The Bell Curve and it's 'Racist' authors?

abu afak

Mar 3, 2006
This infamous book you've all heard is hate speech.
Who are the co-authors exactly?
Alt-Right? Neo-Nazis?
What's in the book anyway?

Richard Herrnstein, died the week before the book came out.
He was a superb psychologist at Harvard, and holder of the chair previously held by famed B.F. Skinner.

Has anyone ever seen or read Charles Murray- or have you just been programmed?
Here's the 'Devil Incarnate'.
Please watch at least 5 or 10 minutes of the first. It will change your outlook.
Preferably all of it.

Charles Murray - c-span Booknotes - 1995
just after issue

Invited to Harvard on the 20th Anniversay of Bell Curve - 2014

Yes, that's who most of you Leftist idiots have been trained to think is Hitler.
Murray is a gentleman/scholar of the highest magnitude: and of course, 100% correct.
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This came out the year after I graduated from teacher's college, and we never heard anything about this. I never knew anything about it until I came to this board, actually, and you know what?
The bell curve and the IQ differences don't mean squat in the classroom and I'm guessing they don't mean squat much of anywhere else, since IQ tests are designed as a predictor of academic success. That's it.
So much for our daily thread of "blacks are stupid."
This came out the year after I graduated from teacher's college, and we never heard anything about this. I never knew anything about it until I came to this board, actually, and you know what?
The bell curve and the IQ differences don't mean squat in the classroom and I'm guessing they don't mean squat much of anywhere else, since IQ tests are designed as a predictor of academic success. That's it.
So much for our daily thread of "blacks are stupid."
Actually, you ingnorant ****, IQ is THEE single best predictor of academic success AND Life outcome.

It is 88% Correlated with ie, SAT test results as well.

You ignorant nasty ***, crawl back in your stupid hole.
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This infamous book you've all heard is hate speech.
Who are the co-authors exactly?
Alt-Right? Neo-Nazis?
What's in the book anyway?

Richard Herrnstein, died the week before the book came out.
He was a superb psychologist at Harvard, and holder of the chair previously held by famed B.F. Skinner.

Has anyone ever seen or read Charles Murray- or have you just been programmed?
Here's the 'Devil Incarnate'.
Please watch at least 5 or 10 minutes of the first. It will change your outlook.
Preferably all of it.

Charles Murray - c-span Booknotes - 1995
just after issue

Invited to Harvard on the 20th Anniversay of Bell Curve - 2014

Yes, that's who most of you Leftist idiots have been trained to think is Hitler.
Murray is a gentleman/scholar of the highest magnitude: and of course, 100% correct.

It’s a great book. And it’s worth reading if you aren’t thin skinned. The results are what they are. And be prepared for countless dozens of posters to chime in and tell you how racist it is, while never having read it themselves. I’ve been down this road before on this site, with this book. If you are a lover of truth, you’ll find the book to be an informative, and fascinating read.
It should be required reading in schools. Especially given their insistence on “tolerance”. What better way to develop tolerance than through understanding?
This came out the year after I graduated from teacher's college, and we never heard anything about this. I never knew anything about it until I came to this board, actually, and you know what?
The bell curve and the IQ differences don't mean squat in the classroom and I'm guessing they don't mean squat much of anywhere else, since IQ tests are designed as a predictor of academic success. That's it.
So much for our daily thread of "blacks are stupid."
Actually, you ingnorant ****, IQ is THEE single best predictor of academic success, AND Life outcome.

It is 88% Correlated with ie, SAT test results as well.

You ignorant nasty ***, crawl back in your stupid hole.
And to imagine these type of people have access to impressionable children, and are allowed to masquerade as educators. Sickening isn’t it?
This came out the year after I graduated from teacher's college, and we never heard anything about this. I never knew anything about it until I came to this board, actually, and you know what?
The bell curve and the IQ differences don't mean squat in the classroom and I'm guessing they don't mean squat much of anywhere else, since IQ tests are designed as a predictor of academic success. That's it.
So much for our daily thread of "blacks are stupid."
Anyone can manipulate data, a good example is deaths from opioids is about 66,000 deaths from alcohol is 88,000 and this does not include DWI . So this would indicate booze is more deadly than drugs. When data is presented as facts to backup a statement it should be questioned closely.
It’s a great book. And it’s worth reading if you aren’t thin skinned. The results are what they are. And be prepared for countless dozens of posters to chime in and tell you how racist it is, while never having read it themselves. I’ve been down this road before on this site, with this book. If you are a lover of truth, you’ll find the book to be an informative, and fascinating read.
It should be required reading in schools. Especially given their insistence on “tolerance”. What better way to develop tolerance than through understanding?
97% of the the populus has been taught this is the Devil's work: "Racist" etc.
Virtually every student has been 'taught' this is hate speech, etc

