The books coming out on the Trump administration, and what has to happen now

The video shows the police let them in, moron.

You're a fucking moron.
The video show the police "talkng" it doesn't show them letting anybody in.

If they had done so, where is the selfie, or other video showing the police doing it?

Doesn't exist. But there is video of the two sides standing around in the public atrium.
Watch this. THis guy wasn't even a Trump supporter, but he realized that you people are the ones that are fucknig nuts.

He confuses Trumps accomplishments with Trumps desires.

The biggest danger wasn't what Trump did, but what he wanted to do.

It's like the joke of the guy who tried to commit suicide by swallowing 100 aspirin. So he was clearly suicidal. But after taking the first 2 he felt better, and changed his mind.

Clearly you missed the warning signs.

He wanted to put political pressure on Congress to not certify a fraudulent vote count.

Hardly the stuff of nightmares.

Try to be less of a drama queen.
Trump supporters are not a hive mind. That we have different views is not us being confused, but us being indivduals.

Try to not be afraid. I know that is alien to you .
The one thing Trump voters have in common. The ability to ignore facts. No matter what Trump says or does, or used to tweet, is all "fake news" he never said it, he never did it, and if he did, it's O.K. if Trump did it.
You're ignoring the fact that the police let some protestors in.
The one thing Trump opponents have in common, is the ability to ignore facts.
What facts am I ignoring, asshole?
Totally out of context.
Are you denying the video(s) that show trump supporters breaking thru windows and doors?

This is like a video of Neville Chamberlain saying how peaceful the German Chancellor promised to be.
it's a video showing what actually happened, moron. Whether other protestors broke in is irrelevant to the fact that many of them were let it.
To say some were let in (which we don’t know the facts about yet ) doesn’t excuse the 100’s of trespassers who then broke into secure areas and attempted to locate and then HARM Congress members or VP Pence. Sickening.
The video shows the police let them in, moron.

You're a fucking moron.
The video show the police "talkng" it doesn't show them letting anybody in.

If they had done so, where is the selfie, or other video showing the police doing it?

Doesn't exist. But there is video of the two sides standing around in the public atrium.
The video shows a police officer holding the door open while protestors walk in.
The idea that lefty infiltrators might have been responsible for things getting out of hand on 1/6 is plausible. you as the partisan zealot, not me, not us.
Then show where such infiltrators got caught (or charged) with violent acts. They're rounding up people who attacked the police, stole government property, destroyed and damaged property.

And none of them were "lefty" infiltrators. So your theory dies from lack of a single example.
Totally out of context.
Are you denying the video(s) that show trump supporters breaking thru windows and doors?

This is like a video of Neville Chamberlain saying how peaceful the German Chancellor promised to be.
it's a video showing what actually happened, moron. Whether other protestors broke in is irrelevant to the fact that many of them were let it.
To say some were let in (which we don’t know the facts about yet ) doesn’t excuse the 100’s of trespassers who then broke into secure areas and attempted to locate and then HARM Congress members or VP Pence. Sickening.
No one harmed any member of Congress, asshole. And no one is ignoring any real crimes anyone committed. about the worst thing they did is enter the offices of members of Congress, but the doors were unlocked.
You're ignoring the fact that the police let some protestors in.
Yet you can't find a video of the police actually letting people in.

You have a video of the two sides standing around talking. But not of the police opening any doors, or removing any barricades.
The idea that lefty infiltrators might have been responsible for things getting out of hand on 1/6 is plausible. you as the partisan zealot, not me, not us.
Then show where such infiltrators got caught (or charged) with violent acts. They're rounding up people who attacked the police, stole government property, destroyed and damaged property.

And none of them were "lefty" infiltrators. So your theory dies from lack of a single example.

Here is the one that admitted it, so far. You didn't hear about this guy? YOu need to listen to better media. Makes me wonder what else they have lied to you about.

Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end.
Baloney. The economy was set to continue it's steady expansion. The mismanagement of the response to the new virus is all on Dr. Trumpenstein.

The expansion was WAY past the average age of expansions, It was over due to end.

Your denial is partisan bullshit.

Riiiiight. It shows you the strength of the Obama expansion and that it was built on solid economic ground, until Trump ripped the underpinning out from under it by slashing revenues, and running up the deficit. BIGLY.
Are you kidding me? The video shows the police agreeing they had the right to "peacefully assemble" not to grant them entry into restricted areas.

Plus despite their promise to be "peaceful" they broke down doors, and shattered windows to get into the capitol.

Acts that the police did NOT allow. Hence why 140 of them were injured.
The video shows the police let them in, moron. The doors were broken in other areas. Why would the police let them in if the doors were already broken down?

You're a fucking moron.

Why do you always end your posts with "you're a fucking moron"? It makes you look stupid. Oh wait, too late!
You're ignoring the fact that the police let some protestors in.
Yet you can't find a video of the police actually letting people in.

You have a video of the two sides standing around talking. But not of the police opening any doors, or removing any barricades.
I just posted it, moron. As I've already stated, a police officer is holding the door open as the protesters enter.
Trump supporters are not a hive mind. That we have different views is not us being confused, but us being indivduals.

Try to not be afraid. I know that is alien to you .
The one thing Trump voters have in common. The ability to ignore facts. No matter what Trump says or does, or used to tweet, is all "fake news" he never said it, he never did it, and if he did, it's O.K. if Trump did it.
You're ignoring the fact that the police let some protestors in.
The one thing Trump opponents have in common, is the ability to ignore facts.
What facts am I ignoring, asshole?

