The best thing libertarians can do right now is support Republicans

The Democratic Party is no longer the party of JFK, and it hasn’t been for a long time.

Now, they are the Party of Lee Harvey Oswald. Radical, unhinged, deranged, delusional, violent Marxists that hate our President for not bowing to Communists.
Absolute garbage propaganda and misinformed hate. 40 years of giveaway to the rich under the GOP has given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world. Everything you know is wrong. No one outside Rupert Murdoch world believes any of that crap.....
Oh please. Pelosi loaded up and presented a 9.5 billion dollar give away for all her buddies at the universities in the COVID stimulus.

You are high if you think the Democratic Party isn’t all about lining the pockets of their elite friends.
Democrats want social security, Medicare and Obamacare for middle class and poor people. You guys claim democrats want free stuff. Now you say we are the party for elites?
Democratic governors are currently in the process of putting the working class and small businesses out of work ( intentionally). Democrats are not the party of the working class or poor.

They did offer up a several huge gifts to their elite buddies via the COVID stimulus though.
You know what's even funnier about this is that it's an all Democrat issue. Democrat cities, Democrats city counsels, Democrat police unions, Democrat governors and you think it's Republicans and libertarians doing this when we have no say over it at all. It's all you, Holmes. Democrats are the party of the KKK, segregation, slavery, Jim Crow and police brutality. Blacks need you like they need a knee on their neck. Oh yeah, you give them that too

Actually, a lot of these incidents happen where the GOP is in charge... Amber Guyver was in Texas. Anton Sterling was in Louisiana...

The babbling about "Jim Crow" is kind of funny. We threw those people out and the GOP welcomed them with open arms in Tricky Dick's Southern Strategy.
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

Hell. No. Trump is the polar opposite of libertarian.
Yea but libertarians will vote for trump don’t worry. Libertarians are just cons who’ve been let down by republicans too much to say they are republicans.
People who call themselves libertarians, yet vote Republican aren't libertarians - big L or otherwise, they're just Republicans who don't want to admit they're Republicans.

LO2E is fraud.
Voting for ANYONE other than Trump is playing Russian Roulette with our nation. Your personal values won't save you from a radical take over of our nation.
Biden is a moderate not a radical

He will return us to normalcy
Biden has dementia...he isn’t going to be running anything.
Trumps got dementia too. He’s literally gone insane.
If that were true you idiots would have tried harder to present a decent candidate. You didn’t.
Trump is a decent man?

She said decent "candidate." Your reading skills are just awful. Don't you want better for your children than the crappy government education you got?
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall.

My family will be ok for at least the next generation and with the head start they’ve gotten from their rich father their kids will probably do well too.

Cant say that for most of you struggling middle class Americans but if you think trumps going to make your life better by all means vote for him, sucker
Yes,we have already established that lefties hate the middle class. Thanks for confirming that.
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

Hell. No. Trump is the polar opposite of libertarian.
Yea but libertarians will vote for trump don’t worry. Libertarians are just cons who’ve been let down by republicans too much to say they are republicans.
People who call themselves libertarians, yet vote Republican aren't libertarians - big L or otherwise, they're just Republicans who don't want to admit they're Republicans.

LO2E is fraud.
Voting for ANYONE other than Trump is playing Russian Roulette with our nation. Your personal values won't save you from a radical take over of our nation.
Biden is a moderate not a radical

He will return us to normalcy
Biden has dementia...he isn’t going to be running anything.
Trumps got dementia too. He’s literally gone insane.
If that were true you idiots would have tried harder to present a decent candidate. You didn’t.
Trump is a decent man?

She said decent "candidate." Your reading skills are just awful. Don't you want better for your children than the crappy government education you got?
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall.

My family will be ok for at least the next generation and with the head start they’ve gotten from their rich father their kids will probably do well too.

Cant say that for most of you struggling middle class Americans but if you think trumps going to make your life better by all means vote for him, sucker
Yes,we have already established that lefties hate the middle class. Thanks for confirming that.
It was Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Anything else you want to put on your wish list of free government shit you want? I don't see cheese on the list. Free government cheese is the best. You should ask for that too

I can afford my own cheese.

