Texas Begins Arresting Illegal Immigrants for Trespassing as Part of Gov. Greg Abbott’s Border Security Plan

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Epoch Times ^ | July 23, 2021 | TOM OZIMEK

Authorities in Texas have begun arresting illegal immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico border on trespassing charges, according to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has blamed the Biden administration for the surge in illegal immigration and has put in motion his own border security plan to crack down on illegal crossings.

“Texas has begun arresting illegal immigrants who are trespassing in Texas or vandalizing property & fences. They are now being sent to this jail rather than being released like the Biden Admin. has been doing. We are adding more officers, National Guard & jails,” Abbott said in a tweet Thursday.

So far, at least 10 people have been jailed, with more on the way, authorities said Thursday. The detainees are being held at what had been an empty state prison in Dilley, Texas, about 100 miles north of the border city of Laredo, according to Robert Hurst, a spokesman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. The converted facility will be able to hold more than 950 people, he said.

Val Verde County Attorney David Martinez said that all of those arrested so far have been single adult men. He said he had been advised last week that the number of arrests of illegal immigrants could rise to as many as 100 to 200 per day.

The arrests put in motion plans that Abbott first announced in June, when he hosted a Border Security Summit in Del Rio, during which he said individuals who enter Texas illegally would be subject to arrest for trespassing.

“President Biden’s open-border policies have led to a humanitarian crisis at our southern border as record levels of illegal immigrants, drugs, and contraband pour into Texas,” Abbott said in a June 10 statement. “While securing the border is the federal government’s responsibility, Texas will not sit idly by as this crisis grows. The state is working collaboratively with communities impacted by the crisis to arrest and detain individuals coming into Texas illegally.”

During the summit, Abbott said he had directed the Texas Commission on Jail Standards and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to work with counties to establish alternative detention facilities to ensure enough jail capacity to house illegal immigrants arrested for trespassing.

“Our efforts will only be effective if we work together to secure the border, make criminal arrests, protect landowners, rid our communities of dangerous drugs, and provide Texans with the support they need and deserve,” Abbott said at the time. “This is an unprecedented crisis, and Texas is responding with the most robust and comprehensive border plan the nation has ever seen.”

Illegal immigrants arrested by state troopers for trespassing first began showing up at the former prison on Tuesday. Prison officials said in a statement said that preparations for the Dilley facility included temporary air conditioning—which many Texas prisons don’t have in living areas—and training and licensing jailers.

Abbott has also announced that Texas would continue building former President Donald Trump’s border wall and called on other governors to deploy law enforcement and National Guard members to the southern border.

“In the Biden Administration’s absence, Texas is stepping up to get the job done by building the border wall,” Abbott said in a June 16 statement. “Through this comprehensive public safety effort, we will secure the border, slow the influx of unlawful immigrants, and restore order in our border communities.”

Federal immigration officials recently announced that they had apprehended 188,829 people illegally crossing the southwest border in June, up from 180,034 in May. The figure includes more than 15,000 unaccompanied minors, over 55,000 family units, and over 117,000 single adults.


It’s time for Abbot to actually close his sovereign states international border by using his National Guard & explain to the Federal Government that any attempt to stop him will be considered an act of war.

He has every right & every responsibility to protect his citizens & his economy against what can only be referred to as an illegal invasion by unwelcome foreign nationals.
Abbott has also announced that Texas would continue building former President Donald Trump’s border wall and called on other governors to deploy law enforcement and National Guard members to the southern border.
Through this comprehensive public safety effort, we will secure the border, slow the influx of unlawful immigrants, and restore order in our border communities.
It’s time for Abbot to actually close his sovereign states international border by using his National Guard & explain to the Federal Government that any attempt to stop him will be considered an act of war.
He has every right & every responsibility to protect his citizens & his economy against what can only be referred to as an illegal invasion by unwelcome foreign nationals.