I made this post here, and have made it on several student boards.
That's what spawned it actually.
I really want people to see exactly WHO they kept off campus.
They think he/they are some alt-right characters.
And their biased teachers who programmed those students to shout him down (ie, see the old wretch above), also have no idea what they're talking about, and have never read it.

Schools/and much of society feel it's dangerous to point out there are different avg IQs among groups. That students couldn't cope with it. Too depressing for some groups.
But everyone is an individual who may be high or low IQed, though probabilities differ.
'Whites' aren't devastated by the fact Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians have higher average IQs. They don't throw in the towel on life.
This only seems an issue because it explains the lack of success of mainly one group. That's where the **** (read 'TRUTH') hit's the fan, and why the whole subject is the most taboo one in our society.
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It’s a great book. And it’s worth reading if you aren’t thin skinned. The results are what they are. And be prepared for countless dozens of posters to chime in and tell you how racist it is, while never having read it themselves. I’ve been down this road before on this site, with this book. If you are a lover of truth, you’ll find the book to be an informative, and fascinating read.
It should be required reading in schools. Especially given their insistence on “tolerance”. What better way to develop tolerance than through understanding?
97% of the the populus has been taught this is the Devil's work: "Racist" etc.
Virtually every student has been 'taught' this is hate speech, etc

I made this post here, and have made it on several student boards.
That's what spawned it actually.
I really want people to see exactly WHO they kept off campus.
They think he/they are some alt-right characters.
And their biased teachers who programmed those students to shout him down (ie, see the old twat above), also have no idea what they're talking about and have never read it.

Schools/and much of society feel it's dangerous to point out there are different avg IQs among groups. That students couldn't cope with it. Too depressing for some groups.
But everyone is an individual who may be high or low IQed, though probabilities differ,

'Whites' aren't devastated by the fact Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians have higher IQs. They don't throw in the towel on life.
This only seems an issue because it explains the lack of success of mainly one group. That's where the **** (read 'TRUTH') hit's the fan, and why the whole subject is the most taboo one in our society.
I have never "shouted anyone down" or told my students to. I am a teacher. I teach respectful listening, which is certainly more than you ever learned.

IQ is NOT a predictor of life success, and any legitimate analysis of the test will tell you that. I presume you are basing that statement on the fact that students with high IQ scores tend to do well in college, and that statistically, those with college degrees earn more money than those without college degrees. You can also have a very high IQ and not be able to file your own taxes. Or cope with a five line business phone. Or get along with people and therefore live an isolated and unhappy life with your pile of books.

IQ within the "normal" range means very little to teachers. Everyone has different "gifts," though not all are gifted with academic brilliance. IQ is also not predictive of who will have a fulfilling, interesting or exemplary life as an adult.

You've apparently been a bit "triggered" by the fact that your hate thread isn't quite all it's cracked up to be.

IQ spread between blacks and whites as a group is a fact and it is real. In actual life, it means very little.
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I have never "shouted anyone down" or told my students to. I am a teacher. I teach respectful listening, which is certainly more than you ever learned.
you just tried to Shout ME down. LOFL

OldLady said:
IQ is NOT a predictor of life success, and any legitimate analysis of the test will tell you that. I presume you are basing that statement on the fact that students with high IQ scores tend to do well in college, and that statistically, those with college degrees earn more money than those without college degrees. You can also have a very high IQ and not be able to file your own taxes. Or cope with a five line business phone. Or get along with people and therefore live an isolated and unhappy life with your pile of books.
Aside from your anecdotes/exceptions, IQ is the best predictor or academic (again 88% correlated to SAT) and life outcomes.
Are there IQ geniuses who can't tie their shoes, or who are schizophrenic? Of course, but as overall smarter is better and gives better outcomes.
There are no Bill Gates' with 85 IQs. (the avg USA 'Black' IQ)

OldLady said:
You've apparently been a bit "triggered" by the fact that your hate thread of the day isn't quite all it's cracked up to be.
I post mainly in Environment, Science, and Politics.
I don't make a "hate thread of the day."
And you're the one who went Berserk/"got triggered."

