The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

Here is the one that admitted it, so far. You didn't hear about this guy? YOu need to listen to better media. Makes me wonder what else they have lied to you about.

You're a fool. He said he was there to cover the events, like a news person. Not to instigate anything. And from his video he was clearly covering the insurrection, not participating in it.

Give it up, this has been long debunked. That's like accusing Zapruder of being part of the JFK plot.

Except he is on video instigating shit. It said so in the linked article.

YOu watch his video, you can hear him inciting more aggression and violence.

Thus, your claim of "none" is proven wrong.

The belief that it was infiltrated and set off by lefties, or deep staters, is a plausible fear.
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.
Except the top military brass (like Gen Milley) already played that scenario. As you know the thing the military does best is plan for all possible future events. And Pelosi already spoke with Milley about keeping Trumps fingers off the nuclear button,
Yes, she did. That was illegal and tantamount to treason. The thing is, our Constitution was shredded by the DC establishment because they did not want an outsider crashing their little party. They literally ignored it and fought against a duly elected president and used government agencies to spy on him. And people like yourself cheered them along. I wonder if you'll cheer them pulling a real, military-backed coup against him if he runs and wins again? Would you?
Another one, not a clue what the T word means.
Treason, socialism, communism.... They don't even have the fundamental human curiosity to look up the actual definitions.

If Tucker and Sean use 'em, that's all the rubes need to use 'em too.

This place is a farce for political debate.
It's just about impossible to have any serious discussion amid the constant lying, gaslighting, and refusal to engage with any reality that goes on here.
Dude, you're posting videos from some guy who literally thought Trump was going to win 49 or 50 states. Give it a rest.

EDIT: Oh no I got the thumbs down for insulting Live action South Park

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Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end.
Baloney. The economy was set to continue it's steady expansion. The mismanagement of the response to the new virus is all on Dr. Trumpenstein.

The expansion was WAY past the average age of expansions, It was over due to end.

Your denial is partisan bullshit.

Riiiiight. It shows you the strength of the Obama expansion and that it was built on solid economic ground, until Trump ripped the underpinning out from under it by slashing revenues, and running up the deficit. BIGLY.

Mmm, so you know that the obama expansion was old, when Trump took over.


So, drop hte shit pretending that it wasn't.

It was a record growth streak. Steady and slow with no real bubbles ready to burst.
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.
Except the top military brass (like Gen Milley) already played that scenario. As you know the thing the military does best is plan for all possible future events. And Pelosi already spoke with Milley about keeping Trumps fingers off the nuclear button,
Yes, she did. That was illegal and tantamount to treason. The thing is, our Constitution was shredded by the DC establishment because they did not want an outsider crashing their little party. They literally ignored it and fought against a duly elected president and used government agencies to spy on him. And people like yourself cheered them along. I wonder if you'll cheer them pulling a real, military-backed coup against him if he runs and wins again? Would you?
Another one, not a clue what the T word means.
Treason, socialism, communism.... They don't even have the fundamental human curiosity to look up the actual definitions.

If Tucker and Sean use 'em, that's all the rubes need to use 'em too.

This place is a farce for political debate.
It's just about impossible to have any serious discussion amid the constant lying, gaslighting, and refusal to engage with any reality that goes on here.

We are a very divisive country now.

The filthy greedy dishonest Socialists are working hard to take over the government and that is causing a tremendous amount of conflict with the American Patriots.
Except he is on video instigating shit. It said so in the linked article.

YOu watch his video, you can hear him inciting more aggression and violence.

Thus, your claim of "none" is proven wrong.

The belief that it was infiltrated and set off by lefties, or deep staters, is a plausible fear.
Your citation: Sullivan, 26, later claimed he was there to document — not participate — in the event.

Sullivan’s 40-minute video begins with him already on a terrace of the Capitol, looking out at the roiling mob. Then, he follows rioters as they confront police at various points and enter the Capitol, and can be heard shouting, “We accomplished this s---. We did this together. … We are all a part of this history” and “Let’s burn this s--- down.”

Eventually, he joins a group pressing up against the glass doors to the House Speaker’s Lobby, and implores the officers there to leave for their own safety. “I don’t want you to get hurt,” Sullivan can be heard saying.

“I was there just to document the events and to be a part of history,” Sullivan said in the video.

Sullivan was taken into custody in Tooele County, Utah, on Thursday after the FBI obtained a warrant for his arrest in Washington. He made his first appearance in federal court in Salt Lake City on Friday afternoon, and was ordered released pending a detention hearing next week.
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.
Except the top military brass (like Gen Milley) already played that scenario. As you know the thing the military does best is plan for all possible future events. And Pelosi already spoke with Milley about keeping Trumps fingers off the nuclear button,
Yes, she did. That was illegal and tantamount to treason. The thing is, our Constitution was shredded by the DC establishment because they did not want an outsider crashing their little party. They literally ignored it and fought against a duly elected president and used government agencies to spy on him. And people like yourself cheered them along. I wonder if you'll cheer them pulling a real, military-backed coup against him if he runs and wins again? Would you?
Another one, not a clue what the T word means.
Treason, socialism, communism.... They don't even have the fundamental human curiosity to look up the actual definitions.