The thing is, none of us can really afford Medical Treatment if we got really sick. This is what I figured out when I busted up my knee in 2007 and Cigna and my employer screwed me over. This was AFTER I paid premiums for years.

So we either...

1) Have a system of insurance, and hope the insurance companies don't rip us off and bankrupt us to make a bigger profit.


2) Have a system of government run health care, and don't put the Republicans in charge again because they'll only fuck it up.

Obviously you are lying because a lawyer would have fixed it if they denied you a benefit you paid for. You don't pay money for an amorphous thing called medical treatment. You have a contract saying what you pay and specifically what you get for it. And that contract is enforced by the courts. They can't just not pay you
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall.

My family will be ok for at least the next generation and with the head start they’ve gotten from their rich father their kids will probably do well too.

Cant say that for most of you struggling middle class Americans but if you think trumps going to make your life better by all means vote for him, sucker
Yes,we have already established that lefties hate the middle class. Thanks for confirming that.
It was Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Just more of your empty tripe
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall.

My family will be ok for at least the next generation and with the head start they’ve gotten from their rich father their kids will probably do well too.

Cant say that for most of you struggling middle class Americans but if you think trumps going to make your life better by all means vote for him, sucker
Yes,we have already established that lefties hate the middle class. Thanks for confirming that.
It was Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Just more of your empty tripe

You know what's even funnier about this is that it's an all Democrat issue. Democrat cities, Democrats city counsels, Democrat police unions, Democrat governors and you think it's Republicans and libertarians doing this when we have no say over it at all. It's all you, Holmes. Democrats are the party of the KKK, segregation, slavery, Jim Crow and police brutality. Blacks need you like they need a knee on their neck. Oh yeah, you give them that too

Actually, a lot of these incidents happen where the GOP is in charge... Amber Guyver was in Texas. Anton Sterling was in Louisiana...

Amber was in Dallas, a blue city. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't actually. Anton in Baton Rouge is pretty mixed. But all the protests are in big blue cities where no Republicans are involved.

Fact check rates your post: False

The babbling about "Jim Crow" is kind of funny. We threw those people out and the GOP welcomed them with open arms in Tricky Dick's Southern Strategy.

You made that up. I live in the South and there is no evidence that the racists changed parties and a lot of evidence they didn't. You realize there are two parties down here, it's not just one. Democrats know so little about so much. And government schools sure don't help
No, the Republican haven't done anything to merit support. I'm not even going to try. But:

Democrats are

- No longer just a lesser evil. They are actual evil. They have taken race whoring to epic proportions. Race relations have done nothing but go down and it's been a clear Democrat strategy to accomplish that to get blacks to the polls to vote blue. That while they ramp up the electronic lynching of any black who tries not to be a Democrat to send a message to the rest of the blacks what will happen to them if they do the same

- Pushing the green new deal to get Marxism. The reality is we aren't technologically advanced enough yet to get off fossil fuels. Yet they want to spend trillions. And it's just a shallow marketing cover for Marxism. They are seriously pushing things like minimum income as "green"

- Turning our inner cities into violent turf. You can't even walk the streets anymore. Note too how even though there are NO Republicans involved in these inner city issues, Democrats try to use their own failures to draw votes

- Are just pushing endless Marxism, and for real. Not like the old days where they just ran as Marxists. They want single payer and government control over energy, financial services just to start

That while the Libertarian Party is now just a gag party

- Bob Barr, Gary Johnson and Gary Johnson? Three candidates in a row that weren't even libertarian

- Finally in 2020, we got Jo Jorgensen who is at least libertarian, but the Libertarian Party again had to prove it's just a gag party by picking Spike Cohen, the anarchist running mate of Vermin, a performance artist who wears a shoe as a hat and isn't even libertarian. The party can't be taken seriously at this point

I argued since circa 1990 thirty years ago that it really didn't matter if you didn't listen to the words and just looked at what they actually did. Now it matters. Not because the Republican have gotten any better, they haven't. But the Democrats have gone off the deep end. No more sticking our heads in the sand and pretending the parties are the same, they are not. And Democrats are to a point like despots and dictators that the have to be stopped.