OldLady said:
IQ spread between blacks and whites as a group is a fact and it is real. In actual life, it means very little.
"Actual life" and 'black', white, Asian, life outcomes DO Correlate with IQ.
What the hell are you talking about?
If one ignores (Occam's Razor) IQ, one has to explain it with 1000 Excuses/Contortions: test bias, self-guilty Racism, yet more covert 'structural racism,' etc, etc.

Of course, when one looks past our little country, what explains the great success of resourceLess NE Asia, but the abject failure of Resource-rich, and basically ungovernable sub-Saharan Africa.
The mess in the latter is explained/even Predicted by their average 70 IQ's.
And the success of the former by 106 IQ's.

And it's that way all over the planet: within countries and without.
Demography is destiny, here and worldwide.
And once one accepts the truth, one doesn't have to go around cursing people as "racists" to explain other's lack of success... or to explain even greater success of yet other groups.

EDIT: Immediately below we have a concession speech.
Claiming disagreement without reason/rebuttal.
(As opposed to my meaty posts above.)
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I have never "shouted anyone down" or told my students to. I am a teacher. I teach respectful listening, which is certainly more than you ever learned.
you just tried to Shout ME down. LOFL

OldLady said:
IQ is NOT a predictor of life success, and any legitimate analysis of the test will tell you that. I presume you are basing that statement on the fact that students with high IQ scores tend to do well in college, and that statistically, those with college degrees earn more money than those without college degrees. You can also have a very high IQ and not be able to file your own taxes. Or cope with a five line business phone. Or get along with people and therefore live an isolated and unhappy life with your pile of books.
Aside from your anecdotes/exceptions, IQ is the best predictor or academic (again 88% correlated to SAT) and life outcomes.
Are there IQ geniuses who can't tie their shoes, or who are schizophrenic? Of course, but as overall smarter is better and gives better outcomes.
There are no Bill Gates' with 85 IQs. (the avg USA 'Black' IQ)

OldLady said:
You've apparently been a bit "triggered" by the fact that your hate thread of the day isn't quite all it's cracked up to be.
I post mainly in Environment, Science, and Politics.
I don't make a "hate thread of the day."
And you're the one who went Berserk/"got triggered."

OldLady said:
IQ spread between blacks and whites as a group is a fact and it is real. In actual life, it means very little.
"Actual life" and 'black', white, Asian, life outcomes DO Correlate with IQ.
What the hell are you talking about?
If one ignores (Occam's Razor) IQ, one has to explain it with 1000 Excuses/Contortions: test bias, self-guilty Racism, yet more covert 'structural racism,' etc, etc.

Of course, when one looks past our little country, what explains the great success of resourceLess NE Asia, but the abject failure of Resource-rich, but basically ungovernable sub-Saharan Africa.
The mess in the latter is explained perfectly/only by their average 70 IQ's.
And the success of the former by 106 IQ's.

And it's that way all over the planet. Within countries and without.
Demography is destiny, here and worldwide.
And once one accepts the truth, one doesn't have to go around cursing people as "racists" to explain other's lack of success... or to explain even greater success of yet other groups.
This thread is all yours.
I disagree with your explanations of why the black race has not prospered, and I still think this is our daily "blacks are stupid" thread. In this country, the average point spread is not all that big a factor in how we teach or who does well.
This infamous book you've all heard is hate speech.
Who are the co-authors exactly?
Alt-Right? Neo-Nazis?
What's in the book anyway?

Richard Herrnstein, died the week before the book came out.
He was a superb psychologist at Harvard, and holder of the chair previously held by famed B.F. Skinner.

Has anyone ever seen or read Charles Murray- or have you just been programmed?
Here's the 'Devil Incarnate'.
Please watch at least 5 or 10 minutes of the first. It will change your outlook.
Preferably all of it.

Charles Murray - c-span Booknotes - 1995
just after issue

Invited to Harvard on the 20th Anniversay of Bell Curve - 2014

Yes, that's who most of you Leftist idiots have been trained to think is Hitler.
Murray is a gentleman/scholar of the highest magnitude: and of course, 100% correct.

