Texas Gov Greg Abbot calls for firing teacher in Wylie ISD for racist cartoon


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

Gov. Greg Abbott Calls For TEA Investigation, Wants Wylie ISD Teacher Fired Over Assignment Comparing Police To KKK


Its still unclear to me if this is one teacher or several.

but with the poor quality of teachers spilling out of the liberal teacher puppy mills I think there could be more than one

lets hope Abbot keeps the pressure on the Wylie ISD over this
"Controversial" Empty Suits, on BOTH sides, and the media talking heads and alleged journalist are "Publicly Educated"- they deem themselves an omnipotent that can determine "essential"- THAT is "controversial"!

I wonder if they have to replace mirrors they look into?
Why is, all of a sudden, cops is called police officer and not law enFORCEment officers?
Hmmmmmmmm- inquiring minds want to know?

Gov. Greg Abbott Calls For TEA Investigation, Wants Wylie ISD Teacher Fired Over Assignment Comparing Police To KKK

View attachment 379056
Its still unclear to me if this is one teacher or several.

but with the poor quality of teachers spilling out of the liberal teacher puppy mills I think there could be more than one

lets hope Abbot keeps the pressure on the Wylie ISD over this
Perhaps you should look into the history of police officers in this country.....that is exactly how they started out....

And Greg Abbott can fire that teacher all he wants -- but he damn sure can't refute the facts of it...

Whoever did that cartoon is a lunatic leftist that belongs in an asylum, not a school. Not only did they compare police to klansmen, they made them out to be the muslim slave poachers, democrook runaway catchers and democrook deputies enforcing democrook Jim Crow law enforcers. To even pretend the first 4 frames compare to what happened to Floyd is beyond intellectually bankrupt.

Then again we're talking about bed wetting liberals, when it comes to intellect they owe the rest of us trillions in wasted school tax dollars, as well as the trees for the theft of oxygen.

What is false about the message of the school assignment?

A person has to have an IQ of at least 80 in order to understand why this is so incredibly inappropriate in the classroom.
I can tell your IQ can't explain why..

Racist big
Ah, so now we have cops, that kill unarmed people that are complaining that their snowflake feelings were hurt over a cartoon....Talk about the cancel culture of the blue.

More black people have died in the hands of these riot terrorists than all unarmed blacks at the hands of the police for 2019 and 2020 combined

If your IQ was above 80 you would have known that.

You just love proving how stupid you really are don't you Moonie. Its not enough for us to suspect it you have to post and confirm it for everyone.

Gov. Greg Abbott Calls For TEA Investigation, Wants Wylie ISD Teacher Fired Over Assignment Comparing Police To KKK

View attachment 379056
Its still unclear to me if this is one teacher or several.

but with the poor quality of teachers spilling out of the liberal teacher puppy mills I think there could be more than one

lets hope Abbot keeps the pressure on the Wylie ISD over this
Perhaps you should look into the history of police officers in this country.....that is exactly how they started out....

And Greg Abbott can fire that teacher all he wants -- but he damn sure can't refute the facts of it...

How about you cite those ‘facts’ instead of posting an op-Ed loaded with bullshit and irrelevant ‘history’?
I got a good picture in my head of what this piece of shit "teacher" looks like.... they're going to great lengths to hide it.

But I just love how my beloved state deals with the filth in our communities..... <salute>

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