Frankly if you can't vote Republican, at least vote for another third party until the Libertarian Party pulls its head out of its ass. Gone were the days of Harry Browne where we could vote for an actual libertarian. Badnarik wasn't bad either. But since then, it's sad

Hell. No. Trump is the polar opposite of libertarian.
Yea but libertarians will vote for trump don’t worry. Libertarians are just cons who’ve been let down by republicans too much to say they are republicans.
People who call themselves libertarians, yet vote Republican aren't libertarians - big L or otherwise, they're just Republicans who don't want to admit they're Republicans.

LO2E is fraud.
Voting for ANYONE other than Trump is playing Russian Roulette with our nation. Your personal values won't save you from a radical take over of our nation.
Biden is a moderate not a radical

He will return us to normalcy
Biden has dementia...he isn’t going to be running anything.
Trumps got dementia too. He’s literally gone insane.
If that were true you idiots would have tried harder to present a decent candidate. You didn’t.
Trump is a decent man?

She said decent "candidate." Your reading skills are just awful. Don't you want better for your children than the crappy government education you got?
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall.

My family will be ok for at least the next generation and with the head start they’ve gotten from their rich father their kids will probably do well too.

Cant say that for most of you struggling middle class Americans but if you think trumps going to make your life better by all means vote for him, sucker
Yes,we have already established that lefties hate the middle class. Thanks for confirming that.
It was Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Nope,it’s currently the Democratic Party. How many middle class businesses that were open and thriving in January are now gone for good due to the faux COVID shutdown and democratic power grab? Thousands. And they didn’t go out of business due to lack of customers or demand. How many workers did the democrats put in the unemployment line?
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall.

My family will be ok for at least the next generation and with the head start they’ve gotten from their rich father their kids will probably do well too.

Cant say that for most of you struggling middle class Americans but if you think trumps going to make your life better by all means vote for him, sucker
Yes,we have already established that lefties hate the middle class. Thanks for confirming that.
It was Reagan who destroyed the middle class

Just more of your empty tripe

Nowhere does that article support your contention that the middle class was destroyed or that Reagan destroyed it
Anything else you want to put on your wish list of free government shit you want? I don't see cheese on the list. Free government cheese is the best. You should ask for that too

I can afford my own cheese.

The thing is, none of us can really afford Medical Treatment if we got really sick. This is what I figured out when I busted up my knee in 2007 and Cigna and my employer screwed me over. This was AFTER I paid premiums for years.

So we either...

1) Have a system of insurance, and hope the insurance companies don't rip us off and bankrupt us to make a bigger profit.


2) Have a system of government run health care, and don't put the Republicans in charge again because they'll only fuck it up.


Get government out of the way and let people deal with their health care as they see fit.
Anything else you want to put on your wish list of free government shit you want? I don't see cheese on the list. Free government cheese is the best. You should ask for that too

I can afford my own cheese.

The thing is, none of us can really afford Medical Treatment if we got really sick. This is what I figured out when I busted up my knee in 2007 and Cigna and my employer screwed me over. This was AFTER I paid premiums for years.

So we either...

1) Have a system of insurance, and hope the insurance companies don't rip us off and bankrupt us to make a bigger profit.


2) Have a system of government run health care, and don't put the Republicans in charge again because they'll only fuck it up.


Get government out of the way and let people deal with their health care as they see fit.

Government has done nothing but screw up health care. And the worse they make it, the more the leftists want government to take more control over it. They aren't people that learn
Obviously you are lying because a lawyer would have fixed it if they denied you a benefit you paid for.

If I wanted to spend, what, 10 years fighting it. The thing is, this has ALREADY been litigated. The contract for insurance is between the Employer and the Insurance company... The employee has no standing.

You don't pay money for an amorphous thing called medical treatment. You have a contract saying what you pay and specifically what you get for it. And that contract is enforced by the courts. They can't just not pay you

Sure they can. They do it all the time, and at the time, Cigna was notorious for finding ways to not pay people after they paid the premiums. Ed Hanaway, all around piece of shit, got nearly 100 Million Dollars in a separation package because he was so good at keeping Cigna from paying the suckers.

Amber was in Dallas, a blue city. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't actually. Anton in Baton Rouge is pretty mixed. But all the protests are in big blue cities where no Republicans are involved.

Again, the GOP is the one backing the thug cops, Democrats are the ones working for reform..... The Cop Unions are getting behind Trumpenfuhrer right now.

