The Catholic Church doesnt teach the substitution theology anymore


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.

I grew up Catholic and I'm telling you, it's bullshit. Jews were always exalted, including the bit about the "chosen people".
The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.
Correct. Not only that, it was over fifty years ago (mid 1960s) the Church even made a formal announcement Catholic belief that God's covenant with the Jews is eternal. Particularly in light of Vatican II, they wanted everyone clear on Catholic teaching of this.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.

I grew up Catholic and I'm telling you, it's bullshit. Jews were always exalted, including the bit about the "chosen people".

The Kardinal himself said that for centuries the Christians taught something else. You are probably not centuries old so it is possible that you grew up that way. Maybe for some decades now.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

Does this mean the Temple of Solomon has been fully restored and the 12 Tribes of Israel are also fully represented by real families of those 12 tribes?
That what the Catholic church taught since centuries
Really. News to me since I went to Catholic school in my formative years, and we were taught it was mankind's sins (including our own) that killed Jesus. You are aware that it was the Romans who executed Jesus?
That what the Catholic church taught since centuries
Really. News to me since I went to Catholic school in my formative years, and we were taught it was mankind's sins (including our own) that killed Jesus. You are aware that it was the Romans who executed Jesus?

I read in new testament that jews choose barnabas over jesus and that pilate (romans) didnt want to kill him, and they washed their hands, and said "his blood is upon you and your children".
That what the Catholic church taught since centuries
Really. News to me since I went to Catholic school in my formative years, and we were taught it was mankind's sins (including our own) that killed Jesus. You are aware that it was the Romans who executed Jesus?

I read in new testament that jews choose barnabas over jesus and that pilate (romans) didnt want to kill him, and they washed their hands, and said "his blood is upon you and your children".

Whelp ---- the Catholics here aren't buying it. What Meriweather said in post 8 was the same thing I was taught. I've never heard this warped story. I think your premise here is just flawed.

Jesus was executed by Rome for treason. Barabbas was traded for Jesus. He had been captured at the riot. The Jews were under the Roman thumb --- what or who they "wanted" or "chose" was going to be irrelevant. Rome was in charge and was going to brook no challenge to that.

Jesus Bar Abbas basically means "Jesus Junior" --- his son. That's not something they taught us in Catholic school, just fleshing out some history.
I read in new testament that jews choose barnabas over jesus and that pilate (romans) didnt want to kill him, and they washed their hands, and said "his blood is upon you and your children".
I take it you mean 'Barabbas'? In any case, it was Annas and Caiaphas who handed Jesus over to the Romans because of the crowds of Jews that followed Jesus. At that time, the Temple authorities (Annas and Caiaphas) who handed Jesus over to the Romans--far from the entire Jewish population who had been greeting him with Hosannas just a short time before.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.

I grew up Catholic and I'm telling you, it's bullshit. Jews were always exalted, including the bit about the "chosen people".

The Kardinal himself said that for centuries the Christians taught something else. You are probably not centuries old so it is possible that you grew up that way. Maybe for some decades now.

I don't see where this Kardinal Schönonborn says that.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.

I grew up Catholic and I'm telling you, it's bullshit. Jews were always exalted, including the bit about the "chosen people".

The Kardinal himself said that for centuries the Christians taught something else. You are probably not centuries old so it is possible that you grew up that way. Maybe for some decades now.

I don't see where this Kardinal Schönonborn says that.

Do you understand German? I mean if you do not see where he says that, you are terribly lost case.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.

I grew up Catholic and I'm telling you, it's bullshit. Jews were always exalted, including the bit about the "chosen people".

The Kardinal himself said that for centuries the Christians taught something else. You are probably not centuries old so it is possible that you grew up that way. Maybe for some decades now.

I don't see where this Kardinal Schönonborn says that.

Do you understand German? I mean if you do not see where he says that, you are terribly lost case.

Yeah I do. Give me a time stamp if you see it.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.

I grew up Catholic and I'm telling you, it's bullshit. Jews were always exalted, including the bit about the "chosen people".