Unfortunately, this is dragging us into a sticky widget of gray uncertainty----
  1. Technically, a state doesn't have the jurisdiction to build border walls or defend the border as that is federal jurisdiction. Nor do they have the authority to enforce federal laws.
  2. It is the federal government's responsibility to protect the border, unfortunately, no one has ever written a law imposing what the fine or penalty for not doing so should be and there is no authority to enforce it, other than the fed itself.
  3. Where is Abbott going to get the money to finish the border wall? Will he sue the fed for reparations?
  4. It seems to me then that all Abbott can do is charge the illegals with /civil/ violations of local law such as destruction of property and trespassing. I'm not sure he even has the authority to return these people back to Mexico but instead turning them over to ICE.
  5. I don't think it is possible for a state to declare war against its own government. At best, he can secede from the Union and be considered a traitor like the Confederates.
  6. It would be interesting for Texas to sue the fed for the cost and damages for their not protecting the border.
It is clear Biddum won't protect the border and this will undoubtedly lead to an eventual showdown between the Fed and Texas. What Abbott needs now is for more states to join and side with him.
I don't click on religious cult kookery. In general however - Fuck Greg Abbott :)

The Epoch Times is a far-right[12] international multi-language newspaper and media company affiliated with the Falun Gong new religious movement.[17] The newspaper, based in New York City, is part of the Epoch Media Group, which also operates New Tang Dynasty (NTD) Television.[18] The Epoch Times has websites in 35 countries but is blocked in mainland China.[19]

The Epoch Times opposes the Chinese Communist Party,[20] promotes far-right politicians in Europe,[3][5] and has backed President Donald Trump in the U.S.;[21] a 2019 report by NBC News showed it to be the second-largest funder of pro-Trump Facebook advertising after the Trump campaign.[18][22][23] The Epoch Media Group's news sites and YouTube channels have spread conspiracy theories such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation.[18][24][25] In 2020, the New York Times called it a "global-scale misinformation machine".[21] The Epoch Times frequently promotes other Falun Gong affiliated groups, such as the performing arts company Shen Yun.[14][26][21]
Unfortunately, this is dragging us into a sticky widget of gray uncertainty----
  1. Technically, a state doesn't have the jurisdiction to build border walls or defend the border as that is federal jurisdiction. Nor do they have the authority to enforce federal laws.
  2. It is the federal government's responsibility to protect the border, unfortunately, no one has ever written a law imposing what the fine or penalty for not doing so should be and there is no authority to enforce it, other than the fed itself.
  3. Where is Abbott going to get the money to finish the border wall? Will he sue the fed for reparations?
  4. It seems to me then that all Abbott can do is charge the illegals with /civil/ violations of local law such as destruction of property and trespassing. I'm not sure he even has the authority to return these people back to Mexico but instead turning them over to ICE.
  5. I don't think it is possible for a state to declare war against its own government. At best, he can secede from the Union and be considered a traitor like the Confederates.
  6. It would be interesting for Texas to sue the fed for the cost and damages for their not protecting the border.
It is clear Biddum won't protect the border and this will undoubtedly lead to an eventual showdown between the Fed and Texas. What Abbott needs now is for more states to join and side with him.
What is needed is for Abbott to be arrested and deposed and a Governor put into place who understands the Constitution.

Texas can't even keep the lights on. The state should stop trying to pretend it's a country. It's a craphole.
What is the status of the illegals Biden is shipping all over the US? Republican governors need to step up on this issue and come up with a unified way to to fight back on Biden flooding red states with illegals.
Better for the country, you need to shut your racist mouth. Your obsession with "illegals" (in fact, REFUGEES) is sick and perverted. You're just like all the anti-immigrant RepubliQans, an ethically challenged contorted demon.
Better for the country, you need to shut your racist mouth. Your obsession with "illegals" (in fact, REFUGEES) is sick and perverted. You're just like all the anti-immigrant RepubliQans, an ethically challenged contorted demon.

Those that are coming from Central America are not refugees but people knowing that those like you will pay them to live off welfare while manipulating them into voting for your political party which will backfire as usual.

Also if you care so much about those people what are you and Biden doing to lean the mess up down there so those people will stop leaving?

