Zone1 The Argument For DEI


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Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
The more racists clamor about DEI, the more they prove its neccessity. Maybe one day, there will be whites who can actually consider that a person of color who gets hired is qualified.

The more racists clamor about DEI, the more they prove its neccessity. Maybe one day, there will be whites who can actually consider that a person of color who gets hired is qualified.
There are definitely qualified candidates from every racial and ethnic background for any job. However, when an employer decides to, or is forced to, ONLY consider candidates with a minority status they risk ignoring the MOST qualified candidate.
Right now we are producing Doctors who can't diagnose because of dei......oooops.
The med schools are the most leftist. They had the MCAT ”dumbed down” so as to “equitize” the scores between blacks and Latinos, who averaged much lower, and the whites and Asians, who averaged much higher.

Getting unqualified applicants into medical school because of “equity” and “diversity” is the result.
The more racists clamor about DEI, the more they prove its neccessity. Maybe one day, there will be whites who can actually consider that a person of color who gets hired is qualified.

I've met lots of blacks who were qualified.

I've also met DEI picks who had absolutely no business being there other than some HR Mutant was trying to check a box.
The med schools are the most leftist. They had the MCAT ”dumbed down” so as to “equitize” the scores between blacks and Latinos, who averaged much lower, and the whites and Asians, who averaged much higher.

Getting unqualified applicants into medical school because of “equity” and “diversity” is the result.

Um, okay. So what?

Here's the problem. When you only have Asians and Whites becoming doctors, the black and Hispanic communities end up being underserved.

So if you are a black person who needs to see a doctor, would you rather see one who scored a little lower on his MCAT, or not see anyone at all because the more "qualified" people won't set up shop in your neighborhood?
There are definitely qualified candidates from every racial and ethnic background for any job. However, when an employer decides to, or is forced to, ONLY consider candidates with a minority status they risk ignoring the MOST qualified candidate.

Um, okay.

Hey, you know what. The current job I have I have because a former co-worker recommended me. I am positive that there were people who had more qualifications on their resume, who maybe had more relevant experience, but I got the nod because i had a connection. Two jobs back, same situation, and that job was a horrible fit that didn't work out for anyone.

In my career, I've worked with a lot of white nitwits who got the job because they were related to the boss, sleeping with the boss, or drinking buddies with the boss, and they were often more worthless than any DEI Hire.
There are definitely qualified candidates from every racial and ethnic background for any job. However, when an employer decides to, or is forced to, ONLY consider candidates with a minority status they risk ignoring the MOST qualified candidate.

Um, okay. So what?

Here's the problem. When you only have Asians and Whites becoming doctors, the black and Hispanic communities end up being underserved.

So if you are a black person who needs to see a doctor, would you rather see one who scored a little lower on his MCAT, or not see anyone at all because the more "qualified" people won't set up shop in your neighborhood?
Why.....are they so special they can only see black not that racism.....It is an impossibility to engineer "equity" in every profession
There are definitely qualified candidates from every racial and ethnic background for any job. However, when an employer decides to, or is forced to, ONLY consider candidates with a minority status they risk ignoring the MOST qualified candidate.
Worse than that. It is not ONLY a risk that they ignore the most qualified candidate, the odds are that they do. That’s because if you ignore the majority of people (whites are still close to 70%) because you are determined to exclude them from consideration, there is a 70% likelihood that the best is among the excluded group.

My doctor is a POC, but I’m good with that - she’s the best doctor I’ve ever had, actually - because she is in her 50s. I would NOT go to a young black doctor. He MIGHT have qualified because he was an excellent candidate, but then again, he might have qualified because he was black and the school wanted more diversity.

You kmow whom this hurts the most? The blacks who would have qualified under merit anyway. Now potential patients wonder if he was among the 2/3rds of blacks who got in because of their “blackness” or the 1/3rd who would have gotten in regardless.
We have doctors who graduated 40 years ago and haven't bothered to learn anything new. what is your point?
Got some stats or proof if that.....yeah didn't think so. Thank God I had an old doc when I injured my back who didn't jump right to a surgical solution.or other newest fad.
Got some stats or proof if that.....yeah didn't think so. Thank God I had an old doc when I injured my back who didn't jump right to a surgical solution.or other newest fad.

help yourself... But it has a lot of big words, so I am sure you'll be confused.

In our study, which was recently published in The BMJ, we found that U.S. Medicare patients treated by older physicians were more likely to die within 30 days of hospitalization, compared with patients treated by younger physicians — unless the older physicians were used to treating large numbers of patients each year.
People question whether blacks are qualified because of affirmative action and DEI. We know that these programs are putting unqualified blacks into positions that they don't deserve. And yes, we all know about nepotism. Nobody thinks that Don Jr., Eric, or Ivanka started from the bottom of the Trump organization and worked their way up. Most importantly, however, is that we need to know what DEI really means:

Diversity equals White replacement
Equity equals forced equal outcomes
Inclusion equals conformity

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