The Kardinal himself said that for centuries the Christians taught something else. You are probably not centuries old so it is possible that you grew up that way. Maybe for some decades now.

I don't see where this Kardinal Schönonborn says that.

Do you understand German? I mean if you do not see where he says that, you are terribly lost case.

Yeah I do. Give me a time stamp if you see it.

It is in the whole sermon, all over the place. You are kind of deaf or dumb if you dont hear it. He even said that there is a sign somewhere which says in latin "jew dogs baptised with fire" and that they were forcefully baptised.
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

They taught Jews rejected Jesus and killed him. They choose Barnabas over Jesus and Pilate washed his hands, and said "His blood is now upon you and your children". That what the Catholic church taught since centuries. At least they taught that Jews lost the inheritance of God, that what the early Christians taught, for example St. Chrysostome on Judaisers. "They have been children and we dogs now they have become dogs and we Children". Now they are closer to Protestants again and the Zionist movement of the Protestants, who made Jerusalem Capitol of Israel. Im strictly against discrimination and persecution of Jews, or anyone else, but Religion is private and can discriminate somehow, like muslims teach that non-muslims will go to hell that is freedom of religion, but they are not allowed to discriminate us physically in this world.

I grew up Catholic and I'm telling you, it's bullshit. Jews were always exalted, including the bit about the "chosen people".

The Kardinal himself said that for centuries the Christians taught something else. You are probably not centuries old so it is possible that you grew up that way. Maybe for some decades now.

I don't see where this Kardinal Schönonborn says that.

Do you understand German? I mean if you do not see where he says that, you are terribly lost case.

Yeah I do. Give me a time stamp if you see it.

It is in the whole sermon, all over the place. You are kind of deaf or dumb if you dont hear it. He even said that there is a sign somewhere which says in latin "jew dogs baptised with fire" and that they were forcefully baptised.

So you can't show where it is? Maybe you don't understand German?
I didnt know this, I know this since I study theology, there I learned it first. And it seems it is rediscovered since Pope John Paul who went to a Jewish Synagogue in Rome and said "The covenant which never ended". He meant the covenant of God with Abraham and the Jewish People. So the Catholics now teach that Jews are God's choosen people. For centuries they taught that Jews were Christ murders, and that they lost their inheritance to the new covenant the Catholic church. Now they dont teach this anymore. They now teach that Jews are God's choosen people.

My opinion, Im against persecution of Jews, but it is just theology, and we dont need to compromise it to satisfy jews or muslims or anyone. We could as well be more tolerant and accept that Mohammed was the Prophet of God. I think it can be reinterpreted that way though, so probably it is not wrong. But just because we now teach Jews are God's choosen people it wont be more jewish, or the Jews wont like Jesus more. Because Jews still teach something detrimental that Jesus was not a person of God incarnated and didnt brought salvation to mankind. To Jews Jesus is a heretic, and Christianity is pagan because they do not accept the trinity. We could as well get away with the trinity, if Jews dont like it or are offended. Historically the substition theology lead to persecution of Jews, but it doesnt have to. But Im neutral we could reinterpret it that way too, but for centuries it was seen in a other light. I dont consider it neccessary dangerous if we do not persecute Jews.

The Catholic Church never taught that "Jews were Christ murders" or even "murderers". That's bullshit.

It does in the NT.
I read in new testament that jews choose barnabas over jesus and that pilate (romans) didnt want to kill him, and they washed their hands, and said "his blood is upon you and your children".
I take it you mean 'Barabbas'? In any case, it was Annas and Caiaphas who handed Jesus over to the Romans because of the crowds of Jews that followed Jesus. At that time, the Temple authorities (Annas and Caiaphas) who handed Jesus over to the Romans--far from the entire Jewish population who had been greeting him with Hosannas just a short time before.
Bar abbas was named Jesus bar Abbas. All the jews then turned on Jesus Christ and wanted Jesus bar Abbas and they wanted him to be set free.

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