If Tucker and Sean use 'em, that's all the rubes need to use 'em too.

This place is a farce for political debate.
It's just about impossible to have any serious discussion amid the constant lying, gaslighting, and refusal to engage with any reality that goes on here.
Dude, you're posting videos from some guy who literally thought Trump was going to win 49 or 50 states. Give it a rest.

EDIT: Oh no I got the thumbs down for insulting Live action South Park

View attachment 513493
It's too bad we'll never know how many votes he actually did win by, but all those fraudulent ballots ya'll flooded the election with makes that impossible, doesn't it?

And thanks for being a great example of the type of dishonest and delusional poster I was referring to, btw.
This doesn't show the police opening any doors or removing any barricades. Or letting anybody in.
That’s because it’s a lie.
That's what they do. They waste time claiming a citation or a video proves something, and after taking the time to read all of it, or view all of it, you see they were just flat out lying.

Good thing the video was only 44 seconds long, so it didn't take much to show he was lying.
Post it, asshole.
Just google 1/6 videos. Like the timeline put out by the NYT's and plenty of others.
In other words, you can't post anything.
Actually somebody beat me to posting the NYT video I noted.

So your ass just got burned.

Trumpyberra followers can't seem to watch it.
They're not allowed to. They're only allowed to expose themselves to approved media. Anything that is not approved is "fake news".

WND, Alex Jones, Fox, AON, NewsMax, Breitbart. This is their reality. That's it.
Post it, asshole.
Just google 1/6 videos. Like the timeline put out by the NYT's and plenty of others.
In other words, you can't post anything.
Actually somebody beat me to posting the NYT video I noted.
Trumpyberra followers can't seem to watch it.
He didn't even watch his own video (44 seconds long). You explect him to watch a 40 minute long NYT's documentary.
They're not allowed to. They're only allowed to expose themselves to approved media. Anything that is not approved is "fake news".

WND, Alex Jones, Fox, AON, NewsMax, Breitbart. This is their reality. That's it.
And even when they do, they fall for the "fake headlines" that many of these sites put up.

The headline says "Barr vindicates Trump"
But then the actual story doesn't actually show anything more than tacit agreement.

Yet they'll fly with the headline.
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.
Except the top military brass (like Gen Milley) already played that scenario. As you know the thing the military does best is plan for all possible future events. And Pelosi already spoke with Milley about keeping Trumps fingers off the nuclear button,
Yes, she did. That was illegal and tantamount to treason. The thing is, our Constitution was shredded by the DC establishment because they did not want an outsider crashing their little party. They literally ignored it and fought against a duly elected president and used government agencies to spy on him. And people like yourself cheered them along. I wonder if you'll cheer them pulling a real, military-backed coup against him if he runs and wins again? Would you?
Another one, not a clue what the T word means.
Treason, socialism, communism.... They don't even have the fundamental human curiosity to look up the actual definitions.

If Tucker and Sean use 'em, that's all the rubes need to use 'em too.

This place is a farce for political debate.
It's just about impossible to have any serious discussion amid the constant lying, gaslighting, and refusal to engage with any reality that goes on here.
Dude, you're posting videos from some guy who literally thought Trump was going to win 49 or 50 states. Give it a rest.

EDIT: Oh no I got the thumbs down for insulting Live action South Park

View attachment 513493
It's too bad we'll never know how many votes he actually did win by, but all those fraudulent ballots ya'll flooded the election with makes that impossible, doesn't it?

And thanks for being a great example of the type of dishonest and delusional poster I was referring to, btw.

It's truly amazing how these ballots magically appeared, threw the election, and then magically disappeared or otherwise escaping the clutches of the infamous Republican lawyers. Proven conclusively that Hillary Clinton was being it. Go ahead prove she wasn't!
They're not allowed to. They're only allowed to expose themselves to approved media. Anything that is not approved is "fake news".

WND, Alex Jones, Fox, AON, NewsMax, Breitbart. This is their reality. That's it.
And even when they do, they fall for the "fake headlines" that many of these sites put up.

The headline says "Barr vindicates Trump"
But then the actual story doesn't actually show anything more than tacit agreement.

Yet they'll fly with the headline.
This has been a process. Limbaugh taught them to eschew all major media and only believe right wing media. He's the father of the alternate universe.

I often wonder what he thought of what he created. I wonder if he has any regrets for this division of realities. I guess I'll never know.

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