When will Biden and those like you tell Russia and China to stop funding the gangs and cartels that have ravage those small countries while countries like China rape their resources?
Those that are coming from Central America are not refugees but people knowing that those like you will pay them to live off welfare while manipulating them into voting for your political party which will backfire as usual.

Also if you care so much about those people what are you and Biden doing to lean the mess up down there so those people will stop leaving?

When will Biden and those like you tell Russia and China to stop funding the gangs and cartels that have ravage those small countries while countries like China rape their resources?
Clearly you know little of the situation. Going on about China... do you think China causes everything? Is China to you like the Jews to Hitler? I think you're obsessed. I can't stand the Chinese regime but get some perspective.

They are refugees. They are desperate. They are fleeing the likelihood of death. Most of the causation for all of that traces back to the USA. The USA created the mess. Biden and Harris are precisely trying to convince the 3 govts there to clean up the countries, stop behaving like sub-thugs to USA corporate overlords, get rid of the death squads...

I used to live there. Don't start telling us what is going on with those people. You do not know.
Clearly you know little of the situation. Going on about China... do you think China causes everything? Is China to you like the Jews to Hitler? I think you're obsessed. I can't stand the Chinese regime but get some perspective.

They are refugees. They are desperate. They are fleeing the likelihood of death. Most of the causation for all of that traces back to the USA. The USA created the mess. Biden and Harris are precisely trying to convince the 3 govts there to clean up the countries, stop behaving like sub-thugs to USA corporate overlords, get rid of the death squads...

I used to live there. Don't start telling us what is going on with those people. You do not know.

Seeing the moderators are allowing abusive content then I will tell you to go fuck yourself with your Hitler nonsense and I doubt you ever lived in Central America and are just proclaiming that you did to not so fucking ignorant!

I wrote Russia, China and even Iran have been messing around in the area for over two decades and all you can say is “ China to you like Jews were to Hitler “ which make you another loser that can not even hold a rational conversation at all!

First off it is you mentioning 1956 or was it 1954, whichever while you left out 1946 and the STD experiments that Truman sanction in the region, so why not mention that?

Because you are another Democrat Propaganda piece of trash that keep on leaving critical information out while trying to pretend he knows what he is writing about!

I requested you show me what the U.S. has done the last twenty years to cause this influx of illegals and you wrote about Reagan which which was the 1980’s and yes the ramifications from the proxy-war between the Soviets ( you purposely left out ) and the U.S. left a scar and damage the U.S. is not the real culprit any longer down there and it is your beloved China that is backing Cartels, gangs and Government officials causing the strife down there, so why aren’t you angry about that?

Simple, you love China and it meddling into other nations business and raping it resources while it harms the U.S. economy and infrastructure!

So as you try to lecture me I highly doubt you have ever been outside China and are nothing but another lying ass troll that will get banned from here soon enough!
Your inviable agriculture wastes water, has insecure supplies, is toxic, and will collapse with even minor climate change. It's already begun.

How much of the oil in the atmosphere killing life on the planet came from beneath the ground in Texas?

Well let ask the real question how much oil has Mexico sold to the U.S. the last two decades while raping the ground and destroying it environment?

How about California raping of it environment?

How about Canada and it oil sludge it sells?

Where is your complaint about them?

Not a word and yet you hate Texas which is a Minority-Majority State that has a large Hispanic/Latino Community, so why so much hate for Tejas seeing you claim to be from Central America?

Texas supplies you more than any of your Central American countries and Mexico relies on Texas for trade, and yet so much hate and I wonder why?
Your inviable agriculture wastes water, has insecure supplies, is toxic, and will collapse with even minor climate change. It's already begun.

How much of the oil in the atmosphere killing life on the planet came from beneath the ground in Texas?
The Green New Deal Is a Dead Man's Hand

Before the Lethal Lockdown, auto emissions had stopped all pandemics for 100 years, ever since they reached levels to wipe out the Spanish Influenza. Viruses can only survive in what the GreenHead Unabombers call "Clean Air," which is by far the most toxic of all and a carrier that throughout pre-industrial history killed more people than wars and even killed more soldiers in wars than their enemies did.

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