been a Justice Department administrative review had suddenly become much more serious. It has become a criminal inquiry. That means the Justice Department believes there is sufficient evidence that a crime has been committed. Now the prosecutor in charge, John H. Durham, will have the power to subpoena witnesses’ testimony and documents. He can convene a grand jury and file criminal charges. My guess is that he has already convened a grand jury. Mr. Durham and Attorney General William Barr have been looking into the origins of the Obama administration’s spying on President Trump >>

Obama administration’s spying on Donald Trump
I'll be on the hate Trump train too.....but first.....

Can anyone produce even ONE SHRED of evidence to back the criminal claims?

You see, in over 30,000 posts so far claiming his guilt, not ONE has produced ANY evidence.

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I'll be on the hate Trump train too.....but first.....
Can anyone produce even ONE SHRED of evidence to back the criminal claims?
You see, in over 30,000 posts so far claiming his guilt, not ONE has produced ANY evidence.
Barr and Durham are looking into it now. Read the Epoch Times story about Obama illegally spying on Trump.
I'll be on the hate Trump train too.....but first.....
Can anyone produce even ONE SHRED of evidence to back the criminal claims?
You see, in over 30,000 posts so far claiming his guilt, not ONE has produced ANY evidence.
Barr and Durham are looking into it now. Read the Epoch Times story about Obama illegally spying on Trump.

If there was even a hint that a Republican president spied on a Dem presidential candidate all hell would break loose.
Many democrats are criminals, but they are above the law so nothing happens.
Most presidents have worked hard to do what they though was best for the American people. They respected America, and they respected the White House. While each president may have had their favorite pet projects, they kept their nose clean. Until 2016.

When Obama realized Hillary could lose the election, he started engaging in blatantly criminal behavior. Obama became a criminal when he illegally spied on Trump. Barr and Durham are working behind the scenes to make sure that this man who performed criminal acts in the White House pays a price for it.

<< Barr wants to understand the origins of the probe and whether the tools used to launch it were lies or distortions — and were known to be so by DoJ, FBI, and CIA officials. Barr wants to know if U.S. intelligence agencies were used to spy illegally on Americans >>

<<Over the next few months, the public will finally see what kind of malfeasance there was.>.>

<< None dare call it spying. At least no Democrats or Obama officials will. But that’s exactly what it was.>>

'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies | RealClearPolitics

Your thread title got me going for a minute there
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Most presidents have worked hard to do what they though was best for the American people. They respected America, and they respected the White House. While each president may have had their favorite pet projects, they kept their nose clean. Until 2016.

When Obama realized Hillary could lose the election, he started engaging in blatantly criminal behavior. Obama became a criminal when he illegally spied on Trump. Barr and Durham are working behind the scenes to make sure that this man who performed criminal acts in the White House pays a price for it.

<< Barr wants to understand the origins of the probe and whether the tools used to launch it were lies or distortions — and were known to be so by DoJ, FBI, and CIA officials. Barr wants to know if U.S. intelligence agencies were used to spy illegally on Americans >>

<<Over the next few months, the public will finally see what kind of malfeasance there was.>.>

<< None dare call it spying. At least no Democrats or Obama officials will. But that’s exactly what it was.>>

'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies | RealClearPolitics

Horowitz did not think Trump campaign was being spied on, and Trump campaign has said Page was not part of the campaign. I think I will wait for the indictments and trials.
I'll be on the hate Trump train too.....but first.....
Can anyone produce even ONE SHRED of evidence to back the criminal claims?
You see, in over 30,000 posts so far claiming his guilt, not ONE has produced ANY evidence.
Barr and Durham are looking into it now. Read the Epoch Times story about Obama illegally spying on Trump.

If there was even a hint that a Republican president spied on a Dem presidential candidate all hell would break loose.

Instead we have a Republican president who asked a FOREIGN COUNTRY to spy on a Democratic candidate in exchange for military aid.
And you GOP fuckers just roll over and go back to sleep.
Instead we have a Republican president who..............

......who has given us the lowest unemployment in 50 years, a booming economy, and has Made America Great Again. So just say Thank You and then shut your bitch mouth

.........asked a FOREIGN COUNTRY to spy on a Democratic candidate...........

Hey you stupid faggot bitch, it was your Crooked Hillary who got foreign help from Russia to spy on Trump, and Obama helped her. So again, shut your faggot ass mouth
Instead we have a Republican president who asked a FOREIGN COUNTRY to spy on a Democratic candidate in exchange for military aid.
And you GOP fuckers just roll over and go back to sleep.
You Democrats have provided zero evidence to back that up.
<< What they did was treasonous, OK? It was treasonous >>

Trump accuses Obama of treason for ‘spying’ on his 2016 campaign

But it never happened. No Proof. Whatsoever.

From a site called tatersgonnatate. lol

Then there is this:

In a huge blow to Trump, the DOJ watchdog found no evidence to support the claim that the FBI spied on his 2016 campaign

but sure, let's believe tatersgonnatate. What clowns you are.
I'll be on the hate Trump train too.....but first.....
Can anyone produce even ONE SHRED of evidence to back the criminal claims?
You see, in over 30,000 posts so far claiming his guilt, not ONE has produced ANY evidence.
Barr and Durham are looking into it now. Read the Epoch Times story about Obama illegally spying on Trump.

The Epoch Times. If not for fake news sources, you would have any sources.

Barr and Durham have NOTHING, on anyone in the Obama Administration. We’ve been hearing about these things for three years now and not a shred of evidence, while a steady stream of Trump Campaign workers and staffers are perp marched off to prison.

Republicans keep telling us that Trump is clean and the Dems are crooks, but not one Clinton Advisor or Obama staffer is awaiting sentencing.

And all of Trump’s investigations into Hillary’s emails, completely exonerated Clinton.
.........If not for fake news sources, you would have any sources..........

............says the Queen of Lying Sacks of Shit

If it weren't for lies you'd have no posts at all

Most presidents have worked hard to do what they though was best for the American people. They respected America, and they respected the White House. While each president may have had their favorite pet projects, they kept their nose clean. Until 2016.

When Obama realized Hillary could lose the election, he started engaging in blatantly criminal behavior. Obama became a criminal when he illegally spied on Trump. Barr and Durham are working behind the scenes to make sure that this man who performed criminal acts in the White House pays a price for it.

<< Barr wants to understand the origins of the probe and whether the tools used to launch it were lies or distortions — and were known to be so by DoJ, FBI, and CIA officials. Barr wants to know if U.S. intelligence agencies were used to spy illegally on Americans >>

<<Over the next few months, the public will finally see what kind of malfeasance there was.>.>

<< None dare call it spying. At least no Democrats or Obama officials will. But that’s exactly what it was.>>

'A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall' on Obama's Bad Cops and Spies | RealClearPolitics
Don't hold your breath.
No charges to date.
I've been waiting for hillaries for 40 years

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