The best thing libertarians can do right now is support Republicans

No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

What is a Libertarian?

Do they (libertarians) agree that a child's Constitutional rights should begin when their life does?

A "Libertarian" is a member of the Libertarian Party. I'm a libertarian. Meaning I support the ideology and not specifically the party. Though I have voted for the party four times for President.

More libertarians are pro-choice than pro-life, but there are libertarians on both sides of the issue

You're going to have to help me with what you're looking for because I thought I directly answered your question. There is no universal libertarian position on abortion. The majority of libertarians are pro-choice, but many are pro-life. What is it you're looking for beyond that?

My question did not mention abortion.

They always do


It is a more fundamental question than just that.

If you told us what the question was, would you have to kill us?

Your deflections reveal a great deal of ignorance on your part.

Your talk of libertarianism is just a bunch of pap if you can't even afford to take a stand on the rights of children to the equal protections of our laws.

You really are a dick. You'll never persuade anyone if you're like that to people who are trying to converse with you

Pot kettle black

You deflected repeatedly and made no sincere attempt to engage in a dialogue.
I don't think it's unreasonable at all...But you're going to persuade others by using their criteria and values, not merely by screaming yours louder, in the same way that the silly US tourist can't make the foreigner who doesn't speak English understand better by yelling it at them.

That requires a dialogue, rather than expecting others who could be swayed to your side to accept your premises as firmly and self-evidently as you do.

Not that such an approach is going to bear much fruit around this dump, I'm just sayin'.

When Their (pro abort) criteria is based 100% on the denial of the biol
Do they (libertarians) agree that a child's Constitutional rights should begin when their life does?
Rights predate the constitution- by forever. If you're referring to the Bill of Rights, those are lines that not to be crossed by the fed gov't and the 10th of those is quite clear- to wit: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

Simple English seems to escape partisan hacks- no matter what stripe they wear. Libertarians, like Democrats and Republicans argue the point you failed to make.

Swing and a miss.

You shouldn't make assumptions. Those were especially off. I make no reference to the things you are attributing to me.
The Democratic Party is no longer the party of JFK, and it hasn’t been for a long time.

Now, they are the Party of Lee Harvey Oswald. Radical, unhinged, deranged, delusional, violent Marxists that hate our President for not bowing to Communists.
Absolute garbage propaganda and misinformed hate. 40 years of giveaway to the rich under the GOP has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong. No one outside Rupert Murdoch world believes any of that crap.....
Okay Francis, are you denying that Oswald was a flaming Marxist? He’d fit right in with you Antifa queers and you know it.

We don’t have the worst inequality, that’s total nonsense. Real inequality is what you see in third world shit holes. The ones you are too afraid to visit, like African nations.

Are you going to say that poor black kids who grow up to be NBA stars making millions is part of that “inequality”? Oh no, of course not, because they wear #BLM on their jersey. I haven’t heard any Democrat talk about raising taxes on multi millionaire Hollywood actors, or professional sports athletes.
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try.

You're right, they haven't, so why would any true libertarian support a party that doesn't support liberty?

Your true Scotsman fallacy aside. Funny, I recently wrote an OP on that.

If it's OK with you, I'd prefer you read my answer and build on that rather than your just asking me the question again I specifically answered in the OP of this thread
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Libertarians always support Republicans

That would be your little secret now, wouldn't it
Six of one
Half dozen of the other

I’m not Republican, I am libertarian

You actually don't know the difference between a libertarian and a Republican, do you? I'd explain it again, but the ground is parched
Generally, Libertarians don’t know what they stand for
They just hate Government
You really are a dick. You'll never persuade anyone if you're like that to people who are trying to converse with you

Pot kettle black

You deflected repeatedly and made no sincere attempt to engage in a dialogue.

That's just stupid. I kept telling you I didn't understand your vague question and tried to get you to clarify it. To call that "deflection" is moronic. I was deflecting by asking you to be more specific? And you weren't able to do it. Terms like when "life" begins is very specific to you, but you won't share that meaning with the people you are asking questions of. You said you didn't mention abortion, but wouldn't tell me then what you were referring to. You're obviously just a dick anyway. You're not going to persuade anyone of anything
Libertarians always support Republicans

That would be your little secret now, wouldn't it
Six of one
Half dozen of the other

I’m not Republican, I am libertarian

You actually don't know the difference between a libertarian and a Republican, do you? I'd explain it again, but the ground is parched
Generally, Libertarians don’t know what they stand for
They just hate Government

Interesting how you mention government in a post where you demonstrate you never learned capitalization in government schools.

" Names are proper nouns. The names of cities, countries, companies, religions, and political parties are also proper nouns, so you should capitalize them, too"

Double irony since if you understood how to capitalize, you'd have just said libertarians are NOT Republicans when you are arguing they are.

You really are a ding bat, Edith
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

Hell. No. Trump is the polar opposite of libertarian.
Yea but libertarians will vote for trump don’t worry. Libertarians are just cons who’ve been let down by republicans too much to say they are republicans.
People who call themselves libertarians, yet vote Republican aren't libertarians - big L or otherwise, they're just Republicans who don't want to admit they're Republicans.