It's a good book. Explains a lot.
It’s a great book. And it’s worth reading if you aren’t thin skinned. The results are what they are. And be prepared for countless dozens of posters to chime in and tell you how racist it is, while never having read it themselves. I’ve been down this road before on this site, with this book. If you are a lover of truth, you’ll find the book to be an informative, and fascinating read.
It should be required reading in schools. Especially given their insistence on “tolerance”. What better way to develop tolerance than through understanding?
97% of the the populus has been taught this is the Devil's work: "Racist" etc.
Virtually every student has been 'taught' this is hate speech, etc

I made this post here, and have made it on several student boards.
That's what spawned it actually.
I really want people to see exactly WHO they kept off campus.
They think he/they are some alt-right characters.
And their biased teachers who programmed those students to shout him down (ie, see the old wretch above), also have no idea what they're talking about, and have never read it.

Schools/and much of society feel it's dangerous to point out there are different avg IQs among groups. That students couldn't cope with it. Too depressing for some groups.
But everyone is an individual who may be high or low IQed, though probabilities differ.
'Whites' aren't devastated by the fact Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians have higher average IQs. They don't throw in the towel on life.
This only seems an issue because it explains the lack of success of mainly one group. That's where the **** (read 'TRUTH') hit's the fan, and why the whole subject is the most taboo one in our society.
Let me know when Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians decide to use the highly contextualized concept of IQ determining superiority as a basis for the extermination of all other "inferior" races...

For the most part, the rest of the world could careless if you white supremacists want to break out the Jergens and have a circle jerk reading the Bell Curve -- what you will not do is be able to base policy off of your delusions.
This came out the year after I graduated from teacher's college, and we never heard anything about this. I never knew anything about it until I came to this board, actually, and you know what?
The bell curve and the IQ differences don't mean squat in the classroom and I'm guessing they don't mean squat much of anywhere else, since IQ tests are designed as a predictor of academic success. That's it.
So much for our daily thread of "blacks are stupid."
Actually, you ingnorant ****, IQ is THEE single best predictor of academic success, AND Life outcome.

It is 88% Correlated with ie, SAT test results as well.

You ignorant nasty ***, crawl back in your stupid hole.
And to imagine these type of people have access to impressionable children, and are allowed to masquerade as educators. Sickening isn’t it?
Right. I'm the one who is sickening for NOT jumping on the blacks are stupid bandwagon. I'm the ignorant nasty **** for that. I would say you are a might sensitive.
This came out the year after I graduated from teacher's college, and we never heard anything about this. I never knew anything about it until I came to this board, actually, and you know what?
The bell curve and the IQ differences don't mean squat in the classroom and I'm guessing they don't mean squat much of anywhere else, since IQ tests are designed as a predictor of academic success. That's it.
So much for our daily thread of "blacks are stupid."
Actually, you ingnorant ****, IQ is THEE single best predictor of academic success, AND Life outcome.

It is 88% Correlated with ie, SAT test results as well.

You ignorant nasty ***, crawl back in your stupid hole.
And to imagine these type of people have access to impressionable children, and are allowed to masquerade as educators. Sickening isn’t it?
Right. I'm the one who is sickening for NOT jumping on the blacks are stupid bandwagon. I'm the ignorant nasty **** for that. I would say you are a might sensitive.
Do you teach your students about the IQ disparity between races?
It’s a great book. And it’s worth reading if you aren’t thin skinned. The results are what they are. And be prepared for countless dozens of posters to chime in and tell you how racist it is, while never having read it themselves. I’ve been down this road before on this site, with this book. If you are a lover of truth, you’ll find the book to be an informative, and fascinating read.
It should be required reading in schools. Especially given their insistence on “tolerance”. What better way to develop tolerance than through understanding?
97% of the the populus has been taught this is the Devil's work: "Racist" etc.
Virtually every student has been 'taught' this is hate speech, etc

I made this post here, and have made it on several student boards.
That's what spawned it actually.
I really want people to see exactly WHO they kept off campus.
They think he/they are some alt-right characters.
And their biased teachers who programmed those students to shout him down (ie, see the old wretch above), also have no idea what they're talking about, and have never read it.

Schools/and much of society feel it's dangerous to point out there are different avg IQs among groups. That students couldn't cope with it. Too depressing for some groups.
But everyone is an individual who may be high or low IQed, though probabilities differ.
'Whites' aren't devastated by the fact Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians have higher average IQs. They don't throw in the towel on life.
This only seems an issue because it explains the lack of success of mainly one group. That's where the **** (read 'TRUTH') hit's the fan, and why the whole subject is the most taboo one in our society.
Let me know when Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians decide to use the highly contextualized concept of IQ determining superiority as a basis for the extermination of all other "inferior" races...