You made that up. I live in the South and there is no evidence that the racists changed parties and a lot of evidence they didn't. You realize there are two parties down here, it's not just one. Democrats know so little about so much. And government schools sure don't help

Yeah, I've been to the South, buddy. Dumb, inbred racist morons who are still flying the Confederate Flag like that's something to be proud of.
Government has done nothing but screw up health care. And the worse they make it, the more the leftists want government to take more control over it. They aren't people that learn

Uh, buddy, most people on Medicare are pleased with it. So pleased, some of you inbreds don't even realize it's a government program.


Private insurance, not so much.

I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall

Michigan State? OMG, they couldn't get into a real school? What a waste of money then on "really expensive private schools." Mighigan fucking State.

Buy hey, if they want to grow corn or stick their hand inside a cow, they are going to do all right there.

Go Blue!
That’s funny. MSU is the second best school in Michigan and it’s nationally known in corporate America.

My brother did alright going to MSU. He’s now a vp of a Fortune 500. He got a masters in labor and industrial relations. HR stuff. At the end of the masters program Fortune 500 companies came in and gave everyone a paid internship paying them $60,000 and that was good money in the 1990s. Corporate America only sends recruiters to the best schools to offer this. When they hired him he was immediately mid management making 6 figures.

What school did you go to? I went to eastern michigan university. Now they don’t send recruiters to emu I’ll give you that but you can’t seriously make fun of MSU. Says you don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall

Michigan State? OMG, they couldn't get into a real school? What a waste of money then on "really expensive private schools." Mighigan fucking State.

Buy hey, if they want to grow corn or stick their hand inside a cow, they are going to do all right there.

Go Blue!

Know what Michigan and Michigan State students have in common? They were all accepted by Michigan State.
That’s true. Michigan is the better university. The smartest students go to Michigan but then when they graduate they go to work for MSU grads.
Government has done nothing but screw up health care. And the worse they make it, the more the leftists want government to take more control over it. They aren't people that learn

Uh, buddy, most people on Medicare are pleased with it. So pleased, some of you inbreds don't even realize it's a government program.

Why do you want Trump in charge of your health insurance?
  • Thanks
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You know what's even funnier about this is that it's an all Democrat issue. Democrat cities, Democrats city counsels, Democrat police unions, Democrat governors and you think it's Republicans and libertarians doing this when we have no say over it at all. It's all you, Holmes. Democrats are the party of the KKK, segregation, slavery, Jim Crow and police brutality. Blacks need you like they need a knee on their neck. Oh yeah, you give them that too

Actually, a lot of these incidents happen where the GOP is in charge... Amber Guyver was in Texas. Anton Sterling was in Louisiana...

Amber was in Dallas, a blue city. I'd say nice try, but it wasn't actually. Anton in Baton Rouge is pretty mixed. But all the protests are in big blue cities where no Republicans are involved.

Fact check rates your post: False

The babbling about "Jim Crow" is kind of funny. We threw those people out and the GOP welcomed them with open arms in Tricky Dick's Southern Strategy.

You made that up. I live in the South and there is no evidence that the racists changed parties and a lot of evidence they didn't. You realize there are two parties down here, it's not just one. Democrats know so little about so much. And government schools sure don't help
Just remember your kids when they graduate high school they have to come to us for work because there are no job openings in your hick towns.
Government has done nothing but screw up health care. And the worse they make it, the more the leftists want government to take more control over it. They aren't people that learn

Uh, buddy, most people on Medicare are pleased with it. So pleased, some of you inbreds don't even realize it's a government program.

Why do you want Trump in charge of your health insurance?
If I don’t have healthcare at all is that better?
I don’t have kids and my two nephews go to really expensive private schools. The oldest is going to Michigan state university in the fall

Michigan State? OMG, they couldn't get into a real school? What a waste of money then on "really expensive private schools." Mighigan fucking State.

Buy hey, if they want to grow corn or stick their hand inside a cow, they are going to do all right there.

Go Blue!

Know what Michigan and Michigan State students have in common? They were all accepted by Michigan State.
That’s true. Michigan is the better university. The smartest students go to Michigan but then when they graduate they go to work for MSU grads.
Nice try. Lame, but nice.

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