LO2E is fraud.
Voting for ANYONE other than Trump is playing Russian Roulette with our nation. Your personal values won't save you from a radical take over of our nation.
Biden is a moderate not a radical

He will return us to normalcy
Biden has dementia...he isn’t going to be running anything.
Trumps got dementia too. He’s literally gone insane.
If that were true you idiots would have tried harder to present a decent candidate. You didn’t.
Trump is a decent man?
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

Hell. No. Trump is the polar opposite of libertarian.
Yea but libertarians will vote for trump don’t worry. Libertarians are just cons who’ve been let down by republicans too much to say they are republicans.
People who call themselves libertarians, yet vote Republican aren't libertarians - big L or otherwise, they're just Republicans who don't want to admit they're Republicans.

LO2E is fraud.
Voting for ANYONE other than Trump is playing Russian Roulette with our nation. Your personal values won't save you from a radical take over of our nation.
Biden is a moderate not a radical

He will return us to normalcy

Biden was a moderate 25 years ago. Now he's whatever his handlers are, and they are radical left
Nah that’s just what republicans say every 4 years. You said it about Clinton, he was a moderate. You said it about Obama, he was a moderate too. Hillary would have been a moderate too.

Trump could have been a moderate but the far right got him elected so he’s serving them not mainstream America.

You think Obama and Hillary are moderates? How far left do you lean? Can you even walk upright?
That’s the progressives plan. Lean so far left that the fringe looks moderate ;)
Actually that’s what cons did. Youve pulled this country too far right. Look at the Supreme Court. This country isn’t that conservative
The Democratic Party is no longer the party of JFK, and it hasn’t been for a long time.

Now, they are the Party of Lee Harvey Oswald. Radical, unhinged, deranged, delusional, violent Marxists that hate our President for not bowing to Communists.
Absolute garbage propaganda and misinformed hate. 40 years of giveaway to the rich under the GOP has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong. No one outside Rupert Murdoch world believes any of that crap.....
Oh please. Pelosi loaded up and presented a 9.5 billion dollar give away for all her buddies at the universities in the COVID stimulus.

You are high if you think the Democratic Party isn’t all about lining the pockets of their elite friends.
Democrats want social security, Medicare and Obamacare for middle class and poor people. You guys claim democrats want free stuff. Now you say we are the party for elites?
That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

Buddy, the Libertarians have ALWAYS been the "Gag" party.

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

I'm sorry, who was "electronically lynched", exactly? It seems to me that every sad ass Uncle Tom who gets out there telling audiences of white people how shiftless the other Negroes is doing well enough. Except for Herman Cain, but that was his own damned fault. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

And why are any of these bad ideas? We really do need to get off fossil fuels... they are destroying the planet. We have more than enough wealth for universal health care and minimum income. We just choose not to.

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

First, until Trump crashed the economy, and instigated race riots, crime was at record lows in this country.

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

Again, this is a bad thing, why? Other countries have these things, and frankly, they are a lot better off than we are. Now, if you are a libertarian child who thinks that civilization can happen without government, that's fine and all.

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Uh, guy, the Republicans are putting kids in cages and have storm troopers throwing peaceful demonstrators into vans. If anyone has gotten "Worse", it's the Republicans. They stopped being about ideas and have just become "The Cult of Trump".

Libertarians are supporting police-state tactics.
Christians are excusing a man who cheats on his wife and fucks porn stars.
Security conservatives are defending selling out our allies and pulling away from our international commitments.

In short, you are now supporting things you HAVE crucified past Democratic presidents for. Hey, remember the good old days when you impeached Clinton for getting a blow job from an intern. Well, screw that, Trump can pay off Stormy Daniels, and you'll not only defend him, you'll support his hiding his tax records from law enforcement.
You guys do know that before the dnc screwed Bernie Sanders over the rnc screwed over Ron Paul the exact same way?

You mean... they made sure their parties didn't run crazy people.

you know, there's a simple enough solution to this. Get rid of the Electoral College, go to a system of runoffs where they third parties can run in the first round, but if no one gets 50%+1, you have a run-off between the top two vote getters. then you wouldn't have Libertarians and Socialists sneaking under the tent in the primaries and getting delegates because most of us don't vote in primaries.
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

Hell. No. Trump is the polar opposite of libertarian.
Yea but libertarians will vote for trump don’t worry. Libertarians are just cons who’ve been let down by republicans too much to say they are republicans.
People who call themselves libertarians, yet vote Republican aren't libertarians - big L or otherwise, they're just Republicans who don't want to admit they're Republicans.

LO2E is fraud.
Voting for ANYONE other than Trump is playing Russian Roulette with our nation. Your personal values won't save you from a radical take over of our nation.
Biden is a moderate not a radical

He will return us to normalcy
Biden has dementia...he isn’t going to be running anything.
Trumps got dementia too. He’s literally gone insane.
If that were true you idiots would have tried harder to present a decent candidate. You didn’t.
Trump is a decent man?

She said decent "candidate." Your reading skills are just awful. Don't you want better for your children than the crappy government education you got?

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