For the most part, the rest of the world could careless if you white supremacists want to break out the Jergens and have a circle jerk reading the Bell Curve -- what you will not do is be able to base policy off of your delusions.
You are very confused.. Warped actually.

You are accusing any/all (sane) people who acknowledge that there are race differences, and acknowledge the undeniable fact that part of those differences is IQ/intelligence, of being "White Supremacists," despite them acknowledging the fact that NE Asians (1/4 of the Planet), and a few Jews, have higher IQ's than they do.

I don't imagine the boys at Stormfront (or the like) would be happy if you posted those facts.

And "Superiority" and "Inferiority" are needlessly polarizing/'strawman-ning'.
ALL races, of course, have relative advantages and disadvantages based on their separate evolution/adaptation.
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It’s a great book. And it’s worth reading if you aren’t thin skinned. The results are what they are. And be prepared for countless dozens of posters to chime in and tell you how racist it is, while never having read it themselves. I’ve been down this road before on this site, with this book. If you are a lover of truth, you’ll find the book to be an informative, and fascinating read.
It should be required reading in schools. Especially given their insistence on “tolerance”. What better way to develop tolerance than through understanding?
97% of the the populus has been taught this is the Devil's work: "Racist" etc.
Virtually every student has been 'taught' this is hate speech, etc

I made this post here, and have made it on several student boards.
That's what spawned it actually.
I really want people to see exactly WHO they kept off campus.
They think he/they are some alt-right characters.
And their biased teachers who programmed those students to shout him down (ie, see the old wretch above), also have no idea what they're talking about, and have never read it.

Schools/and much of society feel it's dangerous to point out there are different avg IQs among groups. That students couldn't cope with it. Too depressing for some groups.
But everyone is an individual who may be high or low IQed, though probabilities differ.
'Whites' aren't devastated by the fact Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians have higher average IQs. They don't throw in the towel on life.
This only seems an issue because it explains the lack of success of mainly one group. That's where the **** (read 'TRUTH') hit's the fan, and why the whole subject is the most taboo one in our society.
Let me know when Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians decide to use the highly contextualized concept of IQ determining superiority as a basis for the extermination of all other "inferior" races...

For the most part, the rest of the world could careless if you white supremacists want to break out the Jergens and have a circle jerk reading the Bell Curve -- what you will not do is be able to base policy off of your delusions.
You are very confused.. Warped actually.

You are accusing any/all (sane) people who acknowledge that there are race differences, and acknowledge the undeniable fact that part of those differences is IQ/intelligence, of being "White Supremacists," despite them acknowledging the fact that NE Asians (1/4 of the Planet), and a few Jews, have higher IQ's than they do.

I don't imagine the boys at Stormfront (or the like) would be happy if you posted those facts.

And "Superiority" and "Inferiority" are needlessly polarizing/'strawman-ning'.
ALL races, of course, have relative advantages and disadvantages based on their separate evolution/adaptation.

You should know what those "boys" at Stormfront would say...but I am sure they know about using an arbitrary IQ test to determine racial superiority since it were the Nazis who did it to the extreme -- which is what happens when white supremacists get to implement their delusions, other people get slaughtered..

Then idiots like you want to try to dredge up the same BS as a way to say "what's the big deal, I am just speaking scientific facts" -- that is usually what closet racists say when they have to be covert about their bigotry...Here is what Nazis said about that pseudo-science:

"The Nazis believed that they were simply applying facts, proven by science, to produce a superior race of humans as part of their plan for a better world"

- Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust -

...but like I said, you can claim you are the superior race all day long while you guys act out scenes from the Turner Diaries -- you will NOT be able to use your delusions to set policy, you have been defeated in that regard.
This infamous book you've all heard is hate speech.
Who are the co-authors exactly?
Alt-Right? Neo-Nazis?
What's in the book anyway?

Richard Herrnstein, died the week before the book came out.
He was a superb psychologist at Harvard, and holder of the chair previously held by famed B.F. Skinner.

Has anyone ever seen or read Charles Murray- or have you just been programmed?
Here's the 'Devil Incarnate'.
Please watch at least 5 or 10 minutes of the first. It will change your outlook.
Preferably all of it.

