Thank You, Dad......

Dale Smith

Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas
My father, Ronnie Dale Smith, passed away yesterday at 1:15 pm. He was a cowboy at heart that loved horses and knew a lot about them. The only footwear he felt comfortable in were cowboy boots that he took immaculate care of. I would estimate that he had a dozen pair. We were not "rich" by any stretch of the imagination but he always provided for us even during the worst of times. He loved us three boys very much.

He bonded with us the most by dedicating three hours every Sunday after church watching the Dallas Cowboys play with out fail. He is the one that sparked my interest in the game. Those are some awesome memories for me. He was wise and he shared a lot of wisdom with me but most importantly, he taught me about the love of our Heavenly father.

He loved one very special lady, my mom. I learned what real love was by his example. You see, my mom was basically bed-ridden the last ten years of her life. My dad lived to care for her and make her as comfortable as possible and never one time did he ever complain. He was lost when she was taken from him and he never got over it. They are together now and what a joyous reunion it must be. This song is for you, ya and I will miss you until we meet on the other side.

((( Dale Smith ))) I know exactly what you mean, I went throught the exact same not too long ago. :icon_cry:

Bless and strenght for you Dale, and may your Dad Rest in Peace.
Bless you and your Brothers...

I loved my dad so much. He walked the walk. I remember him facing down some punks at a drive-in hamburger joint when two black youths walked up to the window and wanted to buy some food. I was only seven at the time. The lady at the window said that they didn't serve their kind. Now mind you, my dad was small in stature but he was often compared to Walt Garrison, a former running back for the Dallas Cowboys and they resembled each other. He was as tough as they come..old school. He was a peace officer at the time. He got out of the car and told that lady to serve them and be quick about it. Right across from the window was a picnic table were some high school aged punks that were bigger than my dad that were cat-calling the two black youths and he faced them down. He showed his badge and they made a quick retreat. He put the fear of God in the owners of that establishment and that he would make it his mission to insure that no one would be treated that way if he had anything to say about it. My dad stood for something and even at that young age, I knew that what he did was right.
My father, Ronnie Dale Smith, passed away yesterday at 1:15 pm. He was a cowboy at heart that loved horses and knew a lot about them. The only footwear he felt comfortable in were cowboy boots that he took immaculate care of. I would estimate that he had a dozen pair. We were not "rich" by any stretch of the imagination but he always provided for us even during the worst of times. He loved us three boys very much.

He bonded with us the most by dedicating three hours every Sunday after church watching the Dallas Cowboys play with out fail. He is the one that sparked my interest in the game. Those are some awesome memories for me. He was wise and he shared a lot of wisdom with me but most importantly, he taught me about the love of our Heavenly father.

He loved one very special lady, my mom. I learned what real love was by his example. You see, my mom was basically bed-ridden the last ten years of her life. My dad lived to care for her and make her as comfortable as possible and never one time did he ever complain. He was lost when she was taken from him and he never got over it. They are together now and what a joyous reunion it must be. This song is for you, ya and I will miss you until we meet on the other side.

That is a beautiful tribute to your dad. I know you miss him, but as he taught you, you will be with him again. Your thoughts comfort you at this sad time. That is how it should be. I will pray for you tonight.
My father, Ronnie Dale Smith, passed away yesterday at 1:15 pm. He was a cowboy at heart that loved horses and knew a lot about them. The only footwear he felt comfortable in were cowboy boots that he took immaculate care of. I would estimate that he had a dozen pair. We were not "rich" by any stretch of the imagination but he always provided for us even during the worst of times. He loved us three boys very much.

He bonded with us the most by dedicating three hours every Sunday after church watching the Dallas Cowboys play with out fail. He is the one that sparked my interest in the game. Those are some awesome memories for me. He was wise and he shared a lot of wisdom with me but most importantly, he taught me about the love of our Heavenly father.

He loved one very special lady, my mom. I learned what real love was by his example. You see, my mom was basically bed-ridden the last ten years of her life. My dad lived to care for her and make her as comfortable as possible and never one time did he ever complain. He was lost when she was taken from him and he never got over it. They are together now and what a joyous reunion it must be. This song is for you, ya and I will miss you until we meet on the other side.

I prayed 3 Our Fathers and Hail Marys for your dad, mom, and you
I loved my dad so much. He walked the walk. I remember him facing down some punks at a drive-in hamburger joint when two black youths walked up to the window and wanted to buy some food. I was only seven at the time. The lady at the window said that they didn't serve their kind. Now mind you, my dad was small in stature but he was often compared to Walt Garrison, a former running back for the Dallas Cowboys and they resembled each other. He was as tough as they come..old school. He was a peace officer at the time. He got out of the car and told that lady to serve them and be quick about it. Right across from the window was a picnic table were some high school aged punks that were bigger than my dad that were cat-calling the two black youths and he faced them down. He showed his badge and they made a quick retreat. He put the fear of God in the owners of that establishment and that he would make it his mission to insure that no one would be treated that way if he had anything to say about it. My dad stood for something and even at that young age, I knew that what he did was right.
Ok... I'm not pretty sure anymore... I would have loved to have met him.
My most sincere condolences!

When I lost my dad I was wrecked...didn't know what to do for a while...was bumping into walls.

Hang in there buddy! The loss never goes away but the pain does become more bearable with time.
My father, Ronnie Dale Smith, passed away yesterday at 1:15 pm. He was a cowboy at heart that loved horses and knew a lot about them. The only footwear he felt comfortable in were cowboy boots that he took immaculate care of. I would estimate that he had a dozen pair. We were not "rich" by any stretch of the imagination but he always provided for us even during the worst of times. He loved us three boys very much.

He bonded with us the most by dedicating three hours every Sunday after church watching the Dallas Cowboys play with out fail. He is the one that sparked my interest in the game. Those are some awesome memories for me. He was wise and he shared a lot of wisdom with me but most importantly, he taught me about the love of our Heavenly father.

He loved one very special lady, my mom. I learned what real love was by his example. You see, my mom was basically bed-ridden the last ten years of her life. My dad lived to care for her and make her as comfortable as possible and never one time did he ever complain. He was lost when she was taken from him and he never got over it. They are together now and what a joyous reunion it must be. This song is for you, ya and I will miss you until we meet on the other side.

Sorry for your loss Dale. He sounds like he was a remarkable man, husband and father.
You have my sympathy’s Dale.I know how you feel having lost my parents at one time in my life,I was not close to my dad as you were but it was still tough on me.i can just imagine how it must be far more difficult on you than it was on me the fact you were so close to least he is in a good place now much better off there than being stuck here as we are.That should ease your pain the fact he left at the best time possible and does not have to see the future of this crazy world we live in or face the dangerous times ahead we do.
Sorry about the loss of your dad. I was happy for my dad when he died and didn't cry a tear. He was past ready to go. He had terminal cancer, his only brother had died a few months before, his baby sister had just found out she had the same pancreatic cancer that had killed their mother, and he was done. I had a good night watching some old movie he liked on TV with him in the hospital and he went south the next day. All he was cheated out of was a few more months of agony. His sister died a few weeks later from an infection she developed following surgery. Almost that entire generation of his family went in a mater of months.

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