Totally out of context.
Are you denying the video(s) that show trump supporters breaking thru windows and doors?

This is like a video of Neville Chamberlain saying how peaceful the German Chancellor promised to be.
it's a video showing what actually happened, moron. Whether other protestors broke in is irrelevant to the fact that many of them were let it.
To say some were let in (which we don’t know the facts about yet ) doesn’t excuse the 100’s of trespassers who then broke into secure areas and attempted to locate and then HARM Congress members or VP Pence. Sickening.
Totally out of context.
Are you denying the video(s) that show trump supporters breaking thru windows and doors?

This is like a video of Neville Chamberlain saying how peaceful the German Chancellor promised to be.
it's a video showing what actually happened, moron. Whether other protestors broke in is irrelevant to the fact that many of them were let it.
To say some were let in (which we don’t know the facts about yet ) doesn’t excuse the 100’s of trespassers who then broke into secure areas and attempted to locate and then HARM Congress members or VP Pence. Sickening.
No one harmed any member of Congress, asshole. And no one is ignoring any real crimes anyone committed. about the worst thing they did is enter the offices of members of Congress, but the doors were unlocked.
To be honest dude. I’m quite tired of your “asshole” and “moron” name calling on every post.

What do you think your insurrectionist heroes would have done to members of Congress had they been successful in finding them?

Your excuses are tiresome.
Trump inherited an aging economic expansion that was, under normal circumstances, about to end.
Baloney. The economy was set to continue it's steady expansion. The mismanagement of the response to the new virus is all on Dr. Trumpenstein.

The expansion was WAY past the average age of expansions, It was over due to end.

Your denial is partisan bullshit.

Riiiiight. It shows you the strength of the Obama expansion and that it was built on solid economic ground, until Trump ripped the underpinning out from under it by slashing revenues, and running up the deficit. BIGLY.

Mmm, so you know that the obama expansion was old, when Trump took over.


So, drop hte shit pretending that it wasn't.
Trump supporters are not a hive mind. That we have different views is not us being confused, but us being indivduals.

Try to not be afraid. I know that is alien to you .
The one thing Trump voters have in common. The ability to ignore facts. No matter what Trump says or does, or used to tweet, is all "fake news" he never said it, he never did it, and if he did, it's O.K. if Trump did it.
You're ignoring the fact that the police let some protestors in.
The one thing Trump opponents have in common, is the ability to ignore facts.
What facts am I ignoring, asshole?

Totally out of context.
Are you denying the video(s) that show trump supporters breaking thru windows and doors?

This is like a video of Neville Chamberlain saying how peaceful the German Chancellor promised to be.
it's a video showing what actually happened, moron. Whether other protestors broke in is irrelevant to the fact that many of them were let it.
To say some were let in (which we don’t know the facts about yet ) doesn’t excuse the 100’s of trespassers who then broke into secure areas and attempted to locate and then HARM Congress members or VP Pence. Sickening.
Totally out of context.
Are you denying the video(s) that show trump supporters breaking thru windows and doors?

This is like a video of Neville Chamberlain saying how peaceful the German Chancellor promised to be.
it's a video showing what actually happened, moron. Whether other protestors broke in is irrelevant to the fact that many of them were let it.
To say some were let in (which we don’t know the facts about yet ) doesn’t excuse the 100’s of trespassers who then broke into secure areas and attempted to locate and then HARM Congress members or VP Pence. Sickening.
No one harmed any member of Congress, asshole. And no one is ignoring any real crimes anyone committed. about the worst thing they did is enter the offices of members of Congress, but the doors were unlocked.
To be honest dude. I’m quite tired of your “asshole” and “moron” name calling on every post.

What do you think your insurrectionist heroes would have done to members of Congress had they been successful in finding them?

Your excuses are tiresome.

We are tied of the way you assholes call everyone wacist at the drop of a hat.
If Trump had wanted to deal with the butt pirates that stole the election by force all he would have to do was issue a call for arms. A million Patriots would have answered the call and they would be armed. Probaly 2/3rds of the military would have joined them. There would have been a takeover of DC in short order.
Except the top military brass (like Gen Milley) already played that scenario. As you know the thing the military does best is plan for all possible future events. And Pelosi already spoke with Milley about keeping Trumps fingers off the nuclear button,
Yes, she did. That was illegal and tantamount to treason. The thing is, our Constitution was shredded by the DC establishment because they did not want an outsider crashing their little party. They literally ignored it and fought against a duly elected president and used government agencies to spy on him. And people like yourself cheered them along. I wonder if you'll cheer them pulling a real, military-backed coup against him if he runs and wins again? Would you?
Another one, not a clue what the T word means.
Treason, socialism, communism.... They don't even have the fundamental human curiosity to look up the actual definitions.

If Tucker and Sean use 'em, that's all the rubes need to use 'em too.

This place is a farce for political debate.
It's just about impossible to have any serious discussion amid the constant lying, gaslighting, and refusal to engage with any reality that goes on here.
Here is the one that admitted it, so far. You didn't hear about this guy? YOu need to listen to better media. Makes me wonder what else they have lied to you about.

You're a fool. He said he was there to cover the events, like a news person. Not to instigate anything. And from his video he was clearly covering the insurrection, not participating in it.

Give it up, this has been long debunked. That's like accusing Zapruder of being part of the JFK plot.

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