Charles Murray - c-span Booknotes - 1995
just after issue

Invited to Harvard on the 20th Anniversay of Bell Curve - 2014

Yes, that's who most of you Leftist idiots have been trained to think is Hitler.
Murray is a gentleman/scholar of the highest magnitude: and of course, 100% correct.
I am black. I am dumb. I have low IQ. White people are on average smarter than me (and black people in general) Asians people are on average smarter than me (and black people in general).

Black people are dumbest people on the planet (on average) and we are the most violent (on average) and we listen to rap all day. We smoke blunts. We speak in Ebonics. We have tons of kids we can't afford.

Black people are just the curse of all societies

OK. We got that out the way.

Now let's get the doing part

Once again. All I want to know from these guys who are always running around trying to prove how stupid black people are

What do you with a race of black people who are by nature inherently inferior ?
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You should know what those "boys" at Stormfront would say...
but I am sure they know about using an arbitrary IQ test to determine racial superiority since it were the Nazis who did it to the extreme
-- which is what happens when white supremacists get to implement their delusions, other people get slaughtered..
Ahh, another offended but utterly Ignorant Chirp.
Yes I DO KNOW, you do NOT.

Actually, Hitler banned IQ tests because they (the Jews) Ruined his ideas about Aryan Supremacy.
(Completely Ass-backwards Ignorant you are. Now YOU want to dump the tests)
Just like Jesse Owens did in the 1936 Olympics in the physical realm.

Biff_Poindexter said:
...but like I said, you can claim you are the superior race all day long while you guys act out scenes from the Turner Diaries -- you will NOT be able to use your delusions to set policy, you have been defeated in that regard.
"Turner Diaries"?
I am an (Anti-Trump) science buff/geek. I post mostly in Environment, Sci, and Politics, etc

You really are a Knee Jerk Clown who has no intellect, and tries to grenade/flame-throw an attempted sober discussion with "Nazi", Turner Diaries, etc, etc.
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It’s a great book. And it’s worth reading if you aren’t thin skinned. The results are what they are. And be prepared for countless dozens of posters to chime in and tell you how racist it is, while never having read it themselves. I’ve been down this road before on this site, with this book. If you are a lover of truth, you’ll find the book to be an informative, and fascinating read.
It should be required reading in schools. Especially given their insistence on “tolerance”. What better way to develop tolerance than through understanding?
97% of the the populus has been taught this is the Devil's work: "Racist" etc.
Virtually every student has been 'taught' this is hate speech, etc

I made this post here, and have made it on several student boards.
That's what spawned it actually.
I really want people to see exactly WHO they kept off campus.
They think he/they are some alt-right characters.
And their biased teachers who programmed those students to shout him down (ie, see the old wretch above), also have no idea what they're talking about, and have never read it.

Schools/and much of society feel it's dangerous to point out there are different avg IQs among groups. That students couldn't cope with it. Too depressing for some groups.
But everyone is an individual who may be high or low IQed, though probabilities differ.
'Whites' aren't devastated by the fact Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians have higher average IQs. They don't throw in the towel on life.
This only seems an issue because it explains the lack of success of mainly one group. That's where the **** (read 'TRUTH') hit's the fan, and why the whole subject is the most taboo one in our society.
Let me know when Ashkenazi Jews and NE Asians decide to use the highly contextualized concept of IQ determining superiority as a basis for the extermination of all other "inferior" races...

For the most part, the rest of the world could careless if you white supremacists want to break out the Jergens and have a circle jerk reading the Bell Curve -- what you will not do is be able to base policy off of your delusions.
The term you are looking for is COULDN'T care less.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that if you could care less, you quite obviously must care - a far cry from the concept you intended.
This came out the year after I graduated from teacher's college, and we never heard anything about this. I never knew anything about it until I came to this board, actually, and you know what?
The bell curve and the IQ differences don't mean squat in the classroom and I'm guessing they don't mean squat much of anywhere else, since IQ tests are designed as a predictor of academic success. That's it.
So much for our daily thread of "blacks are stupid."
Actually, you ingnorant ****, IQ is THEE single best predictor of academic success, AND Life outcome.

It is 88% Correlated with ie, SAT test results as well.

You ignorant nasty ***, crawl back in your stupid hole.
And to imagine these type of people have access to impressionable children, and are allowed to masquerade as educators. Sickening isn’t it?
Right. I'm the one who is sickening for NOT jumping on the blacks are stupid bandwagon. I'm the ignorant nasty **** for that. I would say you are a might sensitive.
Do you teach your students about the IQ disparity between races?
Not unless